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Contributing to MiMa


If you'd like to contribute to the MiMa project, please sign the contributor's licensing agreement.


MiMa is split into several modules:

  • mima-core: classes that are used for detection and reporting
  • sbt-mima-plugin: the sbt plugin to integrate MiMa into sbt builds

Functional Tests

The directory 'functional-tests' contains tests to verify MiMa's behaviour (blackbox testing). These may be run by executing


within sbt.

To add a new functional test to the suite, create a new directory within the 'functional-tests' directory with the following structure:

    | --> <your-new-test-folder> (folder for your new test)
        |-----> problems.txt (the expected list of reported errors - 1 line per error)
        |-----> v1 (folder containing sources @ version 1)
        |-----> v2 (folder containing sources @ version 2)
        |-----> app (folder containing app using the tested code)

After doing that, reload if you are in an sbt shell session (if that makes no sense to you, it means you are fine and you can run the test as usual).

Tests within the functional-tests folder should always pass.

Note: The problems.txt is the test oracle. Expected errors are declared using the MiMa's reporting output (i.e., the output of the tool and the expected errors should match perfectly). Admittedly, this coupling is an issue since the testing framework is highly coupled with the tool output used to report errors to the user. We should improve this and make the two independent. Until then, mind that by changing the output of the tool you will likely have to update some of the test oracles (i.e., problems.txt file). If the problems reported are different in Scala 2.11 or 2.12, compared to Scala 2.13, then you may use a problems-2.11.txt or problems-2.12.txt file.

The functional tests also include app sources (typically an app/App.scala) which exercises the library code. In more detail, it confirms that if no problems are expected (problem.txt is empty, after removing comments) that running the app doesn't throw any error at runtime. It also asserts the reverse: if the test asserts that there are problems (i.e. problem.txt is non-empty, after removing comments) that running the app does throw an error at runtime (i.e. MiMa isn't reporting false positives). Broken down into steps, it does the following:

  1. compile v1
  2. compile app, against the classfiles of v1
  3. compile v2
  4. run the app, with a classpath that contains v2 and not v1

Other tests

There are also a few other test types:

  • the standard test task runs all unit tests in MiMa,
  • the IntegrationTest / test task will run a suite of "integration tests" (seldomly used)
  • the standard scripted task will run the scripted tests for MiMa's sbt plugin

Unit tests should be favoured to verify specific MiMa APIs. Functional tests should be favoured to verify MiMa's behaviour (in a blackbox fashion). Scripted tests should be favoured to verify behaviour when it also concerns its integration in sbt and/or user's tweaking in sbt. Integration tests are used when there's an external dependency, such as depending on resolving external dependencies, and should only be a last resort.

General Workflow

This is the process for committing code into master. There are of course exceptions to these rules, for example minor changes to comments and documentation, fixing a broken build etc.

  1. Make sure you have signed the Lightbend CLA. If not, please sign it online.
  2. Before starting work on a feature or a fix, make sure that there is a ticket for your work in the project's issue tracker. If not, create it first.
  3. Fork the project and perform your work in a Git branch.
  4. When the feature or fix is completed you should open a Pull Request on GitHub.
  5. The Pull Request should be reviewed by other maintainers (as many as feasible/practical). Note that the maintainers can consist of outside contributors, both within and outside Lightbend. Outside contributors are encouraged to participate in the review process, it is not a closed process.
  6. After the review you should fix the issues as needed, pushing the changes as additional commits, iterating until the reviewers give their thumbs up.
  7. Once the code has passed review, it’s ok to amend commits as needed (see the ‘Creating Commits And Writing Commit Messages’ section below).
  8. The Pull Request can be merged into the master branch.
  9. If the code change needs to be applied to other branches as well, create pull requests against those branches with the change rebased onto the respective branches and await successful verification by the continuous integration infrastructure; then merge those pull requests.
  10. Once everything is said and done, associate the ticket with the “earliest” release branch (i.e. if back-ported so that it will be in release x.y.z, find the relevant milestone for that release) and close it.

Pull Request Requirements

For a Pull Request to be considered at all it has to meet these requirements:

  1. Live up to the current code standard:
  2. Regardless of whether the code introduces new features or fixes bugs or regressions, it must have comprehensive tests.
  3. The code must be well documented.
  4. User documentation should be provided for all new features.
  5. Rebase your branch on the latest master if it can’t be cleanly merged.
  6. Pull Request validation passes. What Pull Request validation does is make sure that the current master branch will still compile fine after the currently in-review Pull Request is merged.

If these requirements are not met then the code should not be merged into master, or even reviewed - regardless of how good or important it is.

Creating Commits And Writing Commit Messages

Follow these guidelines when creating public commits and writing commit messages.

  1. If your work spans multiple local commits (for example; if you do safe point commits while working in a feature branch or work in a branch for long time doing merges/rebases etc.) then please do not commit it all but rewrite the history by squashing the commits into as few as necessary. Every commit should be able to be used in isolation, cherry picked etc.
  2. First line should be a descriptive sentence what the commit is doing. It should be possible to fully understand what the commit does by just reading this single line. It is not ok to only list the ticket number, type "minor fix" or similar. If the commit is a small fix, then go to 4. Otherwise, keep reading.
  3. Following the single line description should be a blank line followed by a detailed description of the problem the commit solves and justify your solution. For more info, read this article: Writing good commit messages.
  4. Add keywords for your commit (depending on the degree of automation we reach, the list may change over time):
    • Review by @gituser - if you want to notify someone on the team. The others can, and are encouraged to participate.
    • Fix #ticket - if the commit fixes a ticket (orFix #ticket1, ..., Fix #ticketN, if it fixes several tickets).


Corrected semantic highlighting for methods

Details 1

Details 2

Details 3

Fix #2731, Fix #2732, Re #2733