+ + + + +
+ + +

+ 🔥 Concept +

+ +

+ This dynamic theme manager brings theme support to Laravel projects. Theme Manager manages multiple theme at same time and you won't + lose build-in Laravel features. This package uses custom middleware for overwriting view path with selected theme. +

+ +

+ Add theme-manager middleware alias to your web or custom route chain. Then Theme Manager can + manipulate the views. + + Also this package uses custom Blade Compiler and if you are try to overwrite the Blade Compiler won't work anymore. +

+ +

+ Themes folder +

+ +

+ In your root folder create themes folder then add your themes to own group folder. + Also you can change themes folder path with package configs (must be in root folder). + + Theme folder structure must be like this: +

+ +
+└── src
+    ├── app
+    ├── public
+    ├── ...
+    ├── {themes}
+        ├── web
+        │    ├── my-awesome-theme
+        │    ├── your-awesome-theme
+        │    ├── ...
+        ├── admin
+        │    ├── banana
+        │    ├── cerry
+        │    ├── apple
+        │    ├── orange
+        │    ├── ...
+        ├── other-group
+        │    ├── other-theme
+        │    ├── other-other-theme
+        │    ├── ...
+        ├── ...
+ +

+ In this case web, admin and other-group is theme group. + We use groups for specific purposes. Then we can add specific themes to own group folder. + + You should publish this package configs, see installation part. +

+ +
+ + +

+ Installation +

+ +

+ ⚠️ This package compatible only Laravel 8 and above. +

+ +

+ To get the latest version of Laravel Theme Manager, simply require the project using + + + Composer + : +

+ +

+ + composer require laravel-ready/theme-manager + +

+ +

+ Publish configs +

+ +

+ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=theme-manager-config and you can find in config folder. +

+ +

+ Middleware +

+ +

+ Add theme-manager to your base route in {route}.php or app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php +

+ +
+ First way routes/web.php +
+ +
+Route::prefix('/')->middleware(['theme-manager', 'another-mw'])->group(function (){
+    Route::get('', [LandingController::class, 'index'])->name('home');
+    Route::get('my-page', [LandingController::class, 'anyPage'])->name('my-page');
+ +
+ Second way RouteServiceProvider.php +
+ +
+public function boot()
+    $this->configureRateLimiting();
+    $this->routes(function () {
+        ...
+        Route::middleware(['web', 'theme-manager'])
+            ->namespace("{$this->namespace}\\Web")
+            ->group(base_path('routes/web.php'));
+        Route::middleware(['web', 'theme-manager'])
+            ->namespace("{$this->namespace}\\Admin")
+            ->group(base_path('routes/admin.php'));
+    });
+ +
+ + +

+ 🚀 Usage +

+ +

+ Documentation and examples for header, navbar, sidebar, footer +

+ +
+ + +

+ Middleware +

+ +

+ Theme Manager works with theme and group pair. We can define default themes in routes and also you + can restrict with the route specific theme groups. +

+ +

+ ⚠️ Parameter ordering does not matter. +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ theme + + Specify theme alias + + + theme-manager:theme=my-theme + +
+ group + + Specify group alias + + + theme-manager:group=admin + +
+ restrict_group + + Restrict route with target group + + + theme-manager:restrict_group=admin + +
+ +

+ Combined usage examples: + +

  • + + theme-manager:theme=my-theme, group=admin, restrict_group=admin + +
  • +
  • + + theme-manager:theme=my-theme, group=admin + +
  • +
  • + + theme-manager:group=admin, theme=my-theme + +
  • +

+ +

+ Theme manager requires theme and group values always. +

+ +
+ + +

+ Service +

+ +

+ Theme loading and other options are depends to your logic. You can use ThemeManager service in controller, custom middleware etc. +

+ +

+ Scan installed themes +

+ +

+ ThemeManager::scanThemes(); returns list of theme groups and their themes. + + Theme Manager, after themes scanned themes adds to cache. + When you add new theme you should rescan the themes. + Just pass true as parameter or use ThemeManager::reScanThemes(); method. +

+ +

+ Get current theme +

+ +

+ ThemeManager::getCurrentTheme(); returns current theme details. +

+ +

+ Get target theme +

+ +

+ ThemeManager::getTheme(); returns requested theme details. +

+ +

+ Set current theme +

+ +

+ setTheme is required two parameters. Target theme and theme group. + + ThemeManager::setTheme('my-theme', 'theme-group') +

+ +
+ + +

+ Views +

+ +

+ We can call regular views with return View('welcome'). + If you want to call the theme view use theme:: alias like return View('theme::welcome') in controller. + + theme:: alias is universal gateway for Theme Manager. + After you use setTheme method Theme Manager finds theme views then Laravel renders. + + Also you can't use like theme::theme-name.... + You can only define themes with ThemeManager service class and middleware. +

+ +
+ + +

+ Directives +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ @asset + + Get theme asset URL + + 0: Asset path, + 1: Print theme version number (default true) +
+ @assetLoad + + Get theme asset content as string + + 0: Asset path, + 1: Fallback asset (default null) +
+ @svg + + Get SVG content as string + + 0: SVG file name, + 1: Class name (default null), + 2: CSS style (default null) +
+ +
  • + @asset + +
    • + @asset('css/base.css') +
    • +
    • + @asset('css/base.css', true|false) +
    • +
    • + @asset('js/app.js') +
    • +
    • + @asset('images/user/avatar-01.jpg') +
    • +
    • + @asset('favicons/favion.ico') +
    • +
  • + +
  • + @assetLoad + +
    • + @assetLoad('css/base.css') +
    • +
    • + @assetLoad('html/any-template.html') +
    • +
    • + @assetLoad('images/svg/sunshine.svg', 'images/svg/moonshine.svg') +
    • +
  • + +
  • + @svg + +
    • + @svg('chevron-left') +
    • +
    • + @svg('chevron-right', 'mx-auto') +
    • +
    • + @svg('chevron-down', 'mx-auto', 'fill: green; top: 20px; position: relative;') +
    • +
  • +
+ +

+ The above asset paths css, js, html are not reserved or any + custom paths are depends to your theme webpack.mix.js configs and design approach. +

+ +

+ ⚠️ Published theme specific assets must be in + project-folder/src/public/themes/{group-alias}/{theme-alias}/ folder because + Theme Manager uses this path for directives. +

+ +