diff --git a/docs/CHANGES.md b/docs/CHANGES.md index a97cb8f9c..af2f4a205 100644 --- a/docs/CHANGES.md +++ b/docs/CHANGES.md @@ -1,5 +1,26 @@ # LCUI ChangeLog +## CHANGES BETWEEN 1.0 alpha and 1.0 alpha2 + +- Adjust the code structure +- Improved TextView widget +- Improved caret positioning and text rendering for TextEdit widget +- Improved widget box-shadow rendering +- Add drivers for UWP Application, [here](https://github.com/lc-soft/LCUI/blob/develop/build/windows/LCUIApp/App.cpp) is example +- Improved support for high-resolution screen + - Add dp and sp unit, Similar to dp and sp unit in Android + - Add support scaling, It is possible to set the appropriate zoom ratio according to the screen pixel density +- Improve automation build and test + - Add unit testing + - Add code coverage testing + - Enabled the [valgrind](http://valgrind.org/) memory check tool +- Fixed all memory leak BUGs and memory access errors +- Fixed some widget layout bugs +- Fixed jpeg reader sometimes fail to read data +- Fixed other known bugs + +You can view [this pull request](https://github.com/lc-soft/LCUI/pull/83). for detailed code changes. + ## CHANGES BETWEEN 0.15.0 and 1.0 alpha - Improved bmp, jpeg, png file processing, add image reader diff --git a/docs/CHANGES.zh-cn.md b/docs/CHANGES.zh-cn.md index 946119263..ba7a9a60a 100644 --- a/docs/CHANGES.zh-cn.md +++ b/docs/CHANGES.zh-cn.md @@ -1,5 +1,26 @@ # LCUI的更新记录 +## 1.0 alpha 和 1.0 alpha2 之间的变化 + +- 调整代码结构 +- 改进 TextView 部件 +- 改进 TextEdit 部件的光标定位与文本渲染 +- 改进部件的盒形阴影(box-shadow)绘制 +- 添加适用于 UWP 应用的驱动支持,示例应用代码[在这里](https://github.com/lc-soft/LCUI/blob/develop/build/windows/LCUIApp/App.cpp)。 +- 改进对高分屏的支持 + - 添加 dp、sp 度量单位,功能与 Android 中的同名单位相似 + - 添加缩放支持,可根据屏幕像素密度设置合适的缩放比例 +- 完善自动化构建和测试 + - 添加单元测试 + - 添加代码覆盖率测试 + - 引入 valgrind 内存检查工具 +- 解决所有内存泄露和内存访问越界问题 +- 解决部件布局功能中存在的一些问题 +- 解决 jpeg 图像读取器有时会读取失败的问题 +- 其它已知 BUG 修复 + +你可以查看此[拉取请求](https://github.com/lc-soft/LCUI/pull/83)来了解详细的代码变更记录 + ## 0.15.0 和 1.0 alpha 之间的变化 - 改进 bmp、jpeg、png 图片的读取接口