It's the tutorial for your reference to the on-device training in bolt.
If you are building whole bolt project, you can use --train option to open on-device training module. Here are two examples:
- Target to android aarch64
./ --target=android-aarch64 -t 36 --train
- Target to x86 servers
./ --target=linux-x86_64 -t 36 --train
Bolt provides three easy-to-use applications, namely Lenet, Mobilenet_v1 and Resnet18.
- Download lenet.onnx from ;
- Use onnx-simplifier to simplify lenet.onnx and get the simplified model lenet_sim.onnx ;
- Run X2bolt to convert lenet_sim.onnx to lenet_sim_train.bolt;
// Model Conversion
# ./X2bolt -d /path_to_onnx_lenet -m lenet_sim -t
- Execute train_lenet with dataset mnist and lenet_sim_train.bolt.
// Training with bolt
# ./train_lenet
- Download mobilenet_v1.caffemodel and mobilenet_v1.prototxt from ;
- Download and use python scratch to process the data;
- Run X2bolt to convert mobilenet_v1.caffemodel and mobilenet_v1.prototxt to mobilenet_v1_train.bolt;
// Model Conversion
# ./X2bolt -d /path_to_caffe_mobilenet -m mobilenet_v1 -t
- Execute train_mobilenet_v1 with dataset mini-imagenet and mobilenet_v1_train.bolt
// Training with bolt
# ./train_mobilenet_v1
- Download resnet18.onnx from ;
- Use onnx-simplifier to simplify resnet18.onnx and get the simplified model resnet18_sim.onnx ;
- Run X2bolt to convert resnet18_sim.onnx to resnet18_sim_train.bolt;
// Model Conversion
# ./X2bolt -d /path_to_onnx_resnet18 -m resnet18_sim -t
- Execute train_resnet18 with resnet18_sim_train.bolt
# ./train_resnet18
Here we provide two types API:
In order to quickly construct and train your model, it's convenient to use high-level api to build your training graph from bolt model. You can refer to the demos.
If you would like to highly customize your training model, please use the low-level api.
Layer | Description |
GeLU activation | gaussian error linear activation function |
HSigmoid activation | hard sigmoid activation function |
HSwish activation | hard swish activation function |
Leaky ReLU activation | leaky rectified linear unit activation function |
Log Softmax activation | logarithmic softmax activation function |
ReLU activation | rectified linear unit activation function |
Sigmoid activation | sigmoid activation function |
Softmax activation | softmax activation function |
Softplus activation | softplus activation function |
Swish activation | swish activation function |
Tanh activation | hyperbolic tangent activation function |
ArgMax | returns indices where values is the maximum value of each row in the given dimension |
ArgMin | returns indices where values is the minimum value of each row in the given dimension |
Average pooling | 2D averaging over an input tensor |
Batch expander | broadcast input tensor with shape [1, D, H, W] to [BatchSize, D, H, W] |
Batchnorm 2D | batch normalization over 4D input tensor ([batch, channel, 2D inputs]) |
Clamp | clamp all elements in input into the range [ min, max ] and return a resulting tensor |
Concatenation | layer combine sub-tensors to one |
Convolution 1D | 1D convolution over input tensor |
Convolution 2D | 2D convolution over input tensor |
Convolution deptwise | 2D convolution over input tensor, each channel processed separately |
CumSum | cumulative sum of elements |
Data | entry point for data to a model |
Dropout | dropout layer |
Dynamic depthwise conv 2D | channel-wise dynamic convolution 2D layer |
Elementwise compare | element-wise comparison layer |
Elementwise div | element-wise division layer |
Elementwise max | element-wise maximum layer |
Elementwise min | element-wise minimum layer |
Elementwise mul | element-wise multiplication |
Elementwise sub | element-wise subtraction |
Elementwise sum | element-wise addition layer |
Embedding | word embeddings using lookup table |
Exp | element-wise exponential layer |
Fake quant | floating-point quantization layer simulating quantization and dequantization |
Fixed bias | layer that adds a scalar to tensor |
Global average pool | global average pooling layer |
Index fill | fills the elements of the tensor with specified value |
L2 norm | divides all elements in input tensor by L2 norm calculated across chosen dimension |
L2 squared norm | L2 squared normalizing layer |
Label smoothing | label smoothing layer |
LayerNorm | layer normalization 1D |
LayerNorm2D | layer normalization 2D |
Linear | affine transformation layer |
Log | natural logarithm layer |
Masked fill | fills input tensor elements corresponding to ones in mask with fill value |
Matmul | scalar multiplication of last two dimensions |
Maxpool | 2D max-pooling over input |
Non-zero mask | element-wise non-zero mask |
Padding | adds paddings to input tensors |
Positional encoding | encodes symbol position in sequence into embedding vector |
Random choice | randomly outputs one of it's input tensors |
Random select | returns a tensor of elements selected from either x or y, depending on dropout rate |
Random tensor | creates tensor filled with values from normal distribution |
Reduce batch mean | computes mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor |
Reduce max | returns maximum values of each row of the input tensor in the given dimension |
Reduce mean | computes mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor |
Reduce min | returns minimum values of each row of the input tensor in the given dimension |
Reduce non-zero | computes the number of non-zero elements along dimensions of a tensor |
Reduce std | computes the standard deviation of elements across dimensions of a tensor |
Reduce sum | computes the sum of elements across dimensions of a tensor |
Repeate interleave | creates a new tensor repeating elements along chosen dimension |
Reshape | reshaping of a tensor |
Reverse | reverse the order of a tensor |
Roll | layer that rolls tensor along the given dimension |
Round | returns a tensor with each of the elements of input rounded to the closest integer |
RSqrt | returns a new tensor with the reciprocal of the square-root of each of the elements of the input |
Scale | layer of multiplication by a scalar |
Select | returns a tensor of elements selected from either x or y, depending on condition |
Slicer | extracting sub-tensors |
Splitter | duplication of a tensor |
Sqrt | returns a new tensor with the square-root of each of the elements of input |
Square | returns a new tensor with the square of each of the elements of input |
Tensor | inserts a constant tensor into a topology |
Tile | creates a new tensor by replicating input multiples times |
Transpose | swap dimensions according to parameters |
Transposed convolution 1D | 1D transposed convolution operator over an input image |
Transposed convolution 2D | 2D transposed convolution operator over an input image |
Optimizer | Description |
Adadelta | Adagrad optimization with learning rates decay |
Adagrad | stochastic gradient descent optimization with adaptive learning rates |
Adam | stochastic gradient descent optimization with adaptive per-parameter learning rates based on gradients moments |
AdaMax | Adam optimization with infinity norm |
AdamW | computes individual adaptive learning rates for different parameters from estimates of first and second moments of the gradients taking into account weight decay |
ASGD | averaged stochastic gradient descent |
LAMB | layer-wise adaptive moments optimizer for batch training |
Momentum | stochastic gradient descent optimization with momentum |
NAG | Nesterov accelerated gradient method |
Ranger | combines RAdam + lookahead + gradient centralization into a single optimizer |
RMSProp | root mean squared propagation optimization |
RProp | resilient backpropagation optimization |
SGD | simple stochastic gradient descent optimization |
Loss | Description |
Binary cross entropy | measures the binary cross entropy between the target and the input probabilities |
Cross entropy | cross-entropy loss function |
Kullback-Leibler divergance | Kullback-Leibler divergence loss |
L1 | creates a criterion that measures the mean absolute error between each element in the input x and target y |
MSE | creates a criterion that measures the mean squared error between each element in the input x and target y |
Negative log-likelihood | measures a negative log-likelihood loss |
Sigmoid cross-entropy | measures the probability error in discrete classification tasks in which each class is independent and not mutually exclusive |
Softmax cross-entropy | measures the probability error in discrete classification tasks in which the classes are mutually exclusive |