This extension will help you to denormalization your data structure and transfer data to other models when saving, updating and deleting owner model.
$user = new User();
$user->login = 'buster';
$user->first_name = 'Buster';
$user->last_name = 'Destroyer';
* After the User has been automatically created the `ApiUser` some attributes from the `User` will be copied to it
$apiUser = ApiUser::findOne($user->id);
* Array
* (
* => [id] => 1
* => [user_login] => buster
* => [fio] => Buster Destroyer
* => [createdAt] => 1517700256
* => [updatedAt] => 1517700256
* [company_id] => null
* [company_name] => null
* [phones] => null
* )
$userPhone = new UserPhone();
$userPhone->user_id = $user->id;
$userPhone->type = 'mobile';
$userPhone->phone = '+123 8561';
* After creating the associated `UserPhone` model, it will find the necessary `ApiUser` model and add self data to it.
$apiUser = ApiUser::findOne($user->id);
* Array
* (
* [id] => 1
* [user_login] => buster
* [fio] => Buster Destroyer
* [createdAt] => 1517700256
* [updatedAt] => 1517700256
* [company_id] => null
* [company_name] => null
* => [phones] => {"mobile":{"1":"+123 8561"}}
* )
$userPhone = new UserPhone();
$userPhone->type = 'work';
$userPhone->phone = '+209 3456';
$user->link('phones', $userPhone);
* After creating next `UserPhone` model, it will find the necessary `ApiUser` model and add self data to it.
$apiUser = ApiUser::findOne($user->id);
* Array
* (
* [id] => 1
* [user_login] => buster
* [fio] => Buster Destroyer
* [createdAt] => 1517700256
* [updatedAt] => 1517700256
* [company_id] => null
* [company_name] => null
* => [phones] => {
* "mobile":{"1":"+123 8561"},
* "work":{"2":"+209 3456"}
* }
* )
* After removing `UserPhone`, it will find the necessary `ApiUser` model and remove self data from it.
$apiUser = ApiUser::findOne($user->id);
* Array
* (
* [id] => 1
* [user_login] => buster
* [fio] => Buster Destroyer
* [createdAt] => 1517700256
* [updatedAt] => 1517700256
* [company_id] => null
* [company_name] => null
* => [phones] => {"mobile":{"1":"+123 8561"}}
* )
$company = new Company();
$company->name = 'Ducati';
$user->link('company', $company);
* After creating the company and adding users model the company will find all related ApiUser model and add their data to them
$apiUser = ApiUser::findOne($user->id);
* Array
* (
* [id] => 1
* [user_login] => buster
* [fio] => Buster Destroyer
* [createdAt] => 1517700256
* [updatedAt] => 1517700256
* => [company_id] => 1
* => [company_name] => Ducati
* [phones] => {"work":{"2":"+209 3456"}}
* )