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For the assignments, we offer an option to use for developing and testing your implementations. Terminal is an online computing platform that allows us to access pre-configured command line environments. Note that, it's not required to use Terminal for your assignments; however, it might make life easier with all the required dependencies and development toolkits configured for you.
This tutorial lists the necessary steps of working on the assignments using Terminal. First of all, sign up your own account. Log in Terminal with the account that you have just created.
For each assignment, we will provide you a link to a shared terminal snapshot. These snapshots are pre-configured command line environments with the starter code, where you can write your implementations and execute the code. Let's take Assignment #1 as an example:
The snapshot of Assignment #1 can be found here. Let's go to this link:
Click the "Start" button on the lower right corner. This will clone the shared snapshot to your own account. Now you should be able to find the terminal (zyk09021 in my case) under the My Terminals tab.
You are all set! To work on the assignments, click the link (shown in the red box) to the terminal. It leads you to the development environment (see below).
We have set up the IPython Notebook and other dependencies in the terminal. You can find these notebooks and skeleton codes in the folder assignment1-master. Follow the detailed assignment descriptions to complete and submit your work. For submission, go to Coursework using the browser in terminal (see below). You should be able to upload your work to Coursework.
For more information about Terminal, check out the FAQ page.
Important Note: the usage of Terminal is charged on an hourly rate based on the instance type. A medium type instance costs $0.124 per hour. You will be granted $5 for free once the account is created. We are happy to sponsor each student roughly $10 extra fund for the assignments. Please contact Yuke Zhu for more information about the fund. It is your responsibility to keep the charge in mind and to budget it carefully :)