- Better support for the 2023 update, but it's probably not finished yet. I assume calculating heights/rails etc. with releasers won't yet work properly.
- Added Balance Starter Set
- Sets are now ordered alphabetically in the "Buildable" section
- Add a disclaimer at the top, including contact information
- Add docs for how to add a course
- Initial support for the 2023 Gravitrax Update (Lightstones)
- #24: Show more details for buildable courses
- #17: The buildable courses now return a table with links to the app and other things instead of just a list
- #9: Store inventory in localStorage
- Return buildable courses ordered by creation date (in the database), this means that newly added courses will always appear at the end of the list
- #15: Fix Gravisheet output
- #12: Support ZiplineAdded2019 courses
- #14: Better guess the number of marbles needed
- #8: Adds all remaining sets
- Added Starter-Set Obstacle and Starter-Set Race
- Started changelog :)