This project is meant to contain functionality to calculate the results of elections based on ballots.
Implementation is mainly focussed on the local elections in Schleswig-Holstein, which is the northernmost state of Germany.
The project uses Maven and Project Lombok. First, make sure to install Project Lombok into your IDE, then most IDEs should be able to import the Maven project with a glance.
On the shell the sources of this project can be built using mvn clean install
. To execute that command Project Lombok does not need to be installed.
This project's Command Line Interface (CLI) comes with a built-in help. In your IDE you only need to start the class de.larssh.election.germany.schleswigholstein.local.cli.LocalElectionResultCli
As long as Maven is installed on your machine and you executed mvn install
before, you can also execute the following shell command:
mvn --quiet de.lars-sh:jar-runner-maven-plugin:run -Dartifact=de.lars-sh.election-results:election-results-cli:0.9.0-SNAPSHOT -DmainClass=de.larssh.election.germany.schleswigholstein.local.cli.LocalElectionResultCli