Throw balls at your opponent's face!
Developed by Remy Sharp of Left Logic, Head Shots was originally a Chrome Experiment for Google IO 2013.
Head Shots aims to show off the new and exciting technology available in mobile and desktop devices in the very near future.
This project includes:
- WebRTC for live video streaming (via getUserMedia)
- WebRTC for data (via RTCDataChannel)
- WebSockets for initial handshaking & fallback streaming
- Orientation events
- CSS3 animations
- HTML5 canvas using Three.js
- Node.js on the server for real-time support
All of the code is available on github and licensed under MIT:
All graphic work was done by Sebastian Hermida, and special thanks to Seb Lee-Delisle for his help with Three.js.
Please get in touch if you've got an interesting or even experimental idea you'd like developed by Left Logic & Remy.