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106 lines (97 loc) · 2.65 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (97 loc) · 2.65 KB

Cloud providers



# your digitalocean token
token: "<< YOUR_DO_TOKEN >>"
# droplet region
region: "fra1"
# droplet size
size: "2gb"
# enable backups for the droplet
backups: false
# enable ipv6 for the droplet
ipv6: false- Add operating system config 
# enable private networking for the droplet
private_networking: true
# enable monitoring for the droplet
monitoring: true
# add the following tags to the droplet
- "machine-controller"



# your aws access key id
accessKeyId: "<< YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID >>"
# your aws secret access key id
secretAccessKey: "<< YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID >>"
# region for the instance
region: "eu-central-1"
# avaiability zone for the instance
availabilityZone: "eu-central-1a"
# vpc id for the instance
vpcId: "vpc-819f62e9"
# subnet id for the instance
subnetId: "subnet-2bff4f43"
# instance type
instanceType: "t2.micro"
# size of the root disk in gb
diskSize: 50
# root disk type (gp2, io1, st1, sc1, or standard)
diskType: "gp2"
# optional! the ami id to use. Needs to fit to the specified operating system
ami: ""
# optional! The security group ids for the instance. 
# When not set a 'kubernetes-v1' security gruop will get created
- ""
# name of the instance profile to use.
# When not set a 'kubernetes-v1' instance profile will get created 
instanceProfile : ""

# instance tags ("KubernetesCluster": "my-cluster" is a required tag. 
# If not set, the kubernetes controller-manager will delete the nodes)
  "KubernetesCluster": "my-cluster"



# identity endpoint of your openstack installation
identityEndpoint: ""
# your openstack username
username: ""
# your openstack password
password: ""
# the openstack domain
domainName: "default"
# tenant name
tenantName: ""
# image to use (currently only ubuntu & coreos are supported)
image: "Ubuntu 16.04 amd64"
# instance flavor
flavor: ""
# additional security groups.
# a default security group will be created which node-to-node communication
- "external-ssh"
# the name of the subnet to use
subnet: ""
# [not implemented] the floating ip pool to use. When set a floating ip will be assigned o the instance
floatingIpPool: ""
# the availability zone to create the instance in
availabilityZone: ""
# the region to operate in
region: ""
# the name of the network to use
network: ""

Hetzner cloud


  token: "<< HETZNER_API_TOKEN >>"
  serverType: "cx11"
  datacenter: ""
  location: "fsn1"