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This folder contains the data used in this project. It consists of SIA and SIDIS multiplicities for various targets and hadrons measured by the BABAR, BELLE, COMPASS and HERMES experiments. The details are as follows.


Charged pions, kaons and protons/antiprotons

  • References: Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013) 032011; arXiv:1306.2895; HepData.

  • Description: Measurement of the inclusive production of PI+-, K+- and PBAR/P in e+e- annihilations at a centre-of-mass energy of 10.54 GeV, below the threshold for b-bbar pair production.


Charged pions and kaons

  • References: Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 062002; arXiv:1301.6183; HepData.

  • Description: Precise measurements of inclusive differential cross sections of charged pions and kaons produced in e+e- collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 10.52 GeV. The analysis is based on a data sample of integrated luminosity of 68.0 fb-1 collected from the asymmmetric KEKB collider with beam energies 3.5 on 8 GeV operating 60 MeV below the upsilon(4s) resonance, resulting in 113M q-qbar events. The cross sections are tabulated as a function of the fractional hadron energy Z. As reported in the paper, all weakly produced pions and kaons are included in the cross section values, and all decayed pions and kaons are recovered. An initial state radiation restriction is also part of the data results given here, as also reported in the PRL paper: only events with less than 0.5% * sqrt(s) ISR energy loss are accepted in the analysis.


Charged pions

  • References: PLB 764 (2017) 001; arXiv:1604.02695; HepData.

  • Description: Multiplicities of positively and negatively charged pions from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target, in bins of x, y, and z. Data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar target LiD. They cover the kinematic domain in the photon virtuality Q^{2}>1 (GeV/c)^{2}, 0.004<x<0.4, 0.2<z<0.85 and 0.1<y<0.7. Also given are the diffractive vector meson correction to the pion count and DIS count, as well as the radiative correction factors to the pion count and DIS count. The correction factors were applied to the raw multiplicity to arrive at the final multiplicity given in the table multiplicatively.

Charged kaons

  • References: PLB 767 (2017) 133; arXiv:1608.06760; HepData.

  • Description: Multiplicities of positively and negatively charged kaons from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target, in bins of x, y, and z. Data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar target LiD. They cover the kinematic domain in the photon virtuality Q^{2}>1 (GeV/c)^{2}, 0.004<x<0.4, 0.2<z<0.85 and 0.1<y<0.7. Also given are the diffractive vector meson correction to the pion count and DIS count, as well as the radiative correction factors to the pion count and DIS count. The correction factors were applied to the raw multiplicity to arrive at the final multiplicity given in the table multiplicatively.

Charged unidentified hadrons

  • References: PLB 764 (2017) 001; arXiv:1604.02695; HepData.

  • Description: Multiplicities of positively and negatively charged hadrons from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target, in bins of x, y, and z. Data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar target LiD. They cover the kinematic domain in the photon virtuality Q^{2}>1 (GeV/c)^{2}, 0.004<x<0.4, 0.2<z<0.85 and 0.1<y<0.7. Also given are the diffractive vector meson correction to the pion count and DIS count, as well as the radiative correction factors to the pion count and DIS count. The correction factors were applied to the raw multiplicity to arrive at the final multiplicity given in the table multiplicatively.


Charged pions and kaons

  • References: Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 074029; arXiv:; Hepdata; HERMES database.

  • Description: Measurements in semi-inclusive DIS are presented for each charge state of PI+- and K+- from electron/positron collisions of energy 27.6 GeV with hydrogen and deuterium targets. The results are presented as functions of the kinematic quantities x, Q^2, Z and hadron pT, and with and without subtraction of data from exclusive vector meson production.

  • Warnings: Only the 2D (x,z) and (Q2,z) measurements are included in the folder, according to the inconsistencies otherwise found In De Florian, Sassot and Stratmann studies. In general, only the bins where z>0.2 should be used. This excludes the lowest z-bin for all configurations. The bins below z<0.2 are included only for technical reason (to control for the model dependence of the smearing-unfolding procedure). The data points above z>0.8 should be treated with caution, as they lie in the region where the fractional contribution from exclusive processes becomes sizable. Due to the unfolding procedure, the different bins are statistically correlated. To correctly treat this correlation, the statistical covariance matrix should be used. Note that these covariance matrices only relate to the statistical uncertainty. These covariance matrices are not implemented for the time being. The systematic uncertainties should be treated as point-to-point uncertainties.