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move properties of ForInStep to separate file
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lecopivo committed Nov 20, 2023
1 parent 8445968 commit c2f27cd
Showing 1 changed file with 244 additions and 0 deletions.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Core/Monads/ForInStep.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
import SciLean.Core.Monads.FwdDerivMonad
import SciLean.Core.Monads.Id
import SciLean.Data.DataArray

set_option linter.unusedVariables false

open SciLean
{K : Type _} [IsROrC K]

-- This is not true but lets assume it for now
instance [Vec K X] : Vec K (ForInStep X) := sorry

-- This is not true but lets assume it for now
instance [SemiInnerProductSpace K X] : SemiInnerProductSpace K (ForInStep X) := sorry

def ForInStep.val : ForInStep α → α
| .yield a => a
| .done a => a

@[simp, ftrans_simp]
theorem ForInStep.val_yield (a : α) : ForInStep.val (.yield a) = a := by rfl

@[simp, ftrans_simp]
theorem ForInStep.val_done (a : α) : ForInStep.val (.done a) = a := by rfl

/-- Turns a pair of values each with yield/done annotation into a pair with
a single yield/done annotation based on the first element. -/
def ForInStep.return2 (x : ForInStep α × ForInStep β) : ForInStep (α × β) :=
match x.1, x.2 with
| .yield x₁, .yield x₂ => .yield (x₁, x₂)
| .yield x₁, .done x₂ => .yield (x₁, x₂)
| .done x₁, .yield x₂ => .done (x₁, x₂)
| .done x₁, .done x₂ => .done (x₁, x₂)

def ForInStep.return2Inv (x : ForInStep (α × β)) : ForInStep α × ForInStep β :=
match x with
| .yield (x,y) => (.yield x, .yield y)
| .done (x,y) => (.done x, .done y)

theorem ForInStep.return2_return2Inv_yield {α β} (x : α × β)
: ForInStep.return2 (ForInStep.return2Inv (.yield x)) = .yield x := by rfl

theorem ForInStep.return2_return2Inv_done {α β} (x : α × β)
: ForInStep.return2 (ForInStep.return2Inv (.done x)) = .done x := by rfl

section OnVec

{K : Type _} [IsROrC K]
{X : Type _} [Vec K X]
{Y : Type _} [Vec K Y]
{Z : Type _} [Vec K Z]

-- ForInStep.yield -------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.IsDifferentiable_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: IsDifferentiable K fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

-- this is a hack as with Id monad sometimes you do not need `pure` which trips `fprop` up
theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.IsDifferentiableM_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: IsDifferentiableM (m:=Id) K fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.cderiv_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: cderiv K (fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x))
fun x dx => ForInStep.yield (cderiv K a0 x dx) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.fwdCDeriv_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: fwdCDeriv K (fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x))
fun x dx => ForInStep.return2Inv (ForInStep.yield (fwdCDeriv K a0 x dx))
:= by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.IsDifferentiable_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: IsDifferentiable K fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

-- ForInStep.done -------------------------------------------------------------

-- this is a hack as with Id monad sometimes you do not need `pure` which trips `fprop` up
theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.IsDifferentiableM_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: IsDifferentiableM (m:=Id) K fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.cderiv_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: cderiv K (fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x))
fun x dx => ForInStep.done (cderiv K a0 x dx) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.fwdCDeriv_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: fwdCDeriv K (fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x))
fun x dx => ForInStep.return2Inv (ForInStep.done (fwdCDeriv K a0 x dx))
:= by sorry_proof

end OnVec


section OnSemiInnerProductSpace

{K : Type _} [IsROrC K]
{X : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K X]
{Y : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K Y]
{Z : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K Z]
{W : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K W]

-- ForInStep.yield -------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.HasAdjDiff_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: HasAdjDiff K fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.HasAdjDiffM_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: HasAdjDiffM (m:=Id) K fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.revCDeriv_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: revCDeriv K (fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x))
fun x =>
let ydf := revCDeriv K a0 x
(.yield ydf.1, fun y => ydf.2 y.val)
:= by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.revDerivM_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: revDerivM (m:=Id) K (fun x => ForInStep.yield (a0 x))
fun x =>
let ydf := revCDeriv K a0 x
(.yield ydf.1, fun y => ydf.2 y.val)
:= by sorry_proof

-- ForInStep.done --------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.HasAdjDiff_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: HasAdjDiff K fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.HasAdjDiffM_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: HasAdjDiffM (m:=Id) K fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.revCDeriv_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: revCDeriv K (fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x))
fun x =>
let ydf := revCDeriv K a0 x
(.done ydf.1, fun y => ydf.2 y.val)
:= by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.revDerivM_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: revDerivM (m:=Id) K (fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x))
fun x =>
let ydf := revCDeriv K a0 x
(.done ydf.1, fun y => ydf.2 y.val)
:= by sorry_proof

-- ForInStep.val --------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ForInStep.val.arg_a0.HasAdjDiff_rule
(a0 : X → ForInStep Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: HasAdjDiff K fun x => ForInStep.val (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.val.arg_a0.HasAdjDiffM_rule
(a0 : X → ForInStep Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: HasAdjDiffM (m:=Id) K fun x => ForInStep.val (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.val.arg_a0.revCDeriv_rule
(a0 : X → ForInStep Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: revCDeriv K (fun x => ForInStep.val (a0 x))
fun x =>
let ydf := revCDeriv K a0 x
(ydf.1.val, fun y => ydf.2 (.yield y))
:= by sorry_proof

theorem ForInStep.val.arg_a0.revDerivM_rule
(a0 : X → ForInStep Y) (ha0 : HasAdjDiff K a0)
: revDerivM (m:=Id) K (fun x => ForInStep.val (a0 x))
fun x =>
let ydf := revCDeriv K a0 x
(ydf.1.val, fun y => ydf.2 (.yield y))
:= by sorry_proof

end OnSemiInnerProductSpace

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