- Command ⌘
- Shift ⇧
- Option ⌥
- Control ⌃
- Caps Lock ⇪
- Fn
- Command + z 撤销
- Command + x 剪切
- Command + c 拷贝
- Command + v 粘贴
- Command + a 全选
- Command + s 保存
- Command + f 查找
- Command + h 隐藏窗口(hide the window)
- Command + m 最小化窗口(minmize the window)
- Command + n 新建窗口(creat a new window)
- Command + o 打开文件(open file)
- Command + shift + s 另存为
- Command + p 打印(print)
- Command + w 关闭(close)