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Michael Wetter edited this page Mar 17, 2013 · 26 revisions

================ Making a release

Making a new release requires administrator permission.

Modelica library

To make a release of the Modelica library, proceed as follows:

#. Merge your changes to the trunk. #. Update the first lines in the file Buildings/, such as

.. code-block:: modelica

  annotation (
  dateModified = "$Date: 2011-12-08 15:54:40 -0800 (Thu, 08 Dec 2011) $",


Use versionBuild=0 prior to any release, versionBuild=1 for the first release of a version, and increment it for every release of a bug fix that is compatible with previous releases of the same version number.

The keyword versionDate is only changed when version changes. A new versionBuild does ''not'' change versionDate, but it does update dateModified in the format above, which can be processed by Modelica tools.

  1. Make sure that the script ConvertModelica_from_0.12.0_to_0.13.mos contains all update commands. #. Run the script bin/ to check for invalid syntax. #. Run the unit tests as described above. #. Run the script with arguments such as

    .. code-block:: bash --version 1.0 --build 1

  2. Copy the files to the web server using the script #. Update #. Update the web link using

    .. code-block:: bash

    cd /usr/local/www/simulationresearch/modelica/releases rm latest ln -s vX.Y_buildZ latest

  3. Prepare next development version by:

    a. Adding a new ReleaseNotes package to Buildings/ Use this template <ReleaseNotes-Template>_. b. Update in Buildings/ the section

    .. code-block:: modelica

      annotation (
      dateModified="2011-12-07 23:20:00Z",

    c. Update in the same file

    .. code-block:: html

      annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
       This section summarizes the changes that have been performed
       on the Buildings library.
       <a href=\"modelica://Buildings.UsersGuide.ReleaseNotes.Version_1_4_build1\">
       Version 1.4 build1</a>(xxx, 2013)</li>

User Guide

To update the user guide, proceed as follows:

#. Type

.. code-block:: bash

  cd vX.Y_buildZ/bie/userGuide
  1. Either type

    .. code-block:: bash

    make dist



    .. code-block:: bash

    make html make linkcheck make copytowww


    The second form can be used if make linkcheck reports broken links because links point to and hence files that were added to the current release may not yet be posted under latest.

BuildingsPy library

To update the BuildingsPy python package, proceed as follows:

#. In BuildingsPy/, update the version number in the section

.. code-block:: python

   name = "buildingspy",
   version = "1.1.0",
  1. Update the file BuildingsPy/CHANGES.txt, in particular, include the release date as

    .. code-block:: python

    BuildingsPy Changelog

    Version 1.1.0, July 26, 2012 -- Release 1.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    • Added ...
  2. In doc/source/, update the version numbers on the lines

    .. code-block:: bash

    The short X.Y version.

    version = "1.1"

    The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.

    release = "1.1.1"

  3. Set environment variables and delete temporary files by running from bie/BuildingsPy the commands

    .. code-block:: bash

    export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:pwd find . ( -name '*~' -or -name '.DS_Store' ) -delete

  4. Run

    .. code-block:: bash

    make dist

  5. To copy the files to the server, run

    .. code-block:: bash