Leapp is currently installable from RPM packages prepared for Fedora 26, 27, and 28, CentOS 7, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
If you are using a different distribution, or you want to build and install Leapp on your own, follow these instructions.
Enable the Leapp Copr repository. Then, install Leapp.
sudo dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf copr enable -y @leapp/leapp-devel
sudo dnf install -y leapp
Add the Leapp Copr repository and install Leapp.
sudo yum install -y yum-plugins-copr
sudo yum copr enable -y @leapp/leapp-devel
sudo yum install -y leapp
Add the Leapp Copr repository and install Leapp.
sudo curl https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/leapp/leapp-devel/repo/epel-7/group_leapp-leapp-devel-epel-7.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/group_leapp-leapp-devel-epel-7.repo
sudo yum install -y leapp
The leapp
tool is an end-user application designed to run specific workflows. To run custom workflows or create actors, use the snactor
utility. To learn how to create your own actors and workflows, see the tutorial.
We are currently providing a workflow for upgrading systems:
leapp upgrade
Some phases of an upgrade workflow will reboot the system, and you will need to resume the leapp tool.
leapp upgrade --resume
For more information about the Leapp project, see the documentation.