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788 lines (610 loc) · 30.7 KB

File metadata and controls

788 lines (610 loc) · 30.7 KB


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  • Add profiling of the slowest example groups to --profile option. The output is sorted by the slowest average example groups.
  • Don't show slow examples if there's a failure and both --fail-fast and --profile options are used (Paweł Gościcki).
  • Rather than always adding spec to the load path, add the configured --default-path to the load path (which defaults to spec). This better supports folks who choose to put their specs in a different directory (John Feminella).
  • Add some logic to test time duration precision. Make it a function of time, dropping precision as the time increases. (Aaron Kromer)
  • Add new backtrace_inclusion_patterns config option. Backtrace lines that match one of these patterns will always be included in the backtrace, even if they match an exclusion pattern, too (Sam Phippen).
  • Support ERB trim mode using the - when parsing .rspec as ERB (Gabor Garami).
  • Give a better error message when let and subject are called without a block. (Sam Phippen).
  • List the precedence of .rspec-local in the configuration documentation (Sam Phippen)
  • Support {a,b} shell expansion syntax in --pattern option (Konstantin Haase).
  • Add cucumber documentation for --require command line option (Bradley Schaefer)
  • Expose configruation options via config:
    • config.libs returns the libs configured to be added onto the load path
    • full_backtrace? returns the state of the backtrace cleaner
    • debug? returns true when the debugger is loaded
    • line_numbers returns the line numbers we are filtering by (if any)
    • full_description returns the RegExp used to filter descriptions (Jon Rowe)
  • Add setters for and RSpec.configuration (Alex Soulim)
  • Configure ruby's warning behaviour with --warnings (Jon Rowe)

Bug fixes

  • Make JSON formatter behave the same when it comes to --profile as the text formatter (Paweł Gościcki).
  • Fix named subjects so that if an inner group defines a method that overrides the named method, subject still retains the originally declared value (Myron Marston).
  • Fix random ordering so that it does not cause rand in examples in nested sibling contexts to return the same value (Max Shytikov).
  • Use the new backtrace_inclusion_patterns config option to ensure that folks who develop code in a directory matching one of the default exclusion patterns (e.g. gems) still get the normal backtrace filtering (Sam Phippen).
  • Fix ordering of before hooks so that before hooks declared in RSpec.configure run before before hooks declared in a shared context (Michi Huber and Tejas Dinkar).
  • Fix Example#full_description so that it gets filled in by the last matcher description (as Example#description already did) when no doc string has been provided (David Chelimsky).
  • Fix the memoized methods (let and subject) leaking define_method as a public method. (Thomas Holmes and Jon Rowe) (#873)


  • Deprecate Configuration#backtrace_clean_patterns in favor of Configuration#backtrace_exclusion_patterns for greater consistency and symmetry with new backtrace_inclusion_patterns config option (Sam Phippen).
  • Deprecate Configuration#requires= in favor of using ruby's require. Requires specified by the command line can still be accessed by the Configuration#require reader. (Bradley Schaefer)

2.13.1 / 2013-03-12

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Bug fixes

  • Use hook classes as proxies rather than extending hook blocks to support lambdas for before/after/around hooks. (David Chelimsky)
  • Fix regression in 2.13.0 that caused confusing behavior when overriding a named subject with an unnamed subject in an inner group and then referencing the outer group subject's name. The fix for this required us to disallow using super in a named subject (which is confusing, anyway -- named subjects create 2 methods, so which method on the parent example group are you supering to?) but super in an unnamed subject continues to work (Myron Marston).
  • Do not allow a referenced let or subject in before(:all) to cause other let declarations to leak across examples (Myron Marston).
  • Work around odd ruby 1.9 bug with String#match that was triggered by passing it a regex from a let declaration. For more info, see (Aaron Kromer).
  • Add missing require 'set' to base_text_formatter.rb (Tom Anderson).


  • Deprecate accessing let or subject declarations in before(:all). These were not intended to be called in a before(:all) hook, as they exist to define state that is reset between each example, while before(:all) exists to define state that is shared across examples in an example group (Myron Marston).

2.13.0 / 2013-02-23

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  • Allow --profile option to take a count argument that determines the number of slow examples to dump (Greggory Rothmeier).
  • Add subject! that is the analog to let!. It defines an explicit subject and sets a before hook that will invoke the subject (Zubin Henner).
  • Fix let and subject declaration so that super and return can be used in them, just like in a normal method. (Myron Marston)
  • Allow output colors to be configured individually. (Charlie Maffitt)
  • Always dump slow examples when --profile option is given, even when an example failed (Myron Marston).

Bug fixes

  • Don't blow up when dumping error output for instances of anonymous error classes (Myron Marston).
  • Fix default backtrace filters so lines from projects containing "gems" in the name are not filtered, but lines from installed gems still are (Myron Marston).
  • Fix autotest command so that is uses double quotes rather than single quotes for windows compatibility (Jonas Tingeborn).
  • Fix its so that uses of subject in a before or let declaration in the parent group continue to reference the parent group's subject. (Olek Janiszewski)

2.12.2 / 2012-12-13

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Bug fixes

  • Fix RSpec::Core::RakeTask so that it is compatible with rake 0.8.7 on ruby 1.8.7. We had accidentally broke it in the 2.12 release (Myron Marston).
  • Fix RSpec::Core::RakeTask so it is tolerant of the Rspec constant for backwards compatibility (Patrick Van Stee)

2.12.1 / 2012-12-01

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Bug fixes

  • Specs are run even if another at_exit hook calls exit. This allows Test::Unit and RSpec to run together. (Suraj N. Kurapati)
  • Fix full doc string concatenation so that it handles the case of a method string (e.g. "#foo") being nested under a context string (e.g. "when it is tuesday"), so that we get "when it is tuesday #foo" rather than "when it is tuesday#foo". (Myron Marston)
  • Restore public API I unintentionally broke in 2.12.0: RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter#format_backtrce(backtrace, example) (Myron Marston).

2.12.0 / 2012-11-12

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  • Add support for custom ordering strategies for groups and examples. (Myron Marston)
  • JSON Formatter (Alex Chaffee)
  • Refactor rake task internals (Sam Phippen)
  • Refactor HtmlFormatter (Pete Hodgson)
  • Autotest supports a path to Ruby that contains spaces (dsisnero)
  • Provide a helpful warning when a shared example group is redefined. (Mark Burns).
  • --default_path can be specified as --default-line. --line_number can be specified as --line-number. Hyphens are more idiomatic command line argument separators (Sam Phippen).
  • A more useful error message is shown when an invalid command line option is used (Jordi Polo).
  • Add format_docstrings { |str| } config option. It can be used to apply formatting rules to example group and example docstrings. (Alex Tan)
  • Add support for an .rspec-local options file. This is intended to allow individual developers to set options in a git-ignored file that override the common project options in .rspec. (Sam Phippen)
  • Support for mocha 0.13.0. (Andy Lindeman)

Bug fixes

  • Remove override of ExampleGroup#ancestors. This is a core ruby method that RSpec shouldn't override. Instead, define ExampleGroup#parent_groups. (Myron Marston)
  • Limit monkey patching of shared example/context declaration methods (shared_examples_for, etc.) to just the objects that need it rather than every object in the system (Myron Marston).
  • Fix Metadata#fetch to support computed values (Sam Goldman).
  • Named subject can now be referred to from within subject block in a nested group (tomykaira).
  • Fix fail_fast so that it properly exits when an error occurs in a before(:all) hook (Bradley Schaefer).
  • Make the order spec files are loaded consistent, regardless of the order of the files returned by the OS or the order passed at the command line (Jo Liss and Sam Phippen).
  • Ensure instance variables from before(:all) are always exposed from after(:all), even if an error occurs in before(:all) (Sam Phippen).
  • rspec --init no longer generates an incorrect warning about --configure being deprecated (Sam Phippen).
  • Fix pluralization of 1 seconds (Odin Dutton)
  • Fix ANSICON url (Jarmo Pertman)
  • Use dup of Time so reporting isn't clobbered by examples that modify Time without properly restoring it. (David Chelimsky)


  • share_as is no longer needed. shared_context and/or RSpec::SharedContext provide better mechanisms (Sam Phippen).
  • Deprecate RSpec.configuration with a block (use RSpec.configure).

2.11.1 / 2012-07-18

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Bug fixes

  • Fix the way we autoload RSpec::Matchers so that custom matchers can be defined before rspec-core has been configured to definitely use rspec-expectations. (Myron Marston)
  • Fix typo in --help message printed for -e option. (Jo Liss)
  • Fix ruby warnings. (Myron Marston)
  • Ignore mock expectation failures when the example has already failed. Mock expectation failures have always been ignored in this situation, but due to my changes in 27059bf1 it was printing a confusing message. (Myron Marston).

2.11.0 / 2012-07-07

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  • Support multiple --example options. (Daniel Doubrovkine @dblock)
  • Named subject e.g. subject(:article) { }
  • config.mock_with and config.expect_with yield custom config object to a block if given
    • aids decoupling from rspec-core's configuation
  • include_context and include_examples support a block, which gets eval'd in the current context (vs the nested context generated by it_behaves_like).
  • Add config.order = 'random' to the spec_helper.rb generated by rspec --init.
  • Delay the loading of DRb (Myron Marston).
  • Limit monkey patching of describe onto just the objects that need it rather than every object in the system (Myron Marston).

Bug fixes

  • Support alternative path separators. For example, on Windows, you can now do this: rspec spec\subdir. (Jarmo Pertman @jarmo)
  • When an example raises an error and an after or around hook does as well, print out the hook error. Previously, the error was silenced and the user got no feedback about what happened. (Myron Marston)
  • --require and -I are merged among different configuration sources (Andy Lindeman)
  • Delegate to mocha methods instead of aliasing them in mocha adapter.

2.10.1 / 2012-05-19

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Bug fixes

  • RSpec.reset properly reinits configuration and world
  • Call to_s before split on exception messages that might not always be Strings (slyphon)

2.10.0 / 2012-05-03

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  • Add prepend_before and append_after hooks (preethiramdev)
    • intended for extension libs
    • restores rspec-1 behavior
  • Reporting of profiled examples (moro)
    • Report the total amount of time taken for the top slowest examples.
    • Report what percentage the slowest examples took from the total runtime.

Bug fixes

  • Properly parse SPEC_OPTS options.
  • example.description returns the location of the example if there is no explicit description or matcher-generated description.
  • RDoc fixes (Grzegorz Świrski)
  • Do not modify example ancestry when dumping errors (Michael Grosser)

2.9.0 / 2012-03-17

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  • Support for "X minutes X seconds" spec run duration in formatter. (uzzz)
  • Strip whitespace from group and example names in doc formatter.
  • Removed spork-0.9 shim. If you're using spork-0.8.x, you'll need to upgrade to 0.9.0.

Bug fixes

  • Restore --full_backtrace option
  • Ensure that values passed to config.filter_run are respected when running over DRb (using spork).
  • Ensure shared example groups are reset after a run (as example groups are).
  • Remove rescue false from calls to filters represented as Procs
  • Ensure described_class gets the closest constant (pyromaniac)
  • In "autorun", don't run the specs in the at_exit hook if there was an exception (most likely due to a SyntaxError). (sunaku)
  • Don't extend groups with modules already used to extend ancestor groups.
  • its correctly memoizes nil or false values (Yamada Masaki)

2.8.0 / 2012-01-04

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Bug fixes

  • For metadata filtering, restore passing the entire array to the proc, rather than each item in the array (weidenfreak)
  • Ensure each spec file is loaded only once
    • Fixes a bug that caused all the examples in a file to be run when referenced twice with line numbers in a command, e.g.
      • rspec path/to/file:37 path/to/file:42

2.8.0.rc2 / 2011-12-19

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  • new --init command (Peter Schröder)
    • generates spec/spec_helper.rb
    • deletes obsolete files (on confirmation)
    • merged with and deprecates --configure command, which generated .rspec
  • use require_relative when available (Ian Leitch)
  • include_context and include_examples accept params (Calvin Bascom)
  • print the time for every example in the html formatter (Richie Vos)
  • several tasty refactoring niblets (Sasha)
  • `it "does something", :x => [:foo,'bar',/baz/] (Ivan Neverov)
    • supports matching n command line tag values with an example or group

2.8.0.rc1 / 2011-11-06

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  • --order (Justin Ko)
    • run examples in random order: --order rand
    • specify the seed: --order rand:123
  • --seed SEED
    • equivalent of --order rand:SEED
  • SharedContext supports let (David Chelimsky)
  • Filter improvements (David Chelimsky)
    • override opposing tags from the command line
    • override RSpec.configure tags from the command line
    • --line_number 37 overrides all other filters
    • path/to/file.rb:37 overrides all other filters
    • refactor: consolidate filter management in a FilterManger object
  • Eliminate Ruby warnings (Matijs van Zuijlen)
  • Make an API (David Chelimsky)
    • supports extension tools like interative_rspec


  • change config.color_enabled (getter/setter/predicate) to color to align with --[no]-color CLI option.
    • color_enabled is still supported for now, but will likley be deprecated in a 2.x release so we can remove it in 3.0.

Bug fixes

  • Make sure the bar in --tag foo:bar makes it to DRb (Aaron Gibralter)

  • Fix bug where full descriptions of groups nested 3 deep were repeated.

  • Restore report of time to run to start after files are loaded.

    • fixes bug where run times were cumalitive in spork
    • fixes compatibility with time-series metrics
  • Don't error out when config.mock_with or expect_with is re-specifying the current config (Myron Marston)

  • Deprecations

    • :alias option on configuration.add_setting. Use :alias_with on the original setting declaration instead.

2.7.1 / 2011-10-20

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Bug fixes

  • tell autotest the correct place to find the rspec executable

2.7.0 / 2011-10-16

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NOTE: RSpec's release policy dictates that there should not be any backward incompatible changes in minor releases, but we're making an exception to release a change to how RSpec interacts with other command line tools.

As of 2.7.0, you must explicity require "rspec/autorun" unless you use the rspec command (which already does this for you).


  • Add example.exception (David Chelimsky)
  • --default_path command line option (Justin Ko)
  • support multiple --line_number options (David J. Hamilton)
    • also supports path/to/file.rb:5:9 (runs examples on lines 5 and 9)
  • Allow classes/modules to be used as shared example group identifiers (Arthur Gunn)
  • Friendly error message when shared context cannot be found (Sławosz Sławiński)
  • Clear formatters when resetting config (John Bintz)
  • Add xspecify and xexample as temp-pending methods (David Chelimsky)
  • Add --no-drb option (Iain Hecker)
  • Provide more accurate run time by registering start time before code is loaded (David Chelimsky)
    • reverted in 2.8.0
  • Rake task default pattern finds specs in symlinked dirs (Kelly Felkins)
  • Rake task no longer does anything to invoke bundler since Bundler already handles it for us. Thanks to Andre Arko for the tip.
  • Add --failure-exit-code option (Chris Griego)

Bug fixes

  • Include Rake::DSL to remove deprecation warnings in Rake > 0.8.7 (Pivotal Casebook)
  • Only eval let block once even if it returns nil (Adam Meehan)
  • Fix --pattern option (wasn't being recognized) (David Chelimsky)
  • Only implicitly require "rspec/autorun" with the rspec command (David Chelimsky)
  • Ensure that rspec's at_exit defines the exit code (Daniel Doubrovkine)
  • Show the correct snippet in the HTML and TextMate formatters (Brian Faherty)

2.6.4 / 2011-06-06

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NOTE: RSpec's release policy dictates that there should not be new functionality in patch releases, but this minor enhancement slipped in by accident. As it doesn't add a new API, we decided to leave it in rather than roll back this release.


  • Add summary of commands to run individual failed examples.

Bug fixes

  • Support exclusion filters in DRb. (Yann Lugrin)
  • Fix --example escaping when run over DRb. (Elliot Winkler)
  • Use standard ANSI codes for color formatting so colors work in a wider set of color schemes.

2.6.3 / 2011-05-24

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Bug fixes

  • Explicitly convert exit code to integer, avoiding TypeError when return value of run is IO object proxied by DRb::DRbObject (Julian Scheid)
  • Clarify behavior of --example command line option
  • Build using a rubygems-1.6.2 to avoid downstream yaml parsing error

2.6.2 / 2011-05-21

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Bug fixes

  • Warn rather than raise when HOME env var is not defined
  • Properly merge command-line exclusions with default :if and :unless (joshcooper)

2.6.1 / 2011-05-19

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Bug fixes

  • Don't extend nil when filters are nil
  • require 'rspec/autorun' when running rcov.

2.6.0 / 2011-05-12

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  • shared_context (Damian Nurzynski)
    • extend groups matching specific metadata with:
      • method definitions
      • subject declarations
      • let/let! declarations
      • etc (anything you can do in a group)
  • its([:key]) works for any subject with #[]. (Peter Jaros)
  • treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values (Myron Marston)
  • Print a deprecation warning when you configure RSpec after defining an example. All configuration should happen before any examples are defined. (Myron Marston)
  • Pass the exit status of a DRb run to the invoking process. This causes specs run via DRb to not just return true or false. (Ilkka Laukkanen)
  • Refactoring of ConfigurationOptions#parse_options (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas)
  • Report excluded filters in runner output (tip from andyl)
  • Clean up messages for filters/tags.
  • Restore --pattern/-P command line option from rspec-1
  • Support false as well as true in config.full_backtrace= (Andreas Tolf Tolfsen)

Bug fixes

  • Don't stumble over an exception without a message (Hans Hasselberg)
  • Remove non-ascii characters from comments that were choking rcov (Geoffrey Byers)
  • Fixed backtrace so it doesn't include lines from before the autorun at_exit hook (Myron Marston)
  • Include RSpec::Matchers when first example group is defined, rather than just before running the examples. This works around an obscure bug in ruby 1.9 that can cause infinite recursion. (Myron Marston)
  • Don't send example_group_[started|finished] to formatters for empty groups.
  • Get specs passing on jruby (Sidu Ponnappa)
  • Fix bug where mixing nested groups and outer-level examples gave unpredictable :line_number behavior (Artur Małecki)
  • Regexp.escape the argument to --example (tip from Elliot Winkler)
  • Correctly pass/fail pending block with message expectations
  • CommandLine returns exit status (0/1) instead of true/false
  • Create path to formatter output file if it doesn't exist (marekj).

2.5.1 / 2011-02-06

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NOTE: this release breaks compatibility with rspec/autotest/bundler integration, but does so in order to greatly simplify it.

With this release, if you want the generated autotest command to include 'bundle exec', require Autotest's bundler plugin in a .autotest file in the project's root directory or in your home directory:

require "autotest/bundler"

Now you can just type 'autotest' on the commmand line and it will work as you expect.

If you don't want 'bundle exec', there is nothing you have to do.

2.5.0 / 2011-02-05

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  • Autotest::Rspec2 parses command line args passed to autotest after '--'
  • --skip-bundler option for autotest command
  • Autotest regexp fixes (Jon Rowe)
  • Add filters to html and textmate formatters (Daniel Quimper)
  • Explicit passing of block (need for JRuby 1.6) (John Firebaugh)

Bug fixes

  • fix dom IDs in HTML formatter (Brian Faherty)
  • fix bug with --drb + formatters when not running in drb
  • include --tag options in drb args (monocle)
  • fix regression so now SPEC_OPTS take precedence over CLI options again (Roman Chernyatchik)
  • only call its(:attribute) once (failing example from Brian Dunn)
  • fix bizarre bug where rspec would hang after String.alias :to_int :to_i (Damian Nurzynski)


  • implicit inclusion of 'bundle exec' when Gemfile present (use autotest's bundler plugin instead)

2.4.0 / 2011-01-02

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  • start the debugger on -d so the stack trace is visible when it stops (Clifford Heath)
  • apply hook filtering to examples as well as groups (Myron Marston)
  • support multiple formatters, each with their own output
  • show exception classes in failure messages unless they come from RSpec matchers or message expectations
  • before(:all) { pending } sets all examples to pending

Bug fixes

  • fix bug due to change in behavior of reject in Ruby 1.9.3-dev (Shota Fukumori)
  • fix bug when running in jruby: be explicit about passing block to super (John Firebaugh)
  • rake task doesn't choke on paths with quotes (Janmejay Singh)
  • restore --options option from rspec-1
  • require 'ostruct' to fix bug with its([key]) (Kim Burgestrand)
  • --configure option generates .rspec file instead of autotest/discover.rb

2.3.1 / 2010-12-16

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Bug fixes

  • send debugger warning message to $stdout if RSpec.configuration.error_stream has not been defined yet.
  • HTML Formatter finally properly displays nested groups (Jarmo Pertman)
  • eliminate some warnings when running RSpec's own suite (Jarmo Pertman)

2.3.0 / 2010-12-12

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  • tell autotest to use "rspec2" if it sees a .rspec file in the project's root directory
    • replaces the need for ./autotest/discover.rb, which will not work with all versions of ZenTest and/or autotest
  • config.expect_with
    • :rspec # => rspec/expectations
    • :stdlib # => test/unit/assertions
    • :rspec, :stdlib # => both

Bug fixes

  • fix dev Gemfile to work on non-mac-os machines (Lake Denman)
  • ensure explicit subject is only eval'd once (Laszlo Bacsi)

2.2.1 / 2010-11-28

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Bug fixes

  • alias_method instead of override Kernel#method_missing (John Wilger)
  • changed --autotest to --tty in generated command (MIKAMI Yoshiyuki)
  • revert change to debugger (had introduced conflict with Rails)
    • also restored --debugger/-debug option

2.2.0 / 2010-11-28

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  • --debug/-d on command line is deprecated and now has no effect
  • win32console is now ignored; Windows users must use ANSICON for color support (Bosko Ivanisevic)


  • When developing locally rspec-core now works with the rspec-dev setup or your local gems
  • Raise exception with helpful message when rspec-1 is loaded alongside rspec-2 (Justin Ko)
  • debugger statements just work as long as ruby-debug is installed
    • otherwise you get warned, but not fired
  • Expose example.metadata in around hooks
  • Performance improvments (much faster now)

Bug fixes

  • Make sure --fail-fast makes it across drb
  • Pass -Ilib:spec to rcov

2.1.0 / 2010-11-07

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  • Add skip_bundler option to rake task to tell rake task to ignore the presence of a Gemfile (jfelchner)
  • Add gemfile option to rake task to tell rake task what Gemfile to look for (defaults to 'Gemfile')
  • Allow passing caller trace into Metadata to support extensions (Glenn Vanderburg)
  • Add deprecation warning for Spec::Runner.configure to aid upgrade from RSpec-1
  • Add deprecated Spec::Rake::SpecTask to aid upgrade from RSpec-1
  • Add 'autospec' command with helpful message to aid upgrade from RSpec-1
  • Add support for filtering with tags on CLI (Lailson Bandeira)
  • Add a helpful message about RUBYOPT when require fails in bin/rspec (slyphon)
  • Add "-Ilib" to the default rcov options (Tianyi Cui)
  • Make the expectation framework configurable (default rspec, of course) (Justin Ko)
  • Add 'pending' to be conditional (Myron Marston)
  • Add explicit support for :if and :unless as metadata keys for conditional run of examples (Myron Marston)
  • Add --fail-fast command line option (Jeff Kreeftmeijer)

Bug fixes

  • Eliminate stack overflow with "subject { self }"
  • Require 'rspec/core' in the Raketask (ensures it required when running rcov)

2.0.1 / 2010-10-18

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Bug fixes

  • Restore color when using spork + autotest
  • Pending examples without docstrings render the correct message (Josep M. Bach)
  • Fixed bug where a failure in a spec file ending in anything but _spec.rb would fail in a confusing way.
  • Support backtrace lines from erb templates in html formatter (Alex Crichton)

2.0.0 / 2010-10-10

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RSpec-1 compatibility

  • Rake task uses ENV["SPEC"] as file list if present

Bug fixes

  • Bug Fix: optparse --out foo.txt (Leonardo Bessa)
  • Suppress color codes for non-tty output (except autotest)

2.0.0.rc / 2010-10-05

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  • implicitly require unknown formatters so you don't have to require the file explicitly on the commmand line (Michael Grosser)
  • add --out/-o option to assign output target
  • added fail_fast configuration option to abort on first failure
  • support a Hash subject (its([:key]) { should == value }) (Josep M. Bach)

Bug fixes

  • Explicitly require rspec version to fix broken rdoc task (Hans de Graaff)
  • Ignore backtrace lines that come from other languages, like Java or Javascript (Charles Lowell)
  • Rake task now does what is expected when setting (or not setting) fail_on_error and verbose
  • Fix bug in which before/after(:all) hooks were running on excluded nested groups (Myron Marston)
  • Fix before(:all) error handling so that it fails examples in nested groups, too (Myron Marston)

2.0.0.beta.22 / 2010-09-12

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  • removed at_exit hook
  • CTRL-C stops the run (almost) immediately
    • first it cleans things up by running the appropriate after(:all) and after(:suite) hooks
    • then it reports on any examples that have already run
  • cleaned up rake task
    • generate correct task under variety of conditions
    • options are more consistent
    • deprecated redundant options
  • run 'bundle exec autotest' when Gemfile is present
  • support ERB in .rspec options files (Justin Ko)
  • depend on bundler for development tasks (Myron Marston)
  • add example_group_finished to formatters and reporter (Roman Chernyatchik)

Bug fixes

  • support paths with spaces when using autotest (Andreas Neuhaus)
  • fix module_exec with ruby 1.8.6 (Myron Marston)
  • remove context method from top-level
    • was conflicting with irb, for example
  • errors in before(:all) are now reported correctly (Chad Humphries)


  • removed -o --options-file command line option
    • use ./.rspec and ~/.rspec