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Luke Bonham edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 62 revisions


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Shows mail count in a textbox fetching over IMAP.

local myimap = lain.widgets.imap(args)

New mails are notified like this:

| +---+                                      |
| |\ /| [email protected] has 3 new messages |
| +---+                                      |

Input table

Required parameters are:

Variable Meaning Type
server Mail server string
mail User mail string
password User password string

while the optional are:

Variable Meaning Type Default
port IMAP port int 993
timeout Refresh timeout seconds int 60
is_plain Define whether password is a plain password (true) or a command that retrieves it (false) boolean false
followtag Notification behaviour boolean false
settings User settings function empty function

The reason why is_plain is false by default is to discourage the habit of storing passwords in plain.

So, you can set your password in plain like this:

myimapcheck = lain.widgets.imap({
    is_plain = true,
    password = "mymailpassword",
    -- [...]

and you'll have the same security provided by ~/.netrc.

Or you can use a password manager, like spm or pass:

myimapcheck = lain.widgets.imap({
    password = function()
        -- return the output of "spm show mymail"
    -- [...]

When is_plain == false (default), password can be either a string, a table or a function: the widget will execute it asynchronously in the first two cases.

settings can use the value mailcount, an integer greater or equal to zero, and can modify mail_notification_preset table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check here for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition:

mail_notification _preset = {
    icon = lain/icons/mail.png,
    position = "top_left"

Note that mailcount is 0 either if there are no new mails or credentials are invalid, so make sure you get the right settings.

In multiple screen setups, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting followtag to true it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.

You can have multiple instances of this widget at the same time.

Output table

Variable Meaning Type
widget The widget wibox.widget.textbox
update Update widget function
timer The widget timer gears.timer

The update function can be used to refresh the widget before timeout expires.

You can use timer to start/stop the widget as you like.

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