Releases: leafsphp/cli
Releases · leafsphp/cli
🍁 Sugar Maple '09'
v2.0.9 - 30 Apr 2022
- Added run command
- Added strict mode
🍁 Sugar Maple '08'
v2.0.8 - 18 Apr 2022
- Updated serve command (#4)
- Upgraded leaf 3 theme
- Updated version
- Updated readme
🍁 Sugar Maple '07'
v2.0.7 - 23rd February 2022
- Added uninstall command
- Added ascii art
- Fixed install command bug
- Updated
text toserve
- Internal refactors for performance and modularity
🍁 Sugar Maple '06'
v2.0.6 - 13th Feb 2022
- Fixed PHP version irregularities
🍁 Sugar Maple '05'
v2.0.5 - 12th February 2022
Added support for project root install
You can now run the install
command without any packages if you are in your project directory. Running install
without any dependencies will look for a composer.json
and install all the dependencies from them. If there's no composer.lock
file in the current directory, leaf CLI uses the composer update
command under the hood.
This addition gives Leaf CLI the feel of the npm CLI.
Added @
for version scoping
Leaf CLI now allows you to scope packages to a particular version using @
leaf install [email protected]
The above command will install leaf db v1.0.
Added support for package chaining
You can now add a bunch of packages to install as done with composer, npm and other CLIs as well.
leaf install db illuminate/support
Using this method, you can even add specific versions of some packages like this:
leaf install db illuminate/[email protected] nesbot/carbon
- Updated serve message
🍁 Sugar Maple '04'
v2.0.4 - 9th December 2021
- Added PHP 8 support
- Added skeleton, leaf 2, and leaf 3 themes for a quick install
- Added leaf 3 support for app creation
- Added interactive preset installer
- Added interactive version picker
- Added auto-update on create
- Added update command
- Added package class
- Added version tags in composer.json
- Added support for Leaf MVC 3
- Added support for Leaf API 3
- Added support for Skeleton 3
- Fixed server port bug
- Restructured leaf CLI
- Upgraded dependencies
- Smart install command for packages & modules
- Restructured app:interact command
- Switched to internal composer for app creation
- Removed command namespaces
- Removed Leaf blade component
- Removed unused dependencies
🍁 Sugar Maple '03'
v2.0.3 - 15th November 2021
- Added PHP 8 support
- Added skeleton, leaf 2, and leaf 3 themes for a quick install
- Added leaf 3 support for app creation
- Added interactive installer
- Added auto-update on create
- Added update command
- Added package class
- Added version tags in composer.json
- Added support for Leaf MVC 3
- Added support for Leaf API 3
- Added support for Skeleton 3
- Fixed server port bug
- Restructured leaf CLI
- Upgraded dependencies
- Limited install command to modules
- Restructured app:interact command
- Switched to internal composer for app creation
- Removed command namespaces
- Removed Leaf blade component
- Removed unused dependencies
🍁 Sugar Maple '02'
v2.0.2 - 13th October 2021
- Added skeleton, leaf 2, and leaf 3 themes for a quick install
- Added leaf 3 support for app creation
- Added interactive installer
- Added auto-update on create
- Added update command
- Added package class
- Added version tags in composer.json
- Fixed server port bug
- Restructured leaf CLI
- Upgraded dependencies
- Limited install command to modules
- Restructured app:interact command
- Switched to internal composer for app creation
- Removed Leaf blade component
🍁 Sugar Maple '01'
v2.0.1 - 🍁 Sugar Maple - 13th October 2021
- Added skeleton, leaf 2, and leaf 3 themes for a quick install
- Added leaf 3 support for app creation
- Added interactive installer
- Added auto-update on create
- Added update command
- Added package class
- Added version tags in composer.json
- Fixed server port bug
- Restructured leaf CLI
- Upgraded dependencies
- Limited install command to modules
- Restructured app:interact command
- Switched to internal composer for app creation
- Removed Leaf blade component
🍁 Sugar Maple
v2.0 - 🍁 Sugar Maple - 13th October, 2021
- Added skeleton, leaf 2 and leaf 3 themes for quick install
- Added leaf 3 support for app creation
- Added interactive installer
- Fixed server port bug
- Restructured leaf CLI
- Upgraded dependencies
- Limited install command to modules
- Restructured app:interact command
- Switched to internal composer for app creation
- Removed Leaf blade component