Ostap offers very nice&efficient way to store the objects in persistent dbase.
This persistency is build around shelve
module and differs in two way
- the conntent of payload is compressed, using
module making the data base very compact- (optionally) the whole database can ve further
'ed usinggzip
module, if the extension.gz
is provided. It makes data banse even more compact.
- (optionally) the whole database can ve further
- in addition to the native
interface fromshelve
, more extensiveinterface with more methods is supported.
Create database and write objects to it:
a = ...
import Ostap.ZipShelve as DBASE
with DBASE.open ( 'my_dbase.db' ) as db : ## create DBASE
db['a'] = a
db['histo'] = ROOT.TH1D('h1','',10,0,1)
Reading objects from database
with DBASE.open ( 'my_dbase.db' , 'read') as db : ## read DBASE
b = db['a']
h2 = db['histo']
One can store in database all pickable objects, that means all python objects, all (serializeable) ROOT
objects. All C++
objects with LCG/Reflex/Cint
-dictionaries are also could be stored database. In practice, everything is storable, including complex combination of python&C++ objects, like dictionary of historgams and python classed, inherited from C++
-base classes.
Ostap adds some decorations even for the plain ROOT.TFile
, making its interface more pythonic:
rfile = ...
obj = rfile['A/B/C/myobj'] ## READ object form the file/directory
rfile['A/B/C/myobj2'] = object2 ## WRITE object to the file/directory
obj = rfile.A.B.C.myobj ## another way to access to the object
obj = rfile.get ( 'A/B/C/q' , None ) ## one more way to get object
for obj in rfile : print obj ## loop over all objects in file
for key,obj in rfile.iteritems() : print key, obj ## another loop
for key,obj in rfile.iteritems( ROOT.TH1 ) : print key, obj ## advanced loop, get only histograms
for k in rfile.keys() : print k ## get all keys and loop over them
for k in rfile.iterkeys() : print k ## loop over all keys in the file
del rfile['A/B'] ## delete the object from the file
rfile.rm ( 'A/B' ) ## delete the object from the file
if 'A/MyHisto' in rfile : print 'OK!' ## check presence of the key
if rfile.has_key ( 'A/MyHisto' ) : print 'OK!' ## check presence of the key
with ROOT.TFile('aa.root') as rfile : rfile.ls() ## context manager protocol
The module Ostap.RootShelve
offers the thin wrapper over ROOT.TFile
that implement shelve
-interface. As a resutl one gets a ligth database build a top of underlying ROOT.TFile
, where ROOT
-objects could be stored:
from Ostap.RootShelve import RooOnlyShelf
db = RooOnlyShelf('mydb.root','c')
h1 = ...
db ['histogram'] = h1
The module Ostap.RootShelve
offers also more sophisticated wrapper over ROOT.TFile
that also implements shelve
-interface and able to store ROOT and any other pickable objects
from Ostap.RootShelve import RooShelf
db = RooShelf('mydb.root','c')
h1 = ...
db ['histogram'] = h1
db ['histogramlist'] = h1,h2,h3
{% discussion "In details ..." %}
For non-ROOT
objects, database actually stores them as ROOT::TString
objects carrying their pickle representation
with on-flight removal/substitutions of some magic symbol sequences, since ROOT::TString
is not a real BLOB
{% enddiscussion %}