- high performance, internet-scale, immutable blob storage
- files can't be changed, only added, removed, or overwritten
- not a mountable file system on physical or virtual machines
- simple administration and does not require capcacity management
- all storage options accessed through the same APIs and include client libraries
When creating a bucket we need to specify three things:
- name (need to be unique across Cloud Storage)
- specify a location (region / multi-regional)
- storage class
- provides highest durability, availability, and performance
- low latency
- ideal for
- use with website content distribution
- video streaming
- can be regional or multi-regional
- low cost durable storage
- used for:
- archiving
- online backup
- disaster recovery
- don't have long wait times to retrieve / access data
Low frequency access storage
- for data accessed less than once per month
#E## Coldline Storage
Lowest frequency access storage
- for data accessed less than once per year
- data is organised into buckets which are configured with a storage class (region, multi-regional, nearline, coldline)
- all buckets shre a global namespace
- create and manage multiple buckets within a project
- buckets are used to store objects
- objects are comprised of data and metadata
- buckets cannot be nested inside other buckets
- objects cannot be nested inside other objects (folders can be simulated by adding
to an object's name)
- administrative access to buckets is typically shared using GCP projects permissions
- all buckets and objects have default ACLs (Access Control Lists)
- when a bucket is created it gets a default ACL from configurable defaults
- can modify ACLs to allow for public web access
- scopes can be specified for objects, e.g.
all users
- scopes can be specified for objects, e.g.
- ACLs use Google Accounts
- allows one to grant specific levels of permission:
- read/write/owner for buckets
- read/owner for objects
- allows one to grant specific levels of permission:
- can also generate signed URLs for anonymous access
can create access for a limited amount of time
# create a signed URL that: # grants access to a file via the GET method (-m) # for a duration of 1 minute (-d) # for object found in the specified bucket $ gsutil signurl -m GET -d 1m gcs-sa.json gs://<bucket-name>/kitten.png
can be done for reading, writing, and deleting objects
cloud SDK includes the
cli for managing GS resources -
buckets use the URI scheme
used to work with buckets and objects
# return the buckets in a project $ gsutils ls gs://exported-data gs://startup-scripts # return the objects within a bucket $ gsutils ls startup-scripts gs://startup-scripts/startup.sh gs://startup-scripts/shutdown.sh # copy the objects from a bucket to a specified location (i.e. local machine for this command) $ gsutils cp gs://exported-data/*.json . Downloading files...
- website use
- content delivery
- can run static sites from a bucket
- regional buckets
- improve perf. for users in a specific region by configuring a bucket for that region
- object lifecycle management
- create policies for Cloud Storage to perform actions on objects baed on conditions. e.g.:
- delete objects if they are over a certain age
- delete objects created before a specific date
- create policies for Cloud Storage to perform actions on objects baed on conditions. e.g.:
- object versioning
- when enabled, all objects in a bucket will maintain a history
- online cloud import (Cloud Storage Transfer Service)
- allows one to bring data into Cloud Storage:
- from S3
- from another Cloud Storage bucket
- from a list of URLs
- allows one to bring data into Cloud Storage:
- Offline import (third party)
- send data to third parties who will handle upload
- useful for slow / expensive internet connections
- Object change notification
- allow devs to create webhooks for objects and get notified of changes
- upload / download between different resources:
- private computer
- import / export tables in BigQuery
- object storage and logs export with App Engine
- startup scripts, images, and general object storage for Compute Engine
- import / export tables for Cloud SQL