diff --git a/src/components/ColorTokenTable/ColorTokenTable.js b/src/components/ColorTokenTable/ColorTokenTable.js
index 704b7af51bc..e41b51385e8 100644
--- a/src/components/ColorTokenTable/ColorTokenTable.js
+++ b/src/components/ColorTokenTable/ColorTokenTable.js
@@ -435,6 +435,75 @@ export default class ColorTokenTable extends React.Component {
+ Token |
+ Role |
+ Value |
+ {Object.keys(colorTokens['ai']).map((token, i) =>
+ this.renderToken(
+ token,
+ colorTokens['ai'][token],
+ i
+ )
+ )}
+ Token |
+ Role |
+ Value |
+ {Object.keys(colorTokens['chat']).map((token, i) =>
+ this.renderToken(
+ token,
+ colorTokens['chat'][token],
+ i
+ )
+ )}
Chat button
+ Token |
+ Role |
+ Value |
+ {Object.keys(colorTokens['chat-button']).map((token, i) =>
+ this.renderToken(
+ token,
+ colorTokens['chat-button'][token],
+ i
+ )
+ )}
diff --git a/src/data/guidelines/color-tokens.js b/src/data/guidelines/color-tokens.js
index 92a144c3fd1..a517db26b07 100644
--- a/src/data/guidelines/color-tokens.js
+++ b/src/data/guidelines/color-tokens.js
@@ -3190,6 +3190,729 @@ const colorTokens = {
+ 'ai': {
+ '$ai-aura-start': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient start value for large AI layers'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 10%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 10%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 10%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 10%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 10%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 10%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 10%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 10%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-aura-start-sm': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient start value for small AI layers'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 16%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 16%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 16%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 16%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 16%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 16%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 16%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 16%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-aura-end': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient start value for all AI layers'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White, 0%',
+ hex: '#ffffff @ 0%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White, 0%',
+ hex: '#ffffff @ 0%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Black, 0%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 0%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Black, 0%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 0%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-aura-hover-start': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient start value for the AI aura hover'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 32%',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 32%',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 40%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 40%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 40%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 40%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-aura-hover-end': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient end value for the AI aura hover'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White, 0%',
+ hex: '#ffffff @ 0%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White, 0%',
+ hex: '#ffffff @ 0%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Black, 0%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 0%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Black, 0%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 0%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-aura-hover-background': {
+ role: ['Hover background color for AI layers'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 10',
+ hex: '#edf5ff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 10',
+ hex: '#edf5ff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$layer-hover',
+ hex: '#e8e8e8',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$layer-hover',
+ hex: '#e8e8e8',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-border-start': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient start value for AI borders'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 30, 64%',
+ hex: '#a6c8ff @ 64%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 30, 64%',
+ hex: '#a6c8ff @ 64%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 30, 36%',
+ hex: '#a6c8ff @ 36%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 30, 36%',
+ hex: '#a6c8ff @ 36%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-border-end': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient end value for AI borders'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 40',
+ hex: '#78a9ff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 40',
+ hex: '#78a9ff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Red 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Red 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-border-strong': {
+ role: [
+ 'Medium contrast border for AI elements',
+ 'Border-bottom paired with AI fields',
+ '3:1 AA non-text contrast'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 40',
+ hex: '#78a9ff',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 40',
+ hex: '#78a9ff',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-drop-shadow': {
+ role: ['Drop shadow for the AI layer'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 60, 10%',
+ hex: '#0f62fe @ 10%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 60, 10%',
+ hex: '#0f62fe @ 10%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Black, 28%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 28%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Black, 28%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 28%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-inner-shadow': {
+ role: ['Inner shadow for the AI layer'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 10%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 10%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 10%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 10%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 16%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 16%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 50, 16%',
+ hex: '#4589ff @ 16%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-popover-background': {
+ role: ['Background color for the AI explainability popover'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 100',
+ hex: '#161616',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 100',
+ hex: '#161616',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-popover-shadow-outer-01': {
+ role: ['1 of 2 shadow colors for the AI explainability popover'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 70, 6%',
+ hex: '#0043ce @ 6%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 70, 6%',
+ hex: '#0043ce @ 6%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Black, 12%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 12%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Black, 12%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 12%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-popover-shadow-outer-02': {
+ role: ['2 of 2 shadow colors for the AI explainability popover'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Black, 4%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 4%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Black, 4%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 4%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Black, 8%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 8%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Black, 8%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 8%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-skeleton-element': {
+ role: ['Skeleton color for AI text and UI elements'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 40, 30%',
+ hex: '#78a9ff @ 30%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 40, 30%',
+ hex: '#78a9ff @ 30%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-skeleton-background': {
+ role: ['Skeleton color for AI containers'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 20',
+ hex: '#d0e2ff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 20',
+ hex: '#d0e2ff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 40, 50%',
+ hex: '#78a9ff @ 50%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 40, 50%',
+ hex: '#78a9ff @ 50%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$ai-overlay': {
+ role: ['Background overlay for AI components'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 100, 50%',
+ hex: '#001141 @ 50%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 100, 50%',
+ hex: '#001141 @ 50%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Black, 50%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 50%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Black, 50%',
+ hex: '#000000 @ 50%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'chat': {
+ '$chat-avatar-bot': {
+ role: ['Chat avatar background color for bots'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Gray 60',
+ hex: '#6f6f6f',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Gray 60',
+ hex: '#6f6f6f',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 50',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 50',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-avatar-agent': {
+ role: ['Chat avatar background color for agents'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Gray 80',
+ hex: '#393939',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Gray 80',
+ hex: '#393939',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 30',
+ hex: '#c6c6c6',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 30',
+ hex: '#c6c6c6',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-avatar-user': {
+ role: ['Chat avatar background color for users'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Blue 60',
+ hex: '#0f62fe',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Blue 60',
+ hex: '#0f62fe',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Blue 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Blue 50',
+ hex: '#4589ff',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-bubble-user': {
+ role: ['Chat bubble background color for users'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Gray 20',
+ hex: '#e0e0e0',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Gray 20',
+ hex: '#e0e0e0',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 80',
+ hex: '#393939',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 80',
+ hex: '#393939',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-bubble-agent': {
+ role: ['Chat bubble background color for agents'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-bubble-border': {
+ role: ['Chat bubble border color for agents'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Gray 20',
+ hex: '#e0e0e0',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Gray 20',
+ hex: '#e0e0e0',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 70',
+ hex: '#525252',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 70',
+ hex: '#525252',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-prompt-background': {
+ role: ['Background color for chat prompt input'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 100',
+ hex: '#161616',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 100',
+ hex: '#161616',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-prompt-border-start': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient start value for chat prompts border'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Gray 10',
+ hex: '#f4f4f4',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Gray 10',
+ hex: '#f4f4f4',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-prompt-border-end': {
+ role: ['Linear gradient end value for chat prompts border'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'Gray 10, 0%',
+ hex: '#f4f4f4 @ 0%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'Gray 10, 0%',
+ hex: '#f4f4f4 @ 0%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 90, 0%',
+ hex: '#262626 @ 0%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 90, 0%',
+ hex: '#262626 @ 0%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-shell-background': {
+ role: ['Chat shell background color'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-header-background': {
+ role: ['Chat header background color'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: 'White',
+ hex: '#ffffff',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: 'Gray 90',
+ hex: '#262626',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'chat-button': {
+ '$chat-button': {
+ role: ['Chat quick action button color'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: '$link-primary',
+ hex: '#0f62fe',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: '$link-primary',
+ hex: '#0f62fe',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$link-primary',
+ hex: '#78a9ff',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$link-primary',
+ hex: '#78a9ff',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-button-hover': {
+ role: ['Hover color for $chat-button'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: '$background-hover',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 12%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: '$background-hover',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 12%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$background-hover',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 16%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$background-hover',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 16%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-button-text-hover': {
+ role: ['Text color for hovered chat button'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: '$link-primary-hover',
+ hex: '#0043ce',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: '$link-primary-hover',
+ hex: '#0043ce',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$link-primary-hover',
+ hex: '#a6c8ff',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$link-primary-hover',
+ hex: '#a6c8ff',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-button-active': {
+ role: ['Active color for $chat-button'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: '$background-active',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 50%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: '$background-active',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 50%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$background-active',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 40%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$background-active',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 40%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-button-selected': {
+ role: ['Selected color for $chat-button'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: '$background-selected',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 20%',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: '$background-selected',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 20%',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$background-selected',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 24%',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$background-selected',
+ hex: '#8d8d8d @ 24%',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ '$chat-button-text-selected': {
+ role: ['Text color for selected chat-button'],
+ value: {
+ white: {
+ name: '$text-secondary',
+ hex: '#525252',
+ },
+ g10: {
+ name: '$text-secondary',
+ hex: '#525252',
+ },
+ g90: {
+ name: '$text-secondary',
+ hex: '#c6c6c6',
+ },
+ g100: {
+ name: '$text-secondary',
+ hex: '#c6c6c6',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
export default colorTokens;
\ No newline at end of file