How to avoid failing at failure detection by Alex Tavgen, Technical Architect at Playtech
Winning the metrics battle (finally) [Slides] at Velocity Europe 2012
Winning the metrics battle by Simon Hildrew and Nick Satterly, The Guardian
Never fail twice by Alex Tavgen
Make better use of Prometheus with Grafana, Telegraf, and Alerta [$] by Martin Loschwitz, Linux Magazin [DE]
Grafana, Telegraf, Alerta – Prometheus besser nutzen (in German) [$] by Martin Loschwitz, Linux Magazin [DE]
Riemann Learnings by Antonio Terreno, CTO The Labrador
Frankenstack: Toward Real-time Red Team Feedback by Markus Kont, Mauno Pihelgas, Bernhards Blumbergs of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and Kaie Maennel and Toomas Lepik of the Tallinn University of Technology at 2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference
EVE and ADAM: Situation Awareness Tools for NATO CCDCOE Cyber Exercises by Francisco Jesús Rubio Melón of Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, Teemu Uolevi Väisänen of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Mauno Pihelgas of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
Event Correlation Engine [Master's Thesis] by Andreas Müller (2009) at Institut für Technische Informatik und Kommunikationsnetze
ANSI/ISA 18.2 Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries by American National Standards Institute