All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.8.1 (2023-08-26)
- add vite purge comments plugin + minify SSR/SSG html output (ba9dcf3)
- disable vite plugin doc in quickstarter (53031d2)
- quickstarter: include missing preinstall script (97d66a2)
- replace http-server with vercel serve (0ae2c47)
- update dependencies and vite 5 (b1643fb)
- update tsconfig as vitejs recommendation (65a33e6)
- use jiti instead of esno for prepare shiki script (d68af54)
- use non root user in dockerfile (b76e9f1)
2.8.0 (2023-08-14)
- add input native datalist examples (611bab2), closes #226
- add repetable fields with vee-validate in demo (50131f0)
- add select with object validation examples (a16bda7)
- add server side generation (0c8e8e3)
- add simple logout example to user dropdown (ba7be9d)
- add toc-ignore class utils to markdown doc plugin (f464c28)
- add unhead/vite plugin (e44d8fc)
- add VRangeRating form input component (c435ccf)
- improve forms components internal context (b57b36d)
- improve SSR and PWA (f6c13de)
- replace @vueuse/head with unhead (7b39fd9)
- replace axios useApi with ofetch and useFetch (d770ef6)
- upgrade dependencies (2cadc00)
- use new defineModel macro (4644eea)
- v-input: add native dataset autocomplete examples (d1e58d4)
- v-modal: add property to control base element used + add focus-trap (970c36f), closes #216
- VSwitchBlock: allow usage with validation + create default slot for label (6035f92)
- VSwitchSegment: allow usage with validation + add label-true and label-false slots (752e3ae)
- vue: enable defineModel and propsDestructure (b514e07)
- color picker slider not shown (b590466), closes #223
- form layout stacked datepicker display (f2d4e83), closes #218
- forms: prevent watch loop in internal value (300540e)
- ignore pnpm-debug and .DS_Store (d8f310f), closes #224
- improve signup upload avatar demo (c79338e)
- ltr language in selectors and dropdown (312755a)
- update prettier to v3 + run before eslint (8211d7d)
- upgrade vite, vee-validate and dependencies (06138ff)
- use MaybeRefOrGetter on useViewWrapper.setPageTitle (66f7b36)
- useVFieldContext: use toRef and MaybeRefOrGetter from vue 3.3 (d0e79fd)
- v-checkbox: allow to pass custom id + add validation example with array value (109619d)
- v-label: improve a11y (e02d387)
- VButton: inherit class props properly (380ab9d)
- VCollapseLinks: allow use v-for on links in default template (f88e30f), closes #217
- VField: grouped regression (bb86318), closes #219
- VIconButton: add default dark value (2ef849d)
- VMarkdownPreview: expose shiki assets to /public/shiki (f2aee06)
- VTabs: allow nested slider tabs (11c40ea), closes #225
2.7.1 (2023-08-14)
- local purge-icons using pnpm patch (edb1d78)
2.7.0 (2023-05-07)
- add datatables, fix v-calendar latest styles, close #209 (ceb6e75)
- add RTL support (854122e)
- add RTL support (#211) (9b4d71c)
- add RTL support (#212) (f2c2091)
- add RTL support (#215) (c444582)
- i18n: set lang and dir attributes (adb7f2f)
- rework landing page (138db17)
- add elevated prop to vbutton docs, remove elevated prop from icon button, close #207 (5dc5da1)
- animated-checkbox: display inner circle as inline-block (069f074), closes #204
- banking dashboard followers display (f5abf09), closes #190
- chart colors (e136f54)
- charts and illustration colors (fc0faa6)
- chat, datatable, layout bugs (8a3b45d)
- flight dashboard checkboxes close #191 (7bd5cbf)
- icon button size, close #206 (50e548f)
- icons: line icons element playground (b681f96), closes #208
- light button colors in dark mode (fd93e17)
- notyf green color (83845f3)
2.6.1 (2023-01-24)
- doc: non displayed slots (4277e08)
- import icons vendors (a80d11e)
- v-datepicker: add missing client-only (cdf4c82)
- v-datepicker: use native input in slot in order to bind events (688643e), closes #186
- v-field: correctly display label when using addons (b6ede0f), closes #152
2.6.0 (2023-01-05)
- add stay-focus helper and enable it on documentation (2192a45)
- convert project to module + migrate doc to rehype and shiki (e5643cd)
- i18: extract translations from components to file, better i18n-ally integration (bea3bc1)
- i18n: migrate to unplugin-vue-i18n (936451a)
- ssr: improve server rendering compatibility (102bfcc)
- v-action: add to props so component can be used as router link (dabe2bb)
- v-markdown-editor: add accessible component to edit markdown (e74a71a)
- v-markdown-preview: add component to render markdown with remark and shiki (f717687)
- v-photos-swipe: upgrade to photoswipe v5 (b516666)
- v-textarea: add autogrow property (1f2914d)
- darkmode: detect color scheme before app start (59e957e)
- demo-data: convert to demo data to composable to avoid cross state pollution (2a001ef)
- router: blank pages on redirect" (a1002a7)
- styles: global styles regressions (32d1a6c)
- use-wizard: move store to composable using provide/inject (029326f)
- v-action: improve interactivity styles (f2e13ed)
- v-snack: remove nested v-tabs (4b15b12)
- v-tabs: display first tab if none selected by default (db0e13b)
- v-tabs: emited value typing to any (6dedf11)
- v-tabs: prevent tab link action (ae927db)
- v-tooltip: update tooltip when bindings changes (5e00a61)
2.5.0 (2022-12-11)
- upgrate to vite v4 (a8f322e)
- add vdatepicker example with vee validate (3e7f1da)
- improve useNotyf typings (3220abc)
- profile-edit: navigation links between tabs (6ad84c2)
- remove keys from transition (e59c2cb)
- v-plyr: embed youtube source to avoid CORS issue (94a5aa2)
- wizard-v1: placeholder pages styles on page refresh (f90dafb)
2.4.0 (2022-09-12)
- add example of router data loader (experimental feature) (ea78856)
- Add roadmap UI (72e8a05)
- add vite auto-import plugin (6f5beea)
- cypress: create tests suites examples, with CI, upgrade to v10 (05fb5af)
- fix login page top logo (d93a10d)
- improve user session plugin / router guard (eb1a9b9)
- pre compress images, add optin MINIFY_IMAGES build option (0e8d577), closes #151
- router: add scroll behavior between routes (918dae5)
- router: replace vite-plugin-pages with official unplugin-vue-route (typed router) (607aee2)
- ssr: add experimental server side rendering support (a45bc16)
- upgrade vite to v3.x (e184240)
- use pnpm as default package manager, add npmrc so npm and yarn are iso (7fe8ebf)
- v-checkbox: add value property to match native behaviour (3d08006), closes #154
- v-dropdown: add option parameters for useDropdown composable, can disable clickOuside (053e97a)
- v-i-mask-input: expose inputMask instance (1b398a0)
- flex-table-wrapper: expose wrapperState to be used in parent scope (c42fd25)
- ignore zone.identifier files (98f1a61), closes #148
- remove 404 slug added in url on page not found (00eee8f)
- remove 404 slug added in url on page not found in quickstarer (248c2e2)
- remove global dragula hack on kanban app and lazy load lib (aa2cbcc)
- remove vite-imagetools to speedup build, pre optimize images instead (fd833b0)
- use RouteLocationAsString instead of RouteLocationRaw (ec7fbc8)
- use VBlock to load styles (eaf9bf2)
- v-button: inherit class string attributes (a8be6cf)
- v-file-pond: expose FilePond and HTMLInputFile to be used in parent scope (bf56d9e), closes #178
- v-input: allow to use bulma size modifiers (f1f1bf2)
- v-switch-segment: emit value from internal VInput component (845e44a)
2.3.0 (2022-04-24)
- add plugin system (8e0acf2)
- docs: add copy color snippet button (56e4774)
- forms: refactor and add components with validation (84407a2)
- v-checkbox: allow to use boolean as value (b15bc05)
- v-flex-table-wrapper: expose fetchData method in default v-slot (740ebb5)
- v-tabs: allow v-model on selected props (34ea2c3)
- wizard: refactor wizard v1 with nested routes (3c4e2a7)
- multiselect: make searchable multiselect focusable with labels (b2edaed)
- multiselect: uniformize border style (fbf2273), closes #120
- scss: improve loading and reduce end bundle size (e08cff0)
- sidebar: invalid focus style on dropdown items (a13a162), closes #142
- typing: remove simplebar types (built-in) (a1c3f34), closes #133
- update all major dependencies (6fc0da7)
- v-collapse-link: default active item always open (e0047b7), closes #140
- v-control: allow overriding input id (77e7e64)
- v-switch: allow to be used without vmodel (d1a139c)
- v-tippy: add wrapper to tippy component for accessibility (796813f)
2.2.0 (2022-01-03)
- accessibility: enable click-events-have-key-events eslint rule (0d55212)
- accessibility: improve focus styles and keyboard navigation (18a62e7)
- accessibility: improve keyboard navigation on form pages (3868a72)
- add useThemeColors composable (a1f84d8)
- layouts: add new Sideblock layout (ff5f774)
- linters: upgrade to stylelint v14 + other linter minor versions (b5cbd8c)
- page-icons: add copy snippets to clipboard on all icons examples (271acd9)
- page-influencer: split page into smaller and more reusable components (46307a4)
- page-messaging-v1: split page into smaller and more reusable components with api call samples (0bf5d04)
- sidebar-collapsable-links: replace has-nested-router-link directive with a component (141311c)
- stores: convert activePanelState to pinia (89c3c6a)
- stores: convert activeSidebarState to pinia (7a71043)
- stores: convert darkModeState to pinia (352b2ee)
- stores: convert navbarLayoutState and sidebarLayoutState to layoutSwitcher store (949ed35)
- stores: enable hot module replacement on pinia modules (37690dc)
- stores: use viewWrapper store to handle pageTitle (87e2766)
- styles: Move styles to components to allow reusability (#126) (448b53c)
- v-flex-table-wrapper: add pagination, sort, filter and async data to v-flex-table (#127) (5a24ac2)
- v-flex-table: improve darkmode and responsive + add separators prop (6aa8f5a)
- v-flex-table: rewrite component with slots and render functions (cf67662)
- v-page-content-wrapper: add base layout component (47c90e2)
- v-page-content: add base layout component (5881d07)
- v-placeload: add mobileWidth and mobileHeight properties (17050a4)
- v-view-wrapper: add base layout component (4c8384e)
- work on sideblock layout (4aacc70)
- add missing slots to base components (9a64c83)
- composable: export named composable instead of default (a911ea4)
- composable: update useApi error message (9946588)
- composable: wrap useNotif with createSharedComposable from vueuse (d7a59cb)
- page-signup: done button now submit the register form (0ee5486), closes #124
- sidebar hover labels (1d21728)
- simplify app.ts + main.ts files and create VueroApp.vue (e8b1132)
- update modal form examples (029dcd2)
- useApi: remove provide/inject + add initial page router guard async example (b725be2)
- utils: rename themeColors to theme-colors (e6168a3)
- v-field: auto-generate input id binded with label (bfd7e58)
2.1.0 (2021-10-06)
- accessibility: add eslint plugin to check accessibility in vue 3 files (b4c5774)
- build: add rollup purgecss plugin (7475783)
- notyf: improve useNotif to use INotyfNotificationOptions payload (5968143)
- pinia: replace userSession and wizard states with pinia stores (5966a86)
- v-credit-card: translate component + set default props values (198c7cb)
- v-peity: add peity chart component (close #100) (3e59f07)
- datepicker: use camel-case component name in markdown examples (998ee61)
- delay icon loading and set purgecss safelist (eb06946)
- homepage: add discord and github info + version from package.json (f0d068b)
- i18n: persist selected language when user use the language panel (8c11b19)
- main: update how userSession and api are provided (644924c)
- nabar-divider: use border cssvar for bg color (close #109) (3e8f330)
- quickstarter: clean unused files before adding to the release archive (db65175)
- quickstarter: remove all demo images references (3cf8fce)
- quickstart: use LandingLayout on not found page (4294eb0)
- remove unused images (c706d43)
- use regex in hsltohex parser (948d56d)
- user-grid-v3: tab slider was missing (bc49405)
- v-avatar: light/dark image toggle (close #107) (a651520)
- v-flex-pagination: last page was missing in some cases (e5ccd13)
- vscode: simplify settings and update recommended extensions (99215e8)
2.0.0 (2021-09-21)
- typescript: remove dashs
from components name to match vue standards - typescript: enable volar and vue-tsc
- add soccer and jobs dashboards (386206a)
- add VFlex, VFlexItem, VGrid and VGridItem components (70afa23)
- add video player on home, fix: multiselect shadow (d88e0cb)
- homepage: add demo search input (a2c6220)
- i18n: translate auth/signup-2 page (7aa6d3f)
- typescript: enable volar and vue-tsc (869969a)
- typescript: remove dashs
from components name to match vue standards (a0505c7) - vee-validate: add form validation example won signup-2 demo page (close #82) (5c2081f)
- cypress: add new page + fill auth form when required (be7ab25)
- dark: change border and red colors in dark mode (a923e09)
- flex-pagination: aria-current value when empty page (0d4794e)
- form-stepper: broken dark mode (353ba4d)
- icons: replace huge html file (ccfc19f)
- profile-edit: edit profile menu item hover color (close #101) (744e7dd)
- project-details: broken tabs (close #103) (f374b23)
- stylelint: disable value-keyword-case rule (8be676f)
- theme-colors: use getComputedStyle and map css variable values to themeColors (close #95) (c895d1d)
- v-avatar-stack: add limit into props interface (close #97) (efb9cf9)
- v-date-picker: use kebab case (a715486)
- v-plyr: clean iframe source (0148804)
- vaccordion: use default value when no openItems props is set (close #93) (632fb1e)
- vfilepond: custom file validator to map accepted file props (eb5bc18)
1.4.0 (2021-09-09)
- collapse-model: add v-collapsemodel component (2ad9030)
- components: add v-flex in components, add css vars documentation (a64cdf5)
- dev-tools: add commitlint and standard-version release tool for changelog/version generation (1f0d473)
- docs: add color picker on documentation (4a2a844)
- env: add .env file with example for mapbox api key) (7f4ef80)
- flex-pagination: translate component (760fd47)
- flex: add v-flex component (2d39989)
- modal: translate component (4fbb873)
- page-404: translate page (d4619cf)
- reload-promp: add appName props + translate component (a4475a4)
- scss: migrate to native css variables 🌈 (a680ad6)
- scss: replace darken function in components with variables (d5f72a2)
- scss: replace lighten function in components with variables (970586a)
- scss: resolve darken/lighten colors (c17b9f8)
- svg: add vite-svg-loader + use css variables in error-1.svg for demo (69c1867)
- typings: migrate all components declaration to typescript with generic type notation (3e6c654)
- button: import v-placeload instead of resolving (c97f1b0)
- collapse icon (c7d52cc)
- dark-mode: set is-dark class to documentElement (root html) instead of body (c6c3bf5)
- svg: use .svg in html to avoid being imported as component by vite-svg-loader (f98be7e)
- typings: remove unecessary declaration + ignore components.d.ts for linter (46da1bb)
- fix: circular menu watcheffect (85a086e)
- fix: plyr cover video size (63e307f)
- feat: add redirection pages examples in auth and error (72eed3b)
- feat: add simple quickstarter pages and layout (78d09cd)
- feat: add useApi and useUserSession composable + add navigation guard example on dashboards pages (c90cc4c)
- feat: update to vue 3.2.0 (a3ecf95)
- feat: add V-Vivus component (131de2d)
- chore: add license file and fix minimum node version (05e59e0)
- chore: uniformisation of defineProps usage (2a26c01)
- chore: update documentation link (1f784a0)
- chore: update redirection route in navigation guard to 'auth' instead of 'auth-login-1' (9a63639)
- refactor: export function in i18n and router (a44d8c1)
- refactor(v-button): use render function instead of template (95ba553)
- refactor(v-iconbutton): use render function instead of template (5249d65)
- dx: improve subdirectory path comments (7d792fc)
- ci: update build script to build without assets + documentation redirect (cc7058f)
- fix: colored navbar notification (close #83) (182ef79), closes #83
- fix: mobile user dropdown on navbar (close #84) (c3b5e31), closes #84
- fix: onboarding page responsive (close #77) (2d318df), closes #77
- feat: add maps pages with mapbox (0bb8c25)
- feat: extract messaging layout (de96804)
- feat: simplify minimal layout (a16cb70)
- feat: simplify navbar layout (c24eec2)
- feat: simplify sidebar layout (cc5f665)
- feat(v-placeload): add components and layouts (3aa90c0)
- feat(v-avatar): add pictureDark props and add slots to customize avatars (9bd1516)
- feat(v-button): add icon caret on and expose methods on v-dropdown (8963df9)
- chore: update vue to 3.1 and bulma to 0.9.3 (243afe81)
- chore: add internal sonarqube config (e9e78f3)
- chore: reduce code smells and bugs (sonarqube) (166f44d)
- chore: update dependencies (58c8471)
- chore: update linters dependencies (c2be764)
- chore(cypress): add ability to tests url with query arguments (3d97b27)
- refactor: navbar layout and mobile navigation components (29689f3)
- refactor: sidebar layout (062bd59)
- refactor: useDropdown + improve accessibility (376f228)
- refactor: useMarkdownToc + improve tables accessibility (e0a0585)
- refactor: extract page title to layouts (abb2b4c)
- refactor: merge layout switcher + screenshot generation (53bba1f)
- refactor(v-dropdown): use components on partials (9c862ae)
- fix: add missing ref on wizard upload (0d199b6)
- fix: path aliases on windows (64af8c5)
- fix: remove overflow to allow sticky elements (close #76) (7994087), closes #76
- chore: add comments on main files + update deps (abdbfa3)
- chore: extract navbar templates (ea50cdf)
- chore: extract sidebar templates (7cc988a)
- chore: move demo files and update deps (1f7533a)
- chore: update deps, remove top nodes comments (4cb3fdb)
- chore: update envato release process (aab86ce)
- chore: update major deps (66b0ffe)
- chore: update minor deps (cd79244)
- chore: update router and i18n comments + update deps packages (9049b13)
- feat: add forms component and refactored documentation (71ddc4d)
- feat: implement form stepper and marketing pages (3cd0b19)
- feat: import changes from huro (4c4dda7)
- feat: update dropdown navbar items + add npm and yarn lock files (ffdb310)
- feat(v-accordionimage): emit select event and remove id field from items (c1d28ee)
- feat(v-buttons): add v-buttons wrapper component (9314dfd)
- feat(v-field): add label and horizontal props (9a2985d)
- feat(v-field): add multiline props (063c444)
- feat(v-snack): merge v-snackimage and v-snackicon components (1eeb2e4)
- feat(v-tabs): add v-tabs component (02286fb)
- feat(v-tags): add v-tags wrapper components (167aafe)
- dx: add generated file (06e6410)
- dx: improve state comments and remove dead code (5621ddf)
- dx: improve templates and main files comments + fix minor integration bugs (862b69a)
- dx: update (6a86ce7)
- workflow: update deps (d593585)
- ci: add macos/ubuntu/windows test runner with github actions (5ff820d)
- ci: fix github release workflow (9509538)
- fix: disable layout switcher when not in dynamic layout pages (7a6d0ec)
- fix: PropType import type (e370f6e)
- fix(v-breadcrumb): non clickable element hover effect (3e651db)
- fix(v-icon): add key to handle icon change (d3001dc)