WARNING: Compiling Lean with Visual Studio doesn't currently work. There's an ongoing effort to port Lean to Visual Studio. The instructions below are for VS 2017.
First, install vcpkg
from https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg if you haven't
done so already.
Then, open a console in the directory you cloned vcpkg
to, and type:
vcpkg install mpir
for the 32-bit library or
vcpkg install mpir:x64-windows
for the x64 one.
In Visual Studio, use the "open folder" feature and open the Lean directory.
Go to the CMake->Change CMake Settings
menu. File CMakeSettings.json
In each of the targets, add the following snippet (i.e., after every
"variables": [
"value": "C:\\path\\to\\vcpkg\\scripts\\buildsystems\\vcpkg.cmake"
In Visual Studio, press Ctrl+Q and type CppProperties.json
and press Enter.
Ensure includePath
variables include "${workspaceRoot}\\src"
Press F7.