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update on gaussian mixture example
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lecopivo committed Nov 30, 2024
1 parent 9ac28c1 commit 1ddfae2
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 122 deletions.
224 changes: 102 additions & 122 deletions examples/GaussianMixtureModel.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,72 @@
import SciLean
import SciLean.Data.DataArray.Operations.Simps
import SciLean.Lean.Meta.Basic
import SciLean.Tactic.StructureDecomposition

open SciLean Scalar
open SciLean Scalar SciLean.Meta

open Lean
partial def asdf (e : Expr) : Bool := do
match e with
| .lam _ t b _ =>
if t.isAppOfArity' ``Prod 2 then
return true
return asdf b
| .mdata _ e => asdf e
| _ => return false

open Lean Meta in
dsimproc_decl prodFunSimproc (_) := fun e => do

-- unless asdf e do return .continue
unless e.isLambda do return .continue

lambdaTelescope e fun xs b => do
-- check if lambda has been already processed
if let .letE _ _ (.mdata d _) _ _ := b then
if .some true = d.get? `prodFunSimproc then
return .continue

let e' ← xs.foldrM (init:=b) fun x b => do
let a ← splitStructureElem x
let xs := a.1
let mk := a.2

if xs.size = 1 then
mkLambdaFVars #[x] b
let xname ← x.fvarId!.getUserName
-- mark values with mdata to preven infinite loop
let data := MData.empty.set `prodFunSimproc true
let xs ← xs.mapM (fun x => do pure (Expr.mdata data x))

withLetDecls (xs.mapIdx (fun i _ => xname.appendAfter (toString i))) xs fun vars => do
let x' := mk.beta vars
let b' := b.replaceFVar x x'
-- let r ← Simp.simp b'
let vars := #[x] ++ vars
mkLambdaFVars vars b'
return .continue e'

#check (fun (x : ℝ×ℝ×ℝ) => x.1 + x.2.1 + x.2.2) rewrite_by simp -zeta only [prodFunSimproc]
#check (fun (i : ℕ) => i) rewrite_by lsimp [↓prodFunSimproc]
#check (fun (i : ℕ×ℕ) => i.1 + i.2) rewrite_by lsimp [prodFunSimproc]
#check (fun (j : ℕ×ℕ) (i : ℕ×ℕ) => i.1 + i.2 + j.1) rewrite_by lsimp [↓prodFunSimproc]
#check (fun (j : ℕ) (i : ℕ×ℕ) => i.1 + i.2) rewrite_by lsimp [prodFunSimproc]

#check (fun (i : ℕ×ℕ) (j : ℕ) => i.1 + i.2) rewrite_by lsimp [prodFunSimproc]
#check (fun (x : ℕ×ℕ) (y : ℕ×ℕ) => x.1 + y.1) rewrite_by lsimp [prodFunSimproc]
#check (fun (i : ℕ) (x : ℕ×ℕ) (y : ℕ×ℕ) => x.1 + y.1) rewrite_by lsimp [prodFunSimproc]

section Missing

{R} [RCLike R]
{X} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace R X]
{Y} [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace R Y]
{R : Type} [RCLike R]
{X : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace R X]
{Y : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace R Y]

theorem ite.arg_te.Differentiable_rule {c : Prop} [h : Decidable c]
Expand All @@ -21,26 +78,24 @@ theorem dite.arg_te.Differentiable_rule {c : Prop} [h : Decidable c]
(t : c → X → Y) (e : ¬c → X → Y) (ht : ∀ h, Differentiable R (t h)) (he : ∀ h, Differentiable R (e h)) :
Differentiable R (fun x => dite c (t · x) (e · x)) := by split_ifs <;> aesop

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem oneHot_unit [Zero α] (i : Unit) (x : α) : oneHot i x = x := rfl

end Missing

variable {R} [RealScalar R] [PlainDataType R]
variable {R : Type} [RealScalar R] [PlainDataType R]

set_default_scalar R

variable {D N K : ℕ}

#check (∂> (x : R×R×R), (let a := (x.1 + x.2.2); let b := a*x.1; a*b*x.2.1)) rewrite_by autodiff [↓ prodFunSimproc, ↑ prodFunSimproc]

namespace SciLean.MatrixOperations
variable {D N K : ℕ}

@[scoped simp, scoped simp_core]
theorem matrix_inverse_inverse {I} [IndexType I] [DecidableEq I] (A : R^[I,I]) (hA : A.Invertible) :
(A⁻¹)⁻¹ = A := by simp[hA]

@[scoped simp, scoped simp_core]
theorem det_inv_eq_inv_det {I} [IndexType I] [DecidableEq I] (A : R^[I,I]) :
(A⁻¹).det = (A.det)⁻¹ := by simp
namespace SciLean.MatrixOperations

variable {I J K : Type*} [IndexType I] [IndexType J] [IndexType K]
variable {I J K : Type} [IndexType I] [IndexType J] [IndexType K]

@[scoped simp, scoped simp_core]
theorem inner_QQT (x y : R^[I]) (Q : R^[I,J]) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,22 +125,6 @@ theorem gaussian_normalization_invQTQ {d : ℕ} (Q : R^[d,d]) :
(2 * π)^(-(d:R)/2) * Q.det := sorry

-- -- not sure if is shoud be defined for `R^[I]` or `I → R`
-- def logsumexp (x : R^[I]) : R:=
-- let xmax := IndexType.maxD (x[·]) 0
-- log (∑ i, exp (x[i] - xmax)) - xmax

-- -- derivative of `logsumexp` is `softmax`
-- -- related to `softmax` is `softmax' x y = ⟪softmax x, y⟫`
-- def softmax' (x dx : R^[I]) : R :=
-- let xmax := IndexType.maxD (x[·]) 0
-- (∑ i, dx[i] * exp (x[i] - xmax)) / ∑ j, exp (x[j] - xmax)

-- -- gradient of `logsumexp` is `softmax`
-- def softmax (x : R^[I]) : R^[I] :=
-- let xmax := IndexType.maxD (x[·]) 0
-- ⊞ i => exp (x[i] - xmax) / ∑ j, exp (x[j] - xmax)

theorem log_sum_exp (x : I → R) : log (∑ i, exp (x i)) = (⊞ i => x i).logsumexp := sorry

end SciLean.MatrixOperations
Expand All @@ -99,69 +138,33 @@ def likelihood (x : R^[D]^[N]) (w : R^[K]) (μ : R^[D]^[K]) (σ : R^[D,D]^[K]) :

namespace Param

def lowerTriangularIndex (i j : Fin n) (h : i < j) : Fin (((n-1)*n)/2) :=
⟨i.1, sorry

def Q (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : R^[D,D] :=
⊞ (i j : Fin D) =>
if i = j then exp (q[i])
else if i < j then l[lowerTriangularIndex i j sorry]
else 0

def Q (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : R^[D,D] := q.exp.diag + l.lowerTriangular D 1

#check ite
-- {α : Sort u} → (c : Prop) → [h : Decidable c] → α → α → α

example (l : R^[n]) : Differentiable R fun (q : R) (i : Fin m) =>
if i.1 < 5 then q
else if h : i.1 < n then l[⟨i.1,h⟩] else 0 := by
set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.fun_prop true in
def_fun_prop Q in q l : Differentiable R
abbrev_fun_trans Q in q l : fwdFDeriv R by unfold Q; autodiff; lsimp only [↓prodFunSimproc]
abbrev_fun_trans Q in q l arg_subsets : revFDeriv R by unfold Q; autodiff; lsimp only [↓prodFunSimproc]
abbrev_fun_trans Q in q l arg_subsets : revFDerivProj R Unit by unfold Q; autodiff; lsimp only [↓prodFunSimproc]
abbrev_fun_trans Q in q l arg_subsets : revFDerivProjUpdate R Unit by unfold Q; autodiff; lsimp only [↓prodFunSimproc]

set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.fun_prop true in
example (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : Differentiable R fun (q : R^[D]) (p : Fin D × Fin D) =>
if p.1 = p.2 then SciLean.Scalar.exp q[p.1]
else if h : p.1 < p.2 then l[Param.lowerTriangularIndex p.1 p.2 h] else 0 := by

set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.fun_trans true in
def_fun_trans (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : fwdFDeriv R (fun q : R^[D] => Param.Q q l) by
unfold Q
-- autodiff -- casuses panic

variable (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2])

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem det_Q (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : (Q q l).det = exp q.sum := sorry

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem det_QTQ (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : ((Q q l)ᵀ * (Q q l)).det = exp (2 * q.sum) := sorry
theorem det_Q : (Q q l).det = exp q.sum := sorry

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem QTQ_invertible (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) : ((Q q l)ᵀ * (Q q l)).Invertible := sorry
theorem det_QTQ : ((Q q l)ᵀ * (Q q l)).det = exp (2 * q.sum) := sorry

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem trace_QTQ (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) :
((Q q l)ᵀ * Q q l).trace
= ‖q.exp‖₂² + ‖l‖₂² := sorry
theorem QTQ_invertible : ((Q q l)ᵀ * (Q q l)).Invertible := sorry

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem trace_QQT (q : R^[D]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]) :
(Q q l * (Q q l)ᵀ).trace
= ‖q.exp‖₂² + ‖l‖₂² := sorry
theorem trace_QTQ : ((Q q l)ᵀ * Q q l).trace = ‖q.exp‖₂² + ‖l‖₂² := sorry

end Param

open Param in
def likelihood' (x : R^[D]^[N]) (α : R^[K]) (μ : R^[D]^[K]) (q : R^[D]^[K]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]^[K]) : R :=
Expand All @@ -175,6 +178,8 @@ def prior (m : R) (σ : R^[D,D]^[K]) := ∏ k, /- C(D,m) -/ (σ[k].det)^m * exp

theorem log_prod {I} [IndexType I] (x : I → R) : log (∏ i, x i) = ∑ i, log (x i) := sorry

open Lean Meta
/-- Take expression full of multiplications and divitions and split it into lists of
multiplication and division factors.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,15 +272,14 @@ attribute [rsimp] SciLean.ArrayType.sum_ofFn
theorem IndexType.sum_const {I} [IndexType I] (x : R) :
(∑ (i : I), x) = (Size.size I : R) • x := sorry

theorem neg_add_rev' {G : Type*} [SubtractionCommMonoid G] (a b : G) : -(a + b) = -a + -b := by

def sum (x : R^[I]) : R := ∑ i, x[i]

theorem sum_normalize (x : R^[I]) : ∑ i, x[i] = sum x := rfl
theorem sum_normalize (x : R^[I]) : ∑ i, x[i] = x.sum := rfl

theorem norm_normalize (x : R^[I]) : ∑ i, ‖x[i]‖₂² = ‖x‖₂² := rfl
Expand All @@ -302,62 +306,38 @@ theorem isum_norm (x : R^[I]^[J]) :

open Param in

open Param Scalar in
def loss (m : R) (x : R^[D]^[N]) (α : R^[K]) (μ : R^[D]^[K]) (q : R^[D]^[K]) (l : R^[((D-1)*D)/2]^[K]) : R :=
let σ := ⊞ k => ((Q q[k] l[k])ᵀ * Q q[k] l[k])⁻¹
(- log (likelihood x (α.softmax) μ σ /-* prior m σ -/))
(- log (likelihood x (α.softmax) μ σ * prior m σ))
unfold likelihood
simp only [DataArrayN.softmax_spec, DataArrayN.softmaxSpec]
simp only [simp_core, likelihood, prior, σ]
simp only [simp_core, likelihood, prior, σ, DataArrayN.softmax_def]
simp only [simp_core, mul_pull_from_sum, refinedRewritePost, sum_push,
log_mul, log_prod, mul_exp, log_sum_exp, log_pow, log_div, log_inv]
simp only [simp_core]


def_fun_trans loss in α : fwdFDeriv R by
unfold loss

def_fun_trans loss in α : revFDeriv R by
unfold loss
set_option pp.deepTerms.threshold 10000
set_option maxHeartbeats 10000000

def_fun_trans loss in μ : fwdFDeriv R by
unfold loss
macro "cleanup_pass" : conv => `(conv| lsimp (config:={singlePass:=true}) only [simp_core, ↓prodFunSimproc])

def_fun_trans loss in α μ : fwdFDeriv R by
def_fun_trans loss in α μ q l : fwdFDeriv R by
unfold loss

-- attribute [-simp_core] revFDeriv_on_DataArrayN

-- def_fun_trans loss in μ : revFDeriv R by
-- unfold loss
-- autodiff

-- def_fun_trans loss in q : fwdFDeriv R by
-- unfold loss
-- autodiff

-- def_fun_trans loss in l : fwdFDeriv R by
-- unfold loss
-- autodiff

autodiff (config:={singlePass:=true})
cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass;

def_fun_trans loss in α μ q l : revFDerivProj R Unit by
unfold loss
autodiff (config:={singlePass:=true})
cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass

set_option pp.raw true in
#check (1 : ℝ)
variable (x : Fin 10 → R)
#check (∑ i : Fin 10, ((-1:R)/2) * x i) rewrite_by simp [mul_pull_from_sum]
#check (∑ i : Fin 10, -(2* x i)) rewrite_by simp [mul_pull_from_sum]
def_fun_trans loss in α μ q l : revFDerivProjUpdate R Unit by
unfold loss
autodiff (config:={singlePass:=true})
cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass; cleanup_pass;

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