Name | Type | Description | Notes |
marketplace_technical_codes | Array<BeezUPCommonMarketplaceTechnicalCode> | [optional] | |
marketplace_business_codes | Array<BeezUPCommonMarketplaceBusinessCode> | [optional] | |
account_ids | Array<AccountId> | Account Id list | [optional] |
store_ids | Array<BeezUPCommonStoreId> | Store Id list | [optional] |
beez_up_order_statuses | Array<BeezUPOrderStatus> | [optional] | |
date_search_type | DateSearchType | [optional] | |
begin_period_utc_date | DateTime | The begin period you want to make the search. \ The period MUST not be greater than 30 days. The begin period MUST be lower than the end period. | |
end_period_utc_date | DateTime | The end period of you search. \ The period MUST not be greater than 30 days. \ The end period MUST be greater than the begin period. The end period MUST be lower to the current date. | |
order_buyer_name | OrderBuyerName | [optional] | |
marketplace_order_ids | Array<MarketplaceOrderId> | [optional] | |
order_merchant_order_ids | Array<OrderMerchantOrderId> | Merchant order id list | [optional] |