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376 lines (300 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

376 lines (300 loc) · 11.7 KB



  • intellij, android studio
SHIFT + F6  // rename
CTRL + SHIFT + R    // find and replace
SHIFT + F10 // run
F10 (file > settings > keymap > set a key for distraction) // Distraction-Free Mode; View > Distraction-Free Mode
CTRL + F4   // close tab
CTRL + 7    // un/comment; file > settings > keymap
CTRL + ALT + O	// organize imports
CTRL + ALT + L	// format code
CTRL + B    // jump to source
CTRL + O    // override methods
2x SHIFT    // global search (commands, open files, ...)
CTRL + E    // open recently opend files
CTRL + ALT + M  // extract function
CTRL + I    // implement methods
CTRL + ALT + INSERT / EINFG // create new file
ALT + 1 // open / close project view
ALT + 4 // open / close run view
SHIFT + ALT + left/right    // switch design / text tab in layout

CTRL + ALT + L  // reformat code (Android Studio)



  • there are two types of a proxy (server)
  • forward proxy: the client is using the proxy
  • reverse proxy: the server is using the proxy

drawn with yed

Why use a proxy?

  • a proxy acts as a middleman. in other words: the traffic goes through the proxy
  • protect client or server from direct interactions (=security)

Load Balancer

  • distributes the total load / traffic to multiple servers


vboxmanage list vms
"WinDev1910Eval" {...}

cheatsheet: linux

  • unpack compressed tar gz files
tar xfv ../Downloads/zulu8.40.0.25-ca-jdk8.0.222-linux_x64.tar.gz
unzip -l	// list files
unzip -d specific-dir/		// extract to dir specific dir
zip -r -0 -s 900m folder-to-archive/    // split zip each 900MB; just archive no compress; recursivly.
  • copy, disc usage / free
cp -v folder/file-* .   // copy all files with file-* to current folder. verbose on.
for i in {1..100}; do cp free.ogg "free$i.ogg"; done    // copy files multible times
df -h . // free disk space; human readable
du -h --max-depth=1 /home/  // disc usage for a folder with given depth
  • network / openwrt
arp	// list MAC adress to IP adress
cat /var/dhcp.leases	// show IP adress, hostname, MAC adress
nmap -v ip.adress	// fast simple scan for default ports
sudo service dnsmasq restart	// restart dnsmasq: DCHP server (usually this is installed on openwrt)
dmesg	// display kernel ring buffer (data structure of messages operated by kernel)
  • symbolic links
ln -s apache-maven-3.6.1 maven
ln -s zulu8.40.0.25-ca-jdk8.0.222-linux_x64 jdk
rm jdk  // remove symbolic link
  • image resize
# dependency: imagemagick
convert -resize 25% screenshot.png screenshot.png
  • config the environment variable PATH. Put that in ~/.profile (restart)

user management

  • create user: useradd guest
  • check user account information passwd: cat /etc/passwd | grep guest

[username]:[x]:[UID]:[GID]:[Comment]:[Home directory]:[Default shell]
  • check group account information group: cat /etc/group | grep guest

[Group name]:[Group password]:[GID]:[Group members]
  • modify user: usermod --expiredate 2020-01-01 guest

  • set password: passwd guest

  • delete user: userdel --remove guest. will also delete /var/mail/guest and /home/guest

group management

  • display, add, delete group
  • add user to group
$ groups guest
guest : guest

$ groupadd restricted	# will take the next free gid usually 1001 
$ groupadd -g 2000 restricted	# we specify the gid (= 2000)

$ cat /etc/group | grep restricted

$ chown guest:restricted open.txt 

$ ls -l open.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest restricted 15 Dez 23 23:50 open.txt

$ usermod -aG restricted guest

$ groups guest
guest : guest restricted

$ chmod 440 open.txt

$ ls -l open.txt 
-r--r----- 1 guest restricted 18 Dez 24 00:37 open.txt

$ groupdel restricted

jdk, maven, netbeans, ...



iso to usb stick

sudo dd if=linux.iso of=/dev/sda bs=1M && sync

battery lifetime / runtime with TLP

sudo tlp-stat -s	// manual start
sudo tlp-stat -b	// show battery info

/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/cycle_count                    =      3
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full_design             =  57020 [mWh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full                    =  57660 [mWh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now                     =  47530 [mWh]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/power_now                      =   7446 [mW]
/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status                         = Discharging
Charge                                                      =   82.4 [%]
Capacity                                                    =  101.1 [%]

show / change display brightness / backlight

cat /sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness

file operation

curl --output

split -l 50 file.csv  // split file to multiple files for given line number

grep -n 'search' file.csv // line numbers occurence

sed -n '/pattern/=' file.csv  // line numbers occurence


  • shortcuts
ALT + SHIFT + T		// open terminal
CTRL + SHIFT + T	// terminal: open tab
  • update, upgrade, install software
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git



  • Who are you?
  • Methods: Login form, HTTP authentication, X.509 certificates, HTTP digest, ...


  • What can i do?
  • Methods: Access control for URLs, Secure objects and methods, Access control lists (ACLs)
  • Types: Role-, Claims-, Policy-based authorization

SiteMinder, Single Sign-On

  • SSO is a solution that allows a user to authenticate once and gain access to all applications/resources supported by the SSO, without having to sign in separately to each application/resource.
  • with a SiteMinder Web Agent a client request is intercepted
    • Web Agent is a filter on the web server
    • is the request path (resource) is protected then the request goes to Policy Server
    • the Policy Server needs the credentials (username / password) to gave access
  • why use SSO / SiteMinder?
    • it acts as a single point of truth
    • otherwise the user has to login each per system (ex. apache web server, IIS windows server, ...)
  • CA Single Sign-On (formerly CA SiteMinder)
  • CA SiteMinder Policy Server
  • CA SiteMinder authentication provider

HTTP authentication schemas

  • Basic: uses the easily reversible Base64 encoding instead of hashing
  • Digest: applies a hash function to the username and password before sending them over the network
  • Bearer / OAuth
    • Token based authentication
    • is complementary to and distinct from ODIC
    • ODIC and OAuth are often used together
    • OAuth act as the authorization layer
  • NTLM NT LAN Manager authentication is a challenge-response scheme. NTLM uses Windows credentials to transform the challenge data.

API Keys

  • access REST api with a key (no user required)


  • JSON Web Token: is an encrypted JSON (format)
  • typicalls used with Bearer auth.


  • OpenID Connect
  • OIDC providing the user authentication layer

Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)

  • The current Windows user information on the client computer is used by the browser.


  • is a computer-network authentication protocol


  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a standard application protocol
  • sharing of information on users, systems, networks, services, and applications
  • LDAP authentication is the process of validating a username and password with a directory service using the LDAP protocol.



  • encryption / ciphering / encoding
  • we need encryption when ever we send information over unsafe networks.
  • main target of cryptography
    • Confidentiality: only authorized person can read protected information
    • Authentication: you talk to the right person. you can trust.
    • Integrity: the message hasnt been changed
  • encrypt a plaintext with a key and algorithm: plaintext -> chiphertext


  • a one-way function / fingerprint
  • used e.g. for passwords. the hash of it is stored then stored.

example: python MD5

>>> hashlib.md5(b'bob').hexdigest()
>>> hashlib.md5(b'bob').hexdigest()

symmetric / asymmetric encryption

  • symmetric encryption (algorithms): only one key for encryption and decryption
    • problem: both user has to know the key
  • asymmetric encryption / public key cryptography : key pair (private key and public key)
    • the information can decrypted with private key
    • encryption with public key

certificates: encrypted connections

For an secure connection between two nodes (e.g. client / server) we can use TLS (SSL). In order to accomblish this we need a few artifacts.

First of all we need a SSL certificate.

Signed certificate: In order to obtain a signed SSL certificate we can create a private key and a CSR with OpenSSL.

With the key file we create the CSR. And with the CSR in turn we can request a signed digital certificate from an CA.

For the key generation you can use a common public-key cryptosystem provided in OpenSSL.

Self-signed certificate is the counterpart of the CA signed certificate.

Here you just create your private key and your certificate. And use it for secure connection.


  • private key file
  • CSR: Certificate Signing Request
  • CA: certificate authority

cheatsheet: windows

rmdir /S    // delete folder
move source-folder .    // move folder to current folder

h2 database

  • (embedded / payara)
  • start database: asadmin start-database
  • stop database: asadmin stop-database
  • sql connect (e.g. payara5\h2db\bin): java -cp h2.jar
  • create database (take default settings):
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:~/test
Database/Schema: ~/test
  • show tables
sql> show tables;
  • create table
  • quit from sql shell: quit


source: ant in action

  • Unit tests test a piece of a program, such as a class, a module, or a single method. They can identify problems in a small part of the application, and often you can run them without deploying the application.
  • System tests verify that a system as a whole works. A server-side application would be deployed first; the tests would be run against that deployed system, and may simulate client behavior. Another term for this is functional testing.
  • Acceptance tests verify that the entire system/application meets the customers’ acceptance criteria. Performance, memory consumption, and other criteria may be included above the simple “does it work” assessment. These are also some- times called functional tests, just to cause extra confusion.
  • Regression testing means testing a program to see that a change has not broken