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function transformation toMatrix turning linear map to matrix
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lecopivo committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent b3d6e63 commit 8dcd9ce
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Showing 3 changed files with 632 additions and 0 deletions.
342 changes: 342 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Core/FunctionPropositions/IsLinearMap.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.LinearMap
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Prod
import SciLean.Core.Objects.FinVec

import SciLean.Tactic.FProp.Basic
import SciLean.Tactic.FProp.Notation

variable {R X Y Z ι : Type _} {E : ι → Type _}
[Semiring R]
[AddCommGroup X] [Module R X]
[AddCommGroup Y] [Module R Y]
[AddCommGroup Z] [Module R Z]
[∀ i, AddCommMonoid (E i)] [∀ i, Module R (E i)]


namespace IsLinearMap

variable (X R)
theorem id_rule
: IsLinearMap R (fun x : X => x) := by sorry_proof

variable (Y)
theorem const_zero_rule
: IsLinearMap R (fun _ : X => (0 : Y))
:= by sorry_proof
variable {Y}

theorem proj_rule (i : ι)
: IsLinearMap R (fun (x : (i : ι) → E i) => x i)
:= by sorry_proof
variable {X}

theorem comp_rule
(f : Y → Z) (g : X → Y)
(hf : IsLinearMap R f) (hg : IsLinearMap R g)
: IsLinearMap R (fun x => f (g x)) := by sorry_proof

theorem let_rule
(f : X → Y → Z) (g : X → Y)
(hf : IsLinearMap R (fun (x,y) => f x y)) (hg : IsLinearMap R g)
: IsLinearMap R (fun x => f x (g x)) := by sorry_proof

theorem pi_rule
(f : X → (i : ι) → E i) (hf : ∀ i, IsLinearMap R (f · i))
: IsLinearMap R fun x i => f x i := by sorry_proof

-- Register IsLinearMap --------------------------------------------------------

open Lean Meta SciLean FProp
def fpropExt : FPropExt where
fpropName := ``IsLinearMap
getFPropFun? e :=
if e.isAppOf ``IsLinearMap then

if let .some f := e.getArg? 8 then
some f

replaceFPropFun e f :=
if e.isAppOf ``IsLinearMap then
e.setArg 8 f

identityRule e := do
let thm : SimpTheorem :=
proof := mkConst ``id_rule
origin := .decl ``id_rule
rfl := false
FProp.tryTheorem? e thm (fun _ => pure none)

constantRule e :=
let thm : SimpTheorem :=
proof := mkConst ``const_zero_rule
origin := .decl ``const_zero_rule
rfl := false
FProp.tryTheorem? e thm (fun _ => pure none)

projRule e :=
let thm : SimpTheorem :=
proof := mkConst ``IsLinearMap.proj_rule
origin := .decl ``IsLinearMap.proj_rule
rfl := false
FProp.tryTheorem? e thm (fun _ => pure none)

compRule e f g := do
let .some K := e.getArg? 0 | return none

let thm : SimpTheorem :=
proof := ← mkAppM ``comp_rule #[K,f,g]
origin := .decl ``comp_rule
rfl := false
FProp.tryTheorem? e thm (fun _ => pure none)

lambdaLetRule e f g := do
let .some K := e.getArg? 0 | return none

let thm : SimpTheorem :=
proof := ← mkAppM ``let_rule #[K,f,g]
origin := .decl ``let_rule
rfl := false
FProp.tryTheorem? e thm (fun _ => pure none)

lambdaLambdaRule e _ :=
let thm : SimpTheorem :=
proof := mkConst ``pi_rule
origin := .decl ``pi_rule
rfl := false
FProp.tryTheorem? e thm (fun _ => pure none)

discharger e :=
FProp.tacticToDischarge (Syntax.mkLit ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.assumption "assumption") e

-- register fderiv
#eval show Lean.CoreM Unit from do
modifyEnv (λ env => FProp.fpropExt.addEntry env (``IsLinearMap, fpropExt))

end IsLinearMap

variable {R X Y Z ι : Type _} {E : ι → Type _}
[Semiring R]
[AddCommGroup X] [Module R X]
[AddCommGroup Y] [Module R Y]
[AddCommGroup Z] [Module R Z]
[∀ i, AddCommGroup (E i)] [∀ i, Module R (E i)]

-- Id --------------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem id.arg_a.IsLinearMap_rule
: IsLinearMap R (fun x : X => id x) :=

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

(f : X → Z) (g : X → Y)
(hf : IsLinearMap R f) (hg : IsLinearMap R g)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => (g x, f x) :=

-- Prod.fst --------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem Prod.fst.arg_self.IsLinearMap_rule
(f : X → Y×Z) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun (x : X) => (f x).fst :=

-- Prod.snd --------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem Prod.snd.arg_self.IsLinearMap_rule
(f : X → Y×Z) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun (x : X) => (f x).snd :=

-- Neg.neg ---------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem Neg.neg.arg_a0.IsLinearMap_rule
(f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => - f x :=

-- HAdd.hAdd -------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem HAdd.hAdd.arg_a0a1.IsLinearMap_rule
(f g : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f) (hg : IsLinearMap R g)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => f x + g x :=

-- HSub.hSub -------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem HSub.hSub.arg_a0a1.IsLinearMap_rule
(f g : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f) (hg : IsLinearMap R g)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => f x - g x :=

-- -- HMul.hMul ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- @[fprop]
-- theorem HMul.hMul.arg_a0.IsLinearMap_rule
-- (f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
-- (y' : Y)
-- : IsLinearMap R fun x => f x * y'
-- :=
-- by_morphism (ContinuousLinearMap.comp (ContinuousLinearMap.mul_right y') (mk' R f hf))
-- (by simp[ContinuousLinearMap.mul_right])

-- @[fprop]
-- theorem HMul.hMul.arg_a1.IsLinearMap_rule
-- {R : Type _} [CommSemiring R]
-- {X : Type _} [TopologicalSpace X] [AddCommMonoid X] [Module R X]
-- {Y : Type _} [TopologicalSpace Y] [Semiring Y] [Algebra R Y] [TopologicalSemiring Y]
-- (f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
-- (y' : Y)
-- : IsLinearMap R fun x => y' * f x
-- :=
-- by_morphism (ContinuousLinearMap.comp (ContinuousLinearMap.mul_left y') (mk' R f hf))
-- (by simp[ContinuousLinearMap.mul_left])

-- Smul.smul ---------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem HSMul.hSMul.arg_a0.IsLinearMap_rule
(f : X → R) (y : Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => f x • y :=

theorem HSMul.hSMul.arg_a1.IsLinearMap_rule
(c : R) (f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => c • f x :=

theorem HSMul.hSMul.arg_a1.IsLinearMap_rule_nat
(c : ℕ) (f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => c • f x :=

theorem HSMul.hSMul.arg_a1.IsLinearMap_rule_int
(c : ℤ) (f : X → Y) (hf : IsLinearMap R f)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => c • f x :=

-- d/ite -----------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ite.arg_te.IsLinearMap_rule
(c : Prop) [dec : Decidable c]
(t e : X → Y) (ht : IsLinearMap R t) (he : IsLinearMap R e)
: IsLinearMap R fun x => ite c (t x) (e x) :=
induction dec
case isTrue h => simp[h]; fprop
case isFalse h => simp[h]; fprop

theorem dite.arg_te.IsLinearMap_rule
(c : Prop) [dec : Decidable c]
(t : c → X → Y) (ht : ∀ p, IsLinearMap R (t p))
(e : ¬c → X → Y) (he : ∀ p, IsLinearMap R (e p))
: IsLinearMap R fun x => dite c (t · x) (e · x) :=
induction dec
case isTrue h => simp[h]; apply ht
case isFalse h => simp[h]; apply he

namespace SciLean
section OnFinVec

{K : Type _} [IsROrC K]
{IX : Type} [EnumType IX] {X : Type _} [FinVec IX K X]
{IY : Type} [EnumType IY] {Y : Type _} [FinVec IY K Y]
{IZ : Type} [EnumType IZ] {Z : Type _} [FinVec IZ K Z]

theorem Basis.proj.arg_x.IsLinearMap_rule (i : IX)
: IsLinearMap K (fun x : X => ℼ i x) := by sorry_proof

theorem DualBasis.dualProj.arg_x.IsLinearMap_rule (i : IX)
: IsLinearMap K (fun x : X => ℼ' i x) := by sorry_proof

theorem BasisDuality.toDual.arg_x.IsLinearMap_rule
: IsLinearMap K (fun x : X => BasisDuality.toDual x) := by sorry_proof

theorem BasisDuality.fromDual.arg_x.IsLinearMap_rule
: IsLinearMap K (fun x : X => BasisDuality.fromDual x) := by sorry_proof

end OnFinVec
end SciLean

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