Raahma is an interactive-fiction singleplayer RPG made using kotlin. You have the ability to slay mobs, level up, and purchase items in order to become a better warrior and grind your way to higher levels. There's no goal in raahma, you create your own story.
Download the latest release from the releases page. Unpack the file contents.
Double-click the Raahma.bat file in order to run the game. If the game does not run or an error message comes up, continue to the Manual section.
Double-click the Raahma.command file in order to run the game. If the game does not run or an error message comes up, continue to the Manual section.
Open your command-line interface of choice and change the working directory to where you placed Raahma.jar. Then type java -jar Raahma.jar to run the game.
Make sure you use the correct syntax for your system.
Thanks to my friends for testing this game and giving suggestions for further improvements.