diff --git a/src/core/database/database.zig b/src/core/database/database.zig
index fb2389c..b7fda35 100644
--- a/src/core/database/database.zig
+++ b/src/core/database/database.zig
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ pub const MintDatabase = struct {
     getMintQuoteFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, quote_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MintQuote,
     updateMintQuoteStateFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, quote_id: zul.UUID, state: nuts.nut04.QuoteState) anyerror!nuts.nut04.QuoteState,
     getMintQuotesFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) anyerror!std.ArrayList(MintQuote),
-    getMintQuoteByRequestLookupIdFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MintQuote,
+    getMintQuoteByRequestLookupIdFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!?MintQuote,
     getMintQuoteByRequestFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request: []const u8) anyerror!?MintQuote,
     removeMintQuoteStateFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, quote_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!void,
     addMeltQuoteFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, quote: MeltQuote) anyerror!void,
     getMeltQuoteFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, quote_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MeltQuote,
     updateMeltQuoteStateFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, quote_id: zul.UUID, state: nuts.nut05.QuoteState) anyerror!nuts.nut05.QuoteState,
     getMeltQuotesFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator) anyerror!std.ArrayList(MeltQuote),
-    getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupIdFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MeltQuote,
+    getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupIdFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!?MeltQuote,
     getMeltQuoteByRequestFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request: []const u8) anyerror!?MeltQuote,
     removeMeltQuoteStateFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, quote_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!void,
     addProofsFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, proofs: []const nuts.Proof) anyerror!void,
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pub const MintDatabase = struct {
                 const self: *T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
                 return self.getMintQuotes(gpa);
-            pub fn getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(pointer: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MintQuote {
+            pub fn getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(pointer: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!?MintQuote {
                 const self: *T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
                 return self.getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(gpa, request_lookup_id);
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ pub const MintDatabase = struct {
                 const self: *T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
                 return self.getMeltQuotes(gpa);
-            pub fn getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupId(pointer: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MeltQuote {
+            pub fn getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupId(pointer: *anyopaque, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!?MeltQuote {
                 const self: *T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
                 return self.getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupId(gpa, request_lookup_id);
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ pub const MintDatabase = struct {
     pub fn getMintQuotes(self: Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) anyerror!std.ArrayList(MintQuote) {
         return self.getMintQuotesFn(self.ptr, allocator);
-    pub fn getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MintQuote {
+    pub fn getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!?MintQuote {
         return self.getMintQuoteByRequestLookupIdFn(self.ptr, gpa, request_lookup_id);
     pub fn getMintQuoteByRequest(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request: []const u8) anyerror!?MintQuote {
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ pub const MintDatabase = struct {
     pub fn getMeltQuotes(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator) anyerror!std.ArrayList(MeltQuote) {
         return self.getMeltQuotesFn(self.ptr, gpa);
-    pub fn getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupId(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: zul.UUID) anyerror!?MeltQuote {
+    pub fn getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupId(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!?MeltQuote {
         return self.getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupIdFn(self.ptr, gpa, request_lookup_id);
     pub fn getMeltQuoteByRequest(self: Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, request: []const u8) anyerror!?MeltQuote {
diff --git a/src/core/database/mint_memory.zig b/src/core/database/mint_memory.zig
index a1db251..e1b48a4 100644
--- a/src/core/database/mint_memory.zig
+++ b/src/core/database/mint_memory.zig
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ pub const MintMemoryDatabase = struct {
     pub fn getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(
         self: *Self,
         allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
-        request: zul.UUID,
+        request: []const u8,
     ) !?MintQuote {
         var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
         defer arena.deinit();
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ pub const MintMemoryDatabase = struct {
         const quotes = try self.getMintQuotes(arena.allocator());
         for (quotes.items) |q| {
             // if we found, cloning with allocator, so caller responsible on free resources
-            if (q.request_lookup_id.eql(request)) return try q.clone(allocator);
+            if (std.mem.eql(u8, q.request_lookup_id, request)) return try q.clone(allocator);
         return null;
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ pub const MintMemoryDatabase = struct {
     pub fn getMeltQuoteByRequestLookupId(
         self: *Self,
         allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
-        request: zul.UUID,
+        request: []const u8,
     ) !?MeltQuote {
         var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
         defer arena.deinit();
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ pub const MintMemoryDatabase = struct {
         const quotes = try self.getMeltQuotes(arena.allocator());
         for (quotes.items) |q| {
             // if we found, cloning with allocator, so caller responsible on free resources
-            if (std.mem.eql(u8, q.request_lookup_id, &request.bin)) return try q.clone(allocator);
+            if (std.mem.eql(u8, q.request_lookup_id, request)) return try q.clone(allocator);
         return null;
diff --git a/src/core/lightning/lightning.zig b/src/core/lightning/lightning.zig
index 66aa5e9..1d236f4 100644
--- a/src/core/lightning/lightning.zig
+++ b/src/core/lightning/lightning.zig
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ pub const PayInvoiceResponse = struct {
     /// Totoal Amount Spent
     total_spent: Amount,
+    unit: CurrencyUnit,
     pub fn deinit(self: PayInvoiceResponse, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
@@ -45,6 +47,8 @@ pub const PaymentQuoteResponse = struct {
     amount: Amount,
     /// Fee required for melt
     fee: u64,
+    /// Status
+    state: MeltQuoteState,
     pub fn deinit(self: PaymentQuoteResponse, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
diff --git a/src/core/lightning/mint.zig b/src/core/lightning/mint.zig
index 98e2abd..d5578da 100644
--- a/src/core/lightning/mint.zig
+++ b/src/core/lightning/mint.zig
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ const Self = @This();
 const std = @import("std");
 const core = @import("../lib.zig");
+const ref = @import("../../sync/ref.zig");
+const mpmc = @import("../../sync/mpmc.zig");
 const Channel = @import("../../channels/channels.zig").Channel;
 const Amount = core.amount.Amount;
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ ptr: *anyopaque,
 deinitFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque) void,
 getSettingsFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque) Settings,
-waitAnyInvoiceFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque) anyerror!Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).Rx,
+waitAnyInvoiceFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque) ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))),
 getPaymentQuoteFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, melt_quote_request: MeltQuoteBolt11Request) anyerror!PaymentQuoteResponse,
 payInvoiceFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, melt_quote: core.mint.MeltQuote, partial_msats: ?Amount, max_fee_msats: ?Amount) anyerror!PayInvoiceResponse,
 checkInvoiceStatusFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, request_lookup_id: []const u8) anyerror!MintQuoteState,
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ pub fn initFrom(comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, value: T) !Self
             return self.getSettings();
-        pub fn waitAnyInvoice(pointer: *anyopaque) anyerror!Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).Rx {
+        pub fn waitAnyInvoice(pointer: *anyopaque) ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) {
             const self: *T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
             return self.waitAnyInvoice();
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ pub fn getSettings(self: Self) Settings {
     return self.getSettingsFn(self.ptr);
-pub fn waitAnyInvoice(self: Self) !Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).Rx {
+pub fn waitAnyInvoice(self: Self) ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) {
     return self.waitAnyInvoiceFn(self.ptr);
diff --git a/src/core/mint/lightning/lib.zig b/src/core/mint/lightning/lib.zig
index 72b4513..dbd08f5 100644
--- a/src/core/mint/lightning/lib.zig
+++ b/src/core/mint/lightning/lib.zig
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 pub const lnbits = @import("lnbits.zig");
 pub const invoice = @import("invoices/lib.zig");
-pub const Lightning = @import("lightning.zig");
diff --git a/src/core/mint/lightning/lnbits.zig b/src/core/mint/lightning/lnbits.zig
index d5a254e..cd4f0f0 100644
--- a/src/core/mint/lightning/lnbits.zig
+++ b/src/core/mint/lightning/lnbits.zig
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
 const std = @import("std");
-const model = @import("../model.zig");
-const Lightning = @import("lightning.zig");
+const core = @import("../../lib.zig");
+const lightning_invoice = @import("../../../lightning_invoices/invoice.zig");
+const httpz = @import("httpz");
+const zul = @import("zul");
+const ref = @import("../../../sync/ref.zig");
+const mpmc = @import("../../../sync/mpmc.zig");
+const http_router = @import("../../../misc/http_router/http_router.zig");
+const Amount = core.amount.Amount;
+const PaymentQuoteResponse = core.lightning.PaymentQuoteResponse;
+// const CreateInvoiceResponse = core.lightning.CreateInvoiceResponse;
+const MeltQuoteBolt11Request = core.nuts.nut05.MeltQuoteBolt11Request;
+const MintMeltSettings = core.lightning.MintMeltSettings;
+const MeltQuoteState = core.nuts.nut05.QuoteState;
+const MintQuoteState = core.nuts.nut04.QuoteState;
+const FeeReserve = core.mint.FeeReserve;
+const Channel = @import("../../../channels/channels.zig").Channel;
+const MintLightning = core.lightning.MintLightning;
 pub const HttpError = std.http.Client.RequestError || std.http.Client.Request.FinishError || std.http.Client.Request.WaitError || error{ ReadBodyError, WrongJson };
@@ -10,26 +26,107 @@ pub const LightningError = HttpError || std.Uri.ParseError || std.mem.Allocator.
-pub const Settings = struct {
-    admin_key: ?[]const u8,
-    url: ?[]const u8,
+pub const LnBits = struct {
+    const Self = @This();
-pub const LnBitsLightning = struct {
     client: LNBitsClient,
-    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, admin_key: []const u8, lnbits_url: []const u8) !@This() {
+    chan: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))), // we using signle channel for sending invoices
+    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+    fee_reserve: FeeReserve,
+    webhook_url: ?[]const u8,
+    mint_settings: MintMeltSettings = .{},
+    melt_settings: MintMeltSettings = .{},
+    pub fn init(
+        allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+        admin_key: []const u8,
+        invoice_api_key: []const u8,
+        lnbits_url: []const u8,
+        mint_settings: MintMeltSettings,
+        melt_settings: MintMeltSettings,
+        fee_reserve: FeeReserve,
+        chan: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))),
+        webhook_url: ?[]const u8,
+    ) !@This() {
         return .{
-            .client = try LNBitsClient.init(allocator, admin_key, lnbits_url),
+            .allocator = allocator,
+            .client = try LNBitsClient.init(
+                allocator,
+                admin_key,
+                invoice_api_key,
+                lnbits_url,
+            ),
+            .mint_settings = mint_settings,
+            .melt_settings = melt_settings,
+            .fee_reserve = fee_reserve,
+            .chan = chan,
+            .webhook_url = webhook_url,
-    pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void {
-        self.client.deinit();
+    pub fn toMintLightning(self: *const Self, gpa: std.mem.Allocator) error{OutOfMemory}!MintLightning {
+        return MintLightning.initFrom(Self, gpa, self.*);
-    pub fn lightning(self: *@This()) Lightning {
-        return Lightning.init(self);
+    pub fn getSettings(self: *const Self) core.lightning.Settings {
+        return .{
+            .mpp = false,
+            .unit = .sat,
+            .melt_settings = self.melt_settings,
+            .mint_settings = self.mint_settings,
+        };
+    }
+    /// caller responsible to deallocate result
+    pub fn getPaymentQuote(
+        self: *const Self,
+        allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+        melt_quote_request: MeltQuoteBolt11Request,
+    ) !PaymentQuoteResponse {
+        if (melt_quote_request.unit != .sat) return error.UnsupportedUnit;
+        const invoice_amount_msat = melt_quote_request
+            .request
+            .amountMilliSatoshis() orelse return error.UnknownInvoiceAmount;
+        const amount = try core.lightning.toUnit(
+            invoice_amount_msat,
+            .msat,
+            melt_quote_request.unit,
+        );
+        const relative_fee_reserve: u64 =
+            @intFromFloat(self.fee_reserve.percent_fee_reserve * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(amount)));
+        const absolute_fee_reserve: u64 = self.fee_reserve.min_fee_reserve;
+        const fee = if (relative_fee_reserve > absolute_fee_reserve)
+            relative_fee_reserve
+        else
+            absolute_fee_reserve;
+        const req_lookup_id = try allocator.dupe(u8, &melt_quote_request.request.paymentHash().inner);
+        errdefer allocator.free(req_lookup_id);
+        return .{
+            .request_lookup_id = req_lookup_id,
+            .amount = amount,
+            .fee = fee,
+            .state = .unpaid,
+        };
+    }
+    pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void {
+        self.client.deinit();
+        self.chan.releaseWithFn((struct {
+            fn deinit(_self: mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) void {
+                _self.deinit();
+            }
+        }).deinit);
     pub fn isInvoicePaid(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, invoice: []const u8) !bool {
@@ -39,34 +136,102 @@ pub const LnBitsLightning = struct {
         return self.client.isInvoicePaid(allocator, &decoded_invoice.paymentHash());
-    pub fn createInvoice(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, amount: u64) !model.CreateInvoiceResult {
-        return try self.client.createInvoice(allocator, .{
-            .amount = amount,
-            .unit = "sat",
-            .memo = null,
-            .expiry = 10000,
-            .webhook = null,
+    pub fn checkInvoiceStatus(
+        self: *Self,
+        _request_lookup_id: []const u8,
+    ) !MintQuoteState {
+        return if (try self.client.isInvoicePaid(self.allocator, _request_lookup_id)) .paid else .unpaid;
+    }
+    pub fn createInvoice(
+        self: *Self,
+        gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
+        amount: Amount,
+        unit: core.nuts.CurrencyUnit,
+        description: []const u8,
+        unix_expiry: u64,
+    ) !core.lightning.CreateInvoiceResponse {
+        if (unit != .sat) return error.UnsupportedUnit;
+        const time_now = std.time.timestamp();
+        std.debug.assert(unix_expiry > time_now);
+        const amnt = try core.lightning.toUnit(amount, unit, .sat);
+        const expiry = unix_expiry - @abs(time_now);
+        const create_invoice_response = try self.client.createInvoice(gpa, .{
+            .amount = amnt,
+            .unit = unit.toString(),
+            .memo = description,
+            .expiry = expiry,
+            .webhook = self.webhook_url,
             .internal = null,
+            .out = false,
+        errdefer create_invoice_response.deinit(gpa);
+        defer gpa.free(create_invoice_response.payment_request);
+        var request = try lightning_invoice.Bolt11Invoice.fromStr(gpa, create_invoice_response.payment_request);
+        errdefer request.deinit();
+        const res_expiry = request.expiresAtSecs();
+        return .{
+            .request_lookup_id = create_invoice_response.payment_hash,
+            .request = request,
+            .expiry = res_expiry,
+        };
+    }
+    pub fn payInvoice(
+        self: *Self,
+        arena: std.mem.Allocator,
+        melt_quote: core.mint.MeltQuote,
+        _: ?Amount,
+        _: ?Amount, // max_fee_msats
+    ) !core.lightning.PayInvoiceResponse {
+        const pay_response = try self.client.payInvoice(arena, melt_quote.request);
+        const invoices_info = try self.client.findInvoice(arena, pay_response.payment_hash);
+        if (invoices_info.value.len == 0) return error.InvoiceNotFound;
+        const invoice_info = invoices_info.value[0];
+        const status: MeltQuoteState = if (invoice_info.pending) .unpaid else .paid;
+        const total_spent = @abs(invoice_info.amount + invoice_info.fee);
+        return .{
+            .payment_hash = pay_response.payment_hash,
+            .payment_preimage = invoice_info.payment_hash,
+            .status = status,
+            .total_spent = total_spent,
+            .unit = .sat,
+        };
-    pub fn payInvoice(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, payment_request: []const u8) !model.PayInvoiceResult {
-        return try self.client.payInvoice(allocator, payment_request);
+    // Result is channel with invoices, caller must free result
+    pub fn waitAnyInvoice(
+        self: *Self,
+    ) ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) {
+        return self.chan.retain();
 pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
     admin_key: []const u8,
-    lnbits_url: std.Uri,
+    invoice_api_key: []const u8,
+    lnbits_url: []const u8,
     client: std.http.Client,
     pub fn init(
         allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
         admin_key: []const u8,
+        invoice_api_key: []const u8,
         lnbits_url: []const u8,
     ) !LNBitsClient {
-        const url = try std.Uri.parse(lnbits_url);
         var client = std.http.Client{
             .allocator = allocator,
@@ -74,7 +239,8 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
         return .{
             .admin_key = admin_key,
-            .lnbits_url = url,
+            .lnbits_url = lnbits_url,
+            .invoice_api_key = invoice_api_key,
             .client = client,
@@ -89,15 +255,13 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
         allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
         endpoint: []const u8,
     ) LightningError![]const u8 {
-        var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
-        var b: []u8 = buf[0..];
-        const uri = self.lnbits_url.resolve_inplace(endpoint, &b) catch return std.Uri.ParseError.UnexpectedCharacter;
+        const uri = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}/{s}", .{ self.lnbits_url, endpoint });
+        defer allocator.free(uri);
         const header_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, 1024 * 1024 * 4);
         defer allocator.free(header_buf);
-        var req = try self.client.open(.GET, uri, .{
+        var req = try self.client.open(.GET, try std.Uri.parse(uri), .{
             .server_header_buffer = header_buf,
             .extra_headers = &.{
@@ -132,15 +296,15 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
         endpoint: []const u8,
         req_body: []const u8,
     ) LightningError![]const u8 {
-        var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
-        var b: []u8 = buf[0..];
-        const uri = self.lnbits_url.resolve_inplace(endpoint, &b) catch return std.Uri.ParseError.UnexpectedCharacter;
+        const uri = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}/{s}", .{ self.lnbits_url, endpoint });
+        defer allocator.free(uri);
         const header_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, 1024 * 1024 * 4);
         defer allocator.free(header_buf);
-        var req = try self.client.open(.POST, uri, .{
+        std.log.debug("uri: {s}", .{uri});
+        var req = try self.client.open(.POST, try std.Uri.parse(uri), .{
             .server_header_buffer = header_buf,
             .extra_headers = &.{
@@ -180,37 +344,31 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
     /// createInvoice - creating invoice
     /// note: after success call u need to call deinit on result using alloactor that u pass as argument to this func.
-    pub fn createInvoice(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, params: model.CreateInvoiceParams) !model.CreateInvoiceResult {
-        const req_body = try std.json.stringifyAlloc(allocator, &params, .{});
+    pub fn createInvoice(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, params: CreateInvoiceRequest) !CreateInvoiceResponse {
+        const req_body = try std.json.stringifyAlloc(allocator, &params, .{
+            .emit_null_optional_fields = false,
+        });
+        std.log.debug("request {s}", .{req_body});
         const res = try self.post(allocator, "api/v1/payments", req_body);
+        std.log.debug("create invoice, response : {s}", .{res});
         const parsed = std.json.parseFromSlice(std.json.Value, allocator, res, .{ .allocate = .alloc_always }) catch return error.WrongJson;
         const payment_request = parsed.value.object.get("payment_request") orelse unreachable;
         const payment_hash = parsed.value.object.get("payment_hash") orelse unreachable;
         const pr = switch (payment_request) {
-            .string => |v| val: {
-                const result = try allocator.alloc(u8, v.len);
-                @memcpy(result, v);
-                break :val result;
-            },
-            else => {
-                unreachable;
-            },
+            .string => |v| try allocator.dupe(u8, v),
+            else => unreachable,
         errdefer allocator.free(pr);
         const ph = switch (payment_hash) {
-            .string => |v| val: {
-                const result = try allocator.alloc(u8, v.len);
-                @memcpy(result, v);
-                break :val result;
-            },
-            else => {
-                unreachable;
-            },
+            .string => |v| try allocator.dupe(u8, v),
+            else => unreachable,
         errdefer allocator.free(ph);
@@ -222,7 +380,7 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
     /// payInvoice - paying invoice
     /// note: after success call u need to call deinit on result using alloactor that u pass as argument to this func.
-    pub fn payInvoice(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, bolt11: []const u8) !model.PayInvoiceResult {
+    pub fn payInvoice(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, bolt11: []const u8) !PayInvoiceResponse {
         const req_body = try std.json.stringifyAlloc(allocator, &.{ .out = true, .bolt11 = bolt11 }, .{});
         const res = try self.post(allocator, "api/v1/payments", req_body);
@@ -245,13 +403,17 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
         return .{
             .payment_hash = ph,
-            .total_fees = 0,
+            // .total_fees = 0,
     /// isInvoicePaid - paying invoice
     /// note: after success call u need to call deinit on result using alloactor that u pass as argument to this func.
-    pub fn isInvoicePaid(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, payment_hash: []const u8) !bool {
+    pub fn isInvoicePaid(
+        self: *@This(),
+        allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+        payment_hash: []const u8,
+    ) !bool {
         const endpoint = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
@@ -269,10 +431,144 @@ pub const LNBitsClient = struct {
             else => false,
+    /// findInvoice - finding invoice
+    pub fn findInvoice(
+        self: *@This(),
+        allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+        checking_id: []const u8,
+    ) !std.json.Parsed([]const FindInvoiceResponse) {
+        const endpoint = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
+            allocator,
+            "api/v1/payments?checking_id=internal_{s}",
+            .{checking_id},
+        );
+        defer allocator.free(endpoint);
+        const res = try self.get(allocator, endpoint);
+        return std.json.parseFromSlice([]const FindInvoiceResponse, allocator, res, .{ .allocate = .alloc_always }) catch return error.WrongJson;
+    }
+    /// Create invoice webhook
+    pub fn createInvoiceWebhookRouter(
+        _: *@This(),
+        allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+        webhook_endpoint: []const u8,
+        chan: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))),
+    ) !http_router.Router {
+        const state = WebhookState{
+            .chan = chan,
+            .allocator = allocator,
+        };
+        var router = try httpz.Router(WebhookState, httpz.Action(WebhookState)).init(allocator, WebhookState.dispatcher, state);
+        router.post(webhook_endpoint, handleInvoice, .{});
+        return try http_router.Router.initFrom(WebhookState, allocator, router);
+    }
+pub fn handleInvoice(
+    state: WebhookState,
+    req: *httpz.Request,
+    res: *httpz.Response,
+) !void {
+    std.log.debug("incoming webhook, body : {s}", .{req.body().?});
+    const webhook_response = if (try req.json(FindInvoiceResponse)) |resp| resp else {
+        res.status = 422;
+        return;
+    };
+    std.log.debug("Received webhook update for: {s}", .{webhook_response.checking_id});
+    var sender = try state.chan.value.sender();
+    try sender.send(std.ArrayList(u8).fromOwnedSlice(state.allocator, try state.allocator.dupe(u8, webhook_response.checking_id)));
+/// Webhook state
+pub const WebhookState = struct {
+    /// allocator to allocate webhook messages
+    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+    /// chan, where we took sender
+    chan: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))),
+    pub usingnamespace http_router.DefaultDispatcher(@This());
+/// Create invoice request
+pub const CreateInvoiceRequest = struct {
+    /// Amount (sat)
+    amount: u64,
+    /// Unit
+    unit: []const u8,
+    /// Memo
+    memo: ?[]const u8,
+    /// Expiry is in seconds
+    expiry: ?u64,
+    /// Webhook url
+    webhook: ?[]const u8,
+    /// Internal payment
+    internal: ?bool,
+    /// Incoming or outgoing payment
+    out: bool,
+/// Pay invoice response
+pub const PayInvoiceResponse = struct {
+    /// Payment hash
+    payment_hash: []const u8,
+/// Find invoice response
+pub const FindInvoiceResponse = struct {
+    /// status
+    status: []const u8,
+    /// Checking id
+    checking_id: []const u8,
+    /// Pending (paid)
+    pending: bool,
+    /// Amount (sat)
+    amount: i64,
+    /// Fee (msat)
+    fee: i64,
+    /// Memo
+    memo: []const u8,
+    /// Time
+    time: u64,
+    /// Bolt11
+    bolt11: []const u8,
+    /// Preimage
+    preimage: ?[]const u8,
+    /// Payment hash
+    payment_hash: []const u8,
+    /// Expiry
+    expiry: f64,
+    /// Extra
+    extra: std.json.Value, // should be object map
+    /// Wallet id
+    wallet_id: []const u8,
+    /// Webhook url
+    webhook: ?[]const u8,
+    /// Webhook status
+    webhook_status: ?[]const u8,
+/// Create invoice response
+pub const CreateInvoiceResponse = struct {
+    /// Payment hash
+    payment_hash: []const u8,
+    /// Payment request (bolt11)
+    payment_request: []const u8,
+    pub fn deinit(self: CreateInvoiceResponse, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
+        alloc.free(self.payment_hash);
+        alloc.free(self.payment_request);
+    }
 test "test_decode_invoice" {
-    var client = try LnBitsLightning.init(std.testing.allocator, "admin_key", "http://localhost:5000");
+    var client = try LnBits.init(std.testing.allocator, "admin_key", "http://localhost:5000");
     defer client.deinit();
     const lightning = client.lightning();
@@ -286,7 +582,7 @@ test "test_decode_invoice" {
 test "test_decode_invoice_invalid" {
-    var client = try LnBitsLightning.init(std.testing.allocator, "admin_key", "http://localhost:5000");
+    var client = try LnBits.init(std.testing.allocator, "admin_key", "http://localhost:5000");
     defer client.deinit();
     const lightning = client.lightning();
diff --git a/src/core/mint/mint.zig b/src/core/mint/mint.zig
index 2ebdfcc..e1d864f 100644
--- a/src/core/mint/mint.zig
+++ b/src/core/mint/mint.zig
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ pub const Mint = struct {
         unit: nuts.CurrencyUnit,
         amount: core.amount.Amount,
         expiry: u64,
-        ln_lookup: zul.UUID,
+        ln_lookup: []const u8,
     ) !MintQuote {
         const nut04 = self.mint_info.nuts.nut04;
         if (nut04.disabled) return error.MintingDisabled;
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ pub const Mint = struct {
     /// Flag mint quote as paid
     pub fn payMintQuoteForRequestId(
         self: *Mint,
-        request_lookup_id: zul.UUID,
+        request_lookup_id: []const u8,
     ) !void {
         const mint_quote = (try self.localstore.value.getMintQuoteByRequestLookupId(self.allocator, request_lookup_id)) orelse return;
diff --git a/src/core/mint/types.zig b/src/core/mint/types.zig
index 76c40ed..93c438c 100644
--- a/src/core/mint/types.zig
+++ b/src/core/mint/types.zig
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub const MintQuote = struct {
     /// Expiration time of quote
     expiry: u64,
     /// Value used by ln backend to look up state of request
-    request_lookup_id: zul.UUID,
+    request_lookup_id: []const u8,
     /// formatting mint quote
     pub fn format(
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ pub const MintQuote = struct {
         unit: CurrencyUnit,
         amount: amount_lib.Amount,
         expiry: u64,
-        request_lookup_id: zul.UUID,
+        request_lookup_id: []const u8,
     ) !MintQuote {
         const id = zul.UUID.v4();
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ pub const MintQuote = struct {
     pub fn deinit(self: *const MintQuote, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
+        allocator.free(self.mint_url);
+        allocator.free(self.request_lookup_id);
     pub fn clone(self: *const MintQuote, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !MintQuote {
@@ -73,11 +75,14 @@ pub const MintQuote = struct {
         const mint_url = try allocator.dupe(u8, self.mint_url);
         errdefer allocator.free(mint_url);
+        const request_lookup_id = try allocator.dupe(u8, self.request_lookup_id);
+        errdefer allocator.free(request_lookup_id);
         var cloned = self.*;
         cloned.request = request;
         cloned.mint_url = mint_url;
+        cloned.request_lookup_id = request_lookup_id;
         return cloned;
diff --git a/src/fake_wallet/fake_wallet.zig b/src/fake_wallet/fake_wallet.zig
index 82c9d26..f787746 100644
--- a/src/fake_wallet/fake_wallet.zig
+++ b/src/fake_wallet/fake_wallet.zig
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ const lightning_invoice = @import("../lightning_invoices/invoice.zig");
 const helper = @import("../helper/helper.zig");
 const zul = @import("zul");
 const secp256k1 = @import("bitcoin-primitives").secp256k1;
+const ref = @import("../sync/ref.zig");
+const mpmc = @import("../sync/mpmc.zig");
 const Amount = core.amount.Amount;
 const PaymentQuoteResponse = core.lightning.PaymentQuoteResponse;
@@ -23,12 +25,19 @@ const MintLightning = core.lightning.MintLightning;
 // TODO:  wait any invoices, here we need create a new listener, that will receive
 // message like pub sub channel
-fn sendLabelFn(label: std.ArrayList(u8), ch: Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).Tx, duration: u64) void {
+fn sendLabelFn(label: std.ArrayList(u8), ch: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))), duration: u64) void {
     errdefer label.deinit();
+    defer ch.releaseWithFn((struct {
+        fn deinit(_self: mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) void {
+            _self.deinit();
+        }
+    }).deinit);
     std.time.sleep(duration * @as(u64, 1e9));
-    ch.send(label) catch |err| {
+    var sender = ch.value.sender() catch return std.log.err("channel closed, cannot take sender", .{});
+    sender.send(label) catch |err| {
         std.log.err("send label {s}, failed: {any}", .{ label.items, err });
@@ -41,7 +50,7 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
     const Self = @This();
     fee_reserve: core.mint.FeeReserve = .{},
-    chan: *Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)) = undefined, // we using signle channel for sending invoices
+    chan: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))), // we using signle channel for sending invoices
     mint_settings: MintMeltSettings = .{},
     melt_settings: MintMeltSettings = .{},
@@ -56,8 +65,12 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
         mint_settings: MintMeltSettings,
         melt_settings: MintMeltSettings,
     ) !FakeWallet {
-        const ch = try Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).init(allocator, 10);
-        errdefer ch.deinit();
+        const ch = try ref.arc(allocator, mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8)).init(allocator));
+        errdefer ch.releaseWithFn((struct {
+            fn deinit(_self: mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) void {
+                _self.deinit();
+            }
+        }).deinit);
         return .{
             .chan = ch,
@@ -74,7 +87,11 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
     pub fn deinit(self: *FakeWallet) void {
-        self.chan.deinit();
+        self.chan.releaseWithFn((struct {
+            fn deinit(_self: mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) void {
+                _self.deinit();
+            }
+        }).deinit);
@@ -89,9 +106,9 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
     // Result is channel with invoices, caller must free result
     pub fn waitAnyInvoice(
-        self: *const Self,
-    ) !Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).Rx {
-        return self.chan.getRx();
+        self: *Self,
+    ) ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) {
+        return self.chan.retain();
     /// caller responsible to deallocate result
@@ -127,6 +144,7 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
             .request_lookup_id = req_lookup_id,
             .amount = amount,
             .fee = fee,
+            .state = .unpaid,
@@ -144,6 +162,7 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
         _ = _max_fee_msats; // autofix
         return .{
+            .unit = .msat,
             .payment_preimage = &.{},
             .payment_hash = &.{}, // empty slice - safe to free
             .status = .paid,
@@ -162,7 +181,7 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
     /// creating invoice - caller own response and responsible to free
     pub fn createInvoice(
-        self: *const Self,
+        self: *Self,
         gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
         amount: Amount,
         unit: core.nuts.CurrencyUnit,
@@ -221,7 +240,7 @@ pub const FakeWallet = struct {
             const label_clone = try self.allocator.dupe(u8, label);
             errdefer self.allocator.free(label_clone);
-            try self.thread_pool.spawn(.{ std.ArrayList(u8).fromOwnedSlice(self.allocator, label_clone), self.chan.getTx(), duration });
+            try self.thread_pool.spawn(.{ std.ArrayList(u8).fromOwnedSlice(self.allocator, label_clone), self.chan.retain(), duration });
         const expiry = signed_invoice.expiresAtSecs();
diff --git a/src/lib.zig b/src/lib.zig
index e20b04b..3460077 100644
--- a/src/lib.zig
+++ b/src/lib.zig
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 const std = @import("std");
 pub const core = @import("core/lib.zig");
 pub const lightning_invoices = @import("lightning_invoices/invoice.zig");
+pub const http_router = @import("misc/http_router/http_router.zig");
 test {
     std.testing.log_level = .warn;
diff --git a/src/mint.zig b/src/mint.zig
index 2c3682a..c745bee 100644
--- a/src/mint.zig
+++ b/src/mint.zig
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ const builtin = @import("builtin");
 const config = @import("mintd/config.zig");
 const clap = @import("clap");
 const zul = @import("zul");
+const ref = @import("sync/ref.zig");
+const mpmc = @import("sync/mpmc.zig");
+const http_router = @import("misc/http_router/http_router.zig");
 const MintLightning = core.lightning.MintLightning;
 const MintState = @import("router/router.zig").MintState;
@@ -22,16 +25,14 @@ const ContactInfo = core.nuts.ContactInfo;
 const MintVersion = core.nuts.MintVersion;
 const MintInfo = core.nuts.MintInfo;
 const Channel = @import("channels/channels.zig").Channel;
+const Lnbits = @import("core/mint/lightning/lnbits.zig").LnBits;
 const default_quote_ttl_secs: u64 = 1800;
 /// Update mint quote when called for a paid invoice
 fn handlePaidInvoice(mint: *Mint, request_lookup_id: []const u8) !void {
-    const request_lookup = try zul.UUID.parse(request_lookup_id);
-    std.log.debug("Invoice with lookup id paid: {s}", .{request_lookup});
-    try mint.payMintQuoteForRequestId(request_lookup);
+    std.log.debug("Invoice with lookup id paid: {s}", .{request_lookup_id});
+    try mint.payMintQuoteForRequestId(request_lookup_id);
 pub fn main() !void {
@@ -135,6 +136,31 @@ pub fn main() !void {
         .percent_fee_reserve = relative_ln_fee,
+    const mint_url = parsed_settings.value.info.url;
+    const listen_addr = parsed_settings.value.info.listen_host;
+    const listen_port = parsed_settings.value.info.listen_port;
+    var global_handler = http_router.GlobalRouter{
+        .router = std.ArrayList(http_router.Router).init(gpa.allocator()),
+    };
+    defer global_handler.router.deinit();
+    var srv = try httpz.Server(*http_router.GlobalRouter).init(gpa.allocator(), .{
+        .address = listen_addr,
+        .port = listen_port,
+    }, &global_handler);
+    defer srv.deinit();
+    const cors_middleware = try srv.middleware(httpz.middleware.Cors, .{
+        .origin = "*",
+        .headers = "*",
+    });
+    const s_router = srv.router(.{
+        .middlewares = &.{cors_middleware},
+    });
+    _ = s_router; // autofix
     const input_fee_ppk = parsed_settings.value.info.input_fee_ppk orelse 0;
     var supported_units = std.AutoHashMap(core.nuts.CurrencyUnit, std.meta.Tuple(&.{ u64, u8 })).init(gpa.allocator());
@@ -150,9 +176,70 @@ pub fn main() !void {
+    var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa.allocator());
+    defer arena.deinit();
     // TODO set ln router
     // additional routers for httpz server
     switch (parsed_settings.value.ln.ln_backend) {
+        .lnbits => {
+            const lnbits_settings = parsed_settings.value.lnbits orelse unreachable;
+            const admin_api_key = lnbits_settings.admin_api_key;
+            const invoice_api_key = lnbits_settings.invoice_api_key;
+            const webhook_endpoint = "/webhook/lnbits/sat/invoice";
+            var webhook_url = zul.StringBuilder.init(gpa.allocator());
+            try webhook_url
+                .write(mint_url);
+            try webhook_url
+                .write(webhook_endpoint);
+            var chan = val: {
+                var ch = mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8)).init(gpa.allocator());
+                errdefer ch.deinit();
+                break :val try ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))).init(gpa.allocator(), ch);
+            };
+            errdefer chan.releaseWithFn((struct {
+                fn deinit(self: mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) void {
+                    self.deinit();
+                }
+            }).deinit);
+            // TODO add fee reserve, webhooh, receiver
+            var lnbits = try Lnbits.init(
+                gpa.allocator(),
+                admin_api_key,
+                invoice_api_key,
+                lnbits_settings.lnbits_api,
+                .{},
+                .{},
+                fee_reserve,
+                chan.retain(),
+                webhook_url.string(),
+            );
+            errdefer lnbits.deinit();
+            const ln_mint = try lnbits.toMintLightning(gpa.allocator());
+            errdefer ln_mint.deinit();
+            const unit = core.nuts.CurrencyUnit.sat;
+            const ln_key = LnKey.init(unit, .bolt11);
+            try ln_backends.put(ln_key, ln_mint);
+            try supported_units.put(unit, .{ input_fee_ppk, 64 });
+            const webhook_router = try lnbits.client.createInvoiceWebhookRouter(
+                arena.allocator(),
+                webhook_endpoint,
+                chan.retain(),
+            );
+            try global_handler.router.append(webhook_router);
+        },
         .fake_wallet => {
             const units = (parsed_settings.value.fake_wallet orelse config.FakeWallet{}).supported_units;
@@ -170,10 +257,10 @@ pub fn main() !void {
                 try supported_units.put(unit, .{ input_fee_ppk, 64 });
-        else => {
-            // not implemented backends
-            unreachable;
-        },
+        // else => {
+        //     // not implemented backends
+        //     unreachable;
+        // },
     var nuts = core.nuts.Nuts{};
@@ -256,26 +343,22 @@ pub fn main() !void {
     // }
     // TODO
-    const mint_url = parsed_settings.value.info.url;
-    const listen_addr = parsed_settings.value.info.listen_host;
-    const listen_port = parsed_settings.value.info.listen_port;
     const quote_ttl = parsed_settings.value
         .seconds_quote_is_valid_for orelse default_quote_ttl_secs;
     // start serevr
-    var srv = try router.createMintServer(gpa.allocator(), mint_url, &mint, ln_backends, quote_ttl, .{
-        .port = listen_port,
-        .address = listen_addr,
-    }, &.{
-        .{
-            httpz.middleware.Cors, .{
-                .origin = "*",
-                .headers = "*",
-            },
-        },
-    });
-    defer srv.deinit();
+    const mint_router = try router.createMintServer(
+        arena.allocator(),
+        mint_url,
+        &mint,
+        ln_backends,
+        quote_ttl,
+    );
+    // adding routers
+    try global_handler.router.append(mint_router);
+    // TODO add router for backend with webhooks
     // add lnn router here to server
     try handleInterrupt(&srv);
@@ -288,13 +371,25 @@ pub fn main() !void {
         errdefer for (threads.items) |t| t.detach();
         const thread_fn = (struct {
-            fn handleLnInvoice(m: *Mint, wait_ch: Channel(std.ArrayList(u8)).Rx) void {
-                while (true) {
-                    var request_lookup_id = wait_ch.recv();
-                    defer request_lookup_id.deinit();
+            fn handleLnInvoice(m: *Mint, wait_ch: ref.Arc(mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8)))) void {
+                defer wait_ch.releaseWithFn((struct {
+                    fn deinit(_self: mpmc.UnboundedChannel(std.ArrayList(u8))) void {
+                        _self.deinit();
+                    }
+                }).deinit);
+                var receiver = wait_ch.value.receiver() catch return;
-                    handlePaidInvoice(m, request_lookup_id.items) catch |err| {
-                        std.log.warn("handle paid invoice error, lookup_id {s}, err={s}", .{ request_lookup_id.items, @errorName(err) });
+                while (true) {
+                    var request_lookup_id = receiver.recv() orelse unreachable;
+                    defer request_lookup_id.releaseWithFn((struct {
+                        fn deinit(_self: std.ArrayList(u8)) void {
+                            _self.deinit();
+                        }
+                    }).deinit);
+                    handlePaidInvoice(m, request_lookup_id.value.items) catch |err| {
+                        std.log.warn("handle paid invoice error, lookup_id {s}, err={s}", .{ request_lookup_id.value.items, @errorName(err) });
@@ -304,7 +399,7 @@ pub fn main() !void {
         var it = ln_backends.iterator();
         while (it.next()) |ln_entry| {
             threads.appendAssumeCapacity(try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, thread_fn, .{
-                &mint, try ln_entry.value_ptr.waitAnyInvoice(),
+                &mint, ln_entry.value_ptr.waitAnyInvoice(),
         break :v threads;
@@ -320,9 +415,9 @@ pub fn main() !void {
     std.log.info("Stopped server", .{});
-pub fn handleInterrupt(srv: *httpz.Server(MintState)) !void {
+pub fn handleInterrupt(srv: *httpz.Server(*http_router.GlobalRouter)) !void {
     const signal = struct {
-        var _srv: *httpz.Server(MintState) = undefined;
+        var _srv: *httpz.Server(*http_router.GlobalRouter) = undefined;
         fn handler(sig: c_int) callconv(.C) void {
             std.debug.assert(sig == std.posix.SIG.INT);
diff --git a/src/mintd/config.example.toml b/src/mintd/config.example.toml
index e68a07f..023eeed 100644
--- a/src/mintd/config.example.toml
+++ b/src/mintd/config.example.toml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 url = "https://mint.thesimplekid.dev/"
 listen_host = ""
@@ -10,12 +9,12 @@ mnemonic = ""
 # name = "cdk-mintd mutiney net mint"
-# Hex publey of mint
+# Hex pubkey of mint
 # pubkey = ""
 # description = "These are not real sats for testing only"
 # description_long = "A longer mint for testing"
 # motd = "Hello world"
-# mint_icon_url = "https://this-is-a-mint-icon-url.com/icon.png"
+# icon_url = "https://this-is-a-mint-icon-url.com/icon.png"
 # contact_email = "hello@cashu.me"
 # Nostr pubkey of mint (Hex)
 # contact_nostr_public_key = ""
@@ -26,14 +25,23 @@ mnemonic = ""
 # engine = "sqlite"
-# Required ln backend `cln`, `strike`, `fakewallet`
-ln_backend = "cln"
-# [cln]
-# Required if using cln backend path to rpc
-# cln_path = ""
-# [strike]
-# api_key=""
-# Optional default sats
-# supported_units=[""]
+# Required ln backend `cln`, `lnd`, `strike`, `fakewallet`, 'lnbits', 'phoenixd'
+ln_backend = "lnbits"
+# For 'phoenixd' backend, also specify fee_percent (% fee of the ln payment that mint will put in the melt quote) and reserve_fee_min (absolute amount-higher of fee_percent or reserve_fee_min is the fee reserve). 
+# fee_percent=0.04
+# reserve_fee_min=4
+# [lnbits]
+# admin_api_key = ""
+# invoice_api_key = ""
+# lnbits_api = ""
+# [phoenixd]
+# api_password = ""
+# api_url = ""
+# [lnd]
+# address = ""
+# macaroon_file = ""
+# cert_file = ""
diff --git a/src/mintd/config.zig b/src/mintd/config.zig
index eb89ab4..7b1bd6f 100644
--- a/src/mintd/config.zig
+++ b/src/mintd/config.zig
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ pub const Settings = struct {
     info: Info,
     mint_info: MintInfo,
     ln: Ln,
-    cln: ?Cln,
-    strike: ?Strike,
+    lnbits: ?Lnbits,
     fake_wallet: ?FakeWallet,
     database: Database,
@@ -66,15 +65,12 @@ pub const MintInfo = struct {
 pub const LnBackend = enum {
     // default
-    cln,
-    strike,
-    //  Greenlight,
-    //  Ldk,
+    lnbits,
 pub const Ln = struct {
-    ln_backend: LnBackend = .cln,
+    ln_backend: LnBackend = .lnbits,
     invoice_description: ?[]const u8,
     fee_percent: f32,
     reserve_fee_min: Amount,
@@ -89,6 +85,12 @@ pub const Cln = struct {
     rpc_path: []const u8,
+pub const Lnbits = struct {
+    admin_api_key: []const u8,
+    invoice_api_key: []const u8,
+    lnbits_api: []const u8,
 pub const FakeWallet = struct {
     supported_units: []const CurrencyUnit = &.{.sat},
diff --git a/src/misc/http_router/http_router.zig b/src/misc/http_router/http_router.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..596e3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc/http_router/http_router.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+const httpz = @import("httpz");
+const std = @import("std");
+pub const Router = struct {
+    const Self = @This();
+    ptr: *anyopaque,
+    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+    handleFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) anyerror!?void,
+    deinitFn: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void,
+    pub fn initFrom(comptime T: type, _allocator: std.mem.Allocator, router: httpz.Router(T, httpz.Action(T))) !Self {
+        // implement gen structure
+        const gen = struct {
+            pub fn handle(pointer: *anyopaque, req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) anyerror!?void {
+                const self: *httpz.Router(T, httpz.Action(T)) = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
+                const act = self.route(req.method, req.url.raw, req.params) orelse return null;
+                return try act.action(self.handler, req, res);
+            }
+            pub fn deinit(pointer: *anyopaque, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
+                const self: *httpz.Router(T, httpz.Action(T)) = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
+                if (std.meta.hasFn(T, "deinit")) {
+                    self.deinit();
+                }
+                allocator.destroy(self);
+            }
+        };
+        const ptr: *httpz.Router(T, httpz.Action(T)) align(1) = try _allocator.create(httpz.Router(T, httpz.Action(T)));
+        ptr.* = router;
+        return .{
+            .ptr = ptr,
+            .allocator = _allocator,
+            // .size = @sizeOf(T),
+            // .align_of = @alignOf(T),
+            .handleFn = gen.handle,
+            .deinitFn = gen.deinit,
+        };
+    }
+    /// free resources of database
+    pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
+        self.deinitFn(self.ptr, self.allocator);
+        // clearing pointer
+    }
+    pub fn handle(self: Self, req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) anyerror!?void {
+        return self.handleFn(self.ptr, req, res);
+    }
+pub const GlobalRouter = struct {
+    router: std.ArrayList(Router),
+    pub fn notFound(self: *GlobalRouter, req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
+        std.log.debug("trying to found {} {s} ", .{
+            req.method,
+            req.url.path,
+        });
+        for (self.router.items) |*r| {
+            if (try r.handle(req, res)) |_| break;
+        } else {
+            return error.NotFound;
+        }
+    }
+pub fn DefaultDispatcher(comptime T: type) type {
+    return struct {
+        pub fn dispatcher(h: T, action: httpz.Action(T), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
+            _ = h; // autofix
+            _ = action; // autofix
+            _ = req; // autofix
+            _ = res; // autofix
+        }
+    };
+test "ttt" {
+    const SomeHandler = struct {
+        s: []const u8,
+        pub usingnamespace DefaultDispatcher(@This());
+        pub fn testik(self: @This(), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
+            _ = req; // autofix
+            res.body = self.s;
+        }
+    };
+    const sh = SomeHandler{
+        .s = "some_custom_response",
+    };
+    const SomeHandlerRouter = httpz.Router(SomeHandler, httpz.Action(SomeHandler));
+    var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator);
+    defer arena.deinit();
+    var some_router = try SomeHandlerRouter.init(arena.allocator(), SomeHandler.dispatcher, sh);
+    some_router.get("/test14", SomeHandler.testik, .{});
+    const ht = @import("httpz").testing;
+    var router = GlobalRouter{
+        .router = std.ArrayList(Router).init(std.testing.allocator),
+    };
+    defer router.router.deinit();
+    const c_handler = try Router.initFrom(SomeHandler, std.testing.allocator, some_router);
+    defer c_handler.deinit();
+    try router.router.append(c_handler);
+    var srv = try httpz.Server(*GlobalRouter).init(std.testing.allocator, .{}, &router);
+    defer srv.deinit();
+    // httpz.Router(*Router, httpz.Action(*Router)).init(std.testing.allocator, , )
+    var _router = srv.router(.{});
+    _router.get("/test1234", GlobalRouter.notFound, .{});
+    var web_test = ht.init(.{});
+    defer web_test.deinit();
+    web_test.url("/test14");
+    try router.notFound(web_test.req, web_test.res);
+    try web_test.expectBody(sh.s);
diff --git a/src/router/router.zig b/src/router/router.zig
index e0fccf5..91bef62 100644
--- a/src/router/router.zig
+++ b/src/router/router.zig
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
 const router_handlers = @import("router_handlers.zig");
 const zul = @import("zul");
 const fake_wallet = @import("../fake_wallet/fake_wallet.zig");
+const http_router = @import("../misc/http_router/http_router.zig");
 const MintLightning = core.lightning.MintLightning;
 const Mint = core.mint.Mint;
@@ -21,9 +22,7 @@ pub fn createMintServer(
     mint: *Mint,
     ln: LnBackendsMap,
     quote_ttl: u64,
-    server_options: httpz.Config,
-    middlewares: anytype,
-) !httpz.Server(MintState) {
+) !http_router.Router {
     // TODO do we need copy
     const state = MintState{
         .mint = mint,
@@ -32,19 +31,7 @@ pub fn createMintServer(
         .ln = ln,
-    var srv = try httpz.Server(MintState).init(allocator, server_options, state);
-    errdefer srv.deinit();
-    var _middlewares = try srv.arena.alloc(httpz.Middleware(MintState), middlewares.len);
-    inline for (middlewares, 0..) |m, i| {
-        _middlewares[i] = try srv.middleware(m[0], m[1]);
-    }
-    // apply routes
-    var router = srv.router(.{
-        .middlewares = _middlewares,
-    });
+    var router = try httpz.Router(MintState, httpz.Action(MintState)).init(allocator, MintState.dispatcher, state);
     router.get("/v1/keys", router_handlers.getKeys, .{});
     router.get("/v1/keysets", router_handlers.getKeysets, .{});
@@ -59,7 +46,10 @@ pub fn createMintServer(
     router.post("/v1/mint/bolt11", router_handlers.postMintBolt11, .{});
     router.post("/v1/melt/bolt11", router_handlers.postMeltBolt11, .{});
     router.post("/v1/swap", router_handlers.postSwap, .{});
-    return srv;
+    const _router = try http_router.Router.initFrom(MintState, allocator, router);
+    return _router;
 pub const LnKeyContext = struct {
@@ -87,6 +77,8 @@ pub const MintState = struct {
     mint_url: []const u8,
     quote_ttl: u64,
+    pub usingnamespace http_router.DefaultDispatcher(@This());
     pub fn uncaughtError(self: *const MintState, req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response, err: anyerror) void {
         _ = self; // autofix
         std.log.info("500 {} {s} {}", .{ req.method, req.url.path, err });
diff --git a/src/router/router_handlers.zig b/src/router/router_handlers.zig
index 4c930c5..fdfae7e 100644
--- a/src/router/router_handlers.zig
+++ b/src/router/router_handlers.zig
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ pub fn getMintBolt11Quote(
         return error.InvalidPaymentRequest;
+    std.log.debug("{s} quote_id", .{create_invoice_response.request_lookup_id});
     const quote = state.mint.newMintQuote(
@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ pub fn getMintBolt11Quote(
         create_invoice_response.expiry orelse 0,
-        try zul.UUID.parse(create_invoice_response.request_lookup_id),
+        create_invoice_response.request_lookup_id,
     ) catch |err| {
         std.log.err("could not create new mint quote: {any}", .{err});
         return error.InternalError;
@@ -215,6 +217,8 @@ pub fn postMeltBolt11(
     req: *httpz.Request,
     res: *httpz.Response,
 ) !void {
+    errdefer std.log.debug("{any}", .{@errorReturnTrace()});
     const payload = try req.json(core.nuts.nut05.MeltBolt11Request) orelse return error.WrongRequest;
     const quote = state.mint.verifyMeltRequest(res.arena, payload) catch |err| {
diff --git a/src/sync/mpmc.zig b/src/sync/mpmc.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fc3fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sync/mpmc.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const Atomic = std.atomic.Value;
+const ref = @import("ref.zig");
+/// An UnboundedChannel with the following characteristics:
+/// - non-blocking sender
+/// - blocking receiver
+/// - no mutex/rwlock
+/// - data ordering is not guaranteed
+/// - atomically reference counted data
+/// - thread safe
+pub fn UnboundedChannel(comptime T: type) type {
+    return struct {
+        arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
+        stack: Atomic(usize),
+        cache: ?*Node,
+        closed: Atomic(bool),
+        const Self = @This();
+        pub const Error = error{
+            Closed,
+        };
+        /// Node which holds data. Ideally, these should be recycled.
+        pub const Node = struct {
+            next: ?*Node,
+            data: ref.Arc(T),
+            pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, data: T) !*Node {
+                const node = try allocator.create(Node);
+                node.* = .{
+                    .next = null,
+                    .data = try ref.arc(allocator, data),
+                };
+                return node;
+            }
+            pub fn deinit(self: *Node, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
+                self.data.release();
+                allocator.destroy(self);
+            }
+        };
+        /// A batch of linked list nodes
+        pub const Batch = struct {
+            first: *Node,
+            last: *Node,
+            pub fn init(first: *Node, last: *Node) Batch {
+                return .{
+                    .first = first,
+                    .last = last,
+                };
+            }
+        };
+        pub const Sender = struct {
+            allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+            stack: *Atomic(usize),
+            closed: *Atomic(bool),
+            fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, stack: *Atomic(usize), closed: *Atomic(bool)) Sender {
+                return Sender{
+                    .allocator = allocator,
+                    .stack = stack,
+                    .closed = closed,
+                };
+            }
+            pub fn deinit(_: *Sender) void {
+                return;
+            }
+            fn flush(self: *Sender, list: Batch) void {
+                var stack = self.stack.load(.seq_cst);
+                while (true) {
+                    // Attach the list to the stack (pt. 1)
+                    list.last.next = @as(?*Node, @ptrFromInt(stack & PTR_MASK));
+                    // Update the stack with the list (pt. 2).
+                    // Don't change the HAS_CACHE and IS_CONSUMING bits of the consumer.
+                    var new_stack = @intFromPtr(list.first);
+                    assert(new_stack & ~PTR_MASK == 0);
+                    new_stack |= (stack & ~PTR_MASK);
+                    // Push to the stack with a release barrier for the consumer to see the proper list links.
+                    stack = self.stack.cmpxchgStrong(
+                        stack,
+                        new_stack,
+                        .release,
+                        .monotonic,
+                    ) orelse break;
+                }
+            }
+            pub fn send(self: *Sender, data: T) error{Closed}!void {
+                if (self.closed.load(.monotonic)) {
+                    return error.Closed;
+                }
+                const node = Node.init(self.allocator, data) catch unreachable;
+                self.flush(Batch.init(node, node));
+            }
+        };
+        pub const Receiver = struct {
+            allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
+            stack: *Atomic(usize),
+            ref: ?*Node,
+            cache: *?*Node,
+            acquired: bool,
+            closed: *Atomic(bool),
+            fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, stack: *Atomic(usize), closed: *Atomic(bool), cache: *?*Node) Receiver {
+                return Receiver{ .allocator = allocator, .stack = stack, .ref = null, .cache = cache, .acquired = false, .closed = closed };
+            }
+            pub fn deinit(noalias self: *Receiver) void {
+                // Stop consuming and remove the HAS_CACHE bit as well if the consumer's cache is empty.
+                // When HAS_CACHE bit is zeroed, the next consumer will acquire the pushed stack nodes.
+                var remove = IS_CONSUMING;
+                if (self.ref == null)
+                    remove |= HAS_CACHE;
+                // Release the consumer with a release barrier to ensure cache/node accesses
+                // happen before the consumer was released and before the next consumer starts using the cache.
+                self.cache.* = self.ref;
+                const stack = self.stack.fetchSub(remove, .seq_cst);
+                assert(stack & remove != 0);
+            }
+            fn tryAcquireConsumer(noalias self: *Receiver) error{ Empty, Contended }!?*Node {
+                var stack = self.stack.load(.monotonic);
+                while (true) {
+                    if (stack & IS_CONSUMING != 0)
+                        return error.Contended; // The queue already has a consumer.
+                    if (stack & (HAS_CACHE | PTR_MASK) == 0)
+                        return error.Empty; // The queue is empty when there's nothing cached and nothing in the stack.
+                    // When we acquire the consumer, also consume the pushed stack if the cache is empty.
+                    var new_stack = stack | HAS_CACHE | IS_CONSUMING;
+                    if (stack & HAS_CACHE == 0) {
+                        assert(stack & PTR_MASK != 0);
+                        new_stack &= ~PTR_MASK;
+                    }
+                    // Acquire barrier on getting the consumer to see cache/Node updates done by previous consumers
+                    // and to ensure our cache/Node updates in pop() happen after that of previous consumers.
+                    stack = self.stack.cmpxchgStrong(
+                        stack,
+                        new_stack,
+                        .acquire,
+                        .monotonic,
+                    ) orelse return self.cache.* orelse @as(*Node, @ptrFromInt(stack & PTR_MASK));
+                }
+            }
+            pub fn recv(noalias self: *Receiver) ?ref.Arc(T) {
+                while (!self.closed.load(.monotonic)) {
+                    while (!self.acquired) {
+                        if (self.closed.load(.monotonic)) {
+                            return null;
+                        }
+                        self.ref = self.tryAcquireConsumer() catch continue;
+                        self.acquired = true;
+                    }
+                    // Check the consumer cache (fast path)
+                    if (self.ref) |node| {
+                        self.ref = node.next;
+                        // grab the data and retain arc
+                        const data = node.data.retain();
+                        // deinit the node
+                        node.deinit(self.allocator);
+                        // return the data
+                        return data;
+                    }
+                    // Load the stack to see if there was anything pushed that we could grab.
+                    var stack = self.stack.load(.monotonic);
+                    assert(stack & IS_CONSUMING != 0);
+                    if (stack & PTR_MASK == 0) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // Nodes have been pushed to the stack, grab then with an Acquire barrier to see the Node links.
+                    stack = self.stack.swap(HAS_CACHE | IS_CONSUMING, .acquire);
+                    assert(stack & IS_CONSUMING != 0);
+                    assert(stack & PTR_MASK != 0);
+                    const node = @as(*Node, @ptrFromInt(stack & PTR_MASK));
+                    self.ref = node.next;
+                    const data = node.data.retain();
+                    node.deinit(self.allocator);
+                    return data;
+                }
+                return null;
+            }
+        };
+        const HAS_CACHE: usize = 0b01;
+        const IS_CONSUMING: usize = 0b10;
+        const PTR_MASK: usize = ~(HAS_CACHE | IS_CONSUMING);
+        pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
+            return .{
+                .stack = Atomic(usize).init(0),
+                .cache = null,
+                .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
+                .closed = Atomic(bool).init(false),
+            };
+        }
+        pub fn deinit(self: *const Self) void {
+            self.arena.deinit();
+        }
+        comptime {
+            assert(@alignOf(Node) >= ((IS_CONSUMING | HAS_CACHE) + 1));
+        }
+        pub fn close(self: *Self) void {
+            self.closed.store(true, .monotonic);
+        }
+        pub fn sender(self: *Self) error{Closed}!Sender {
+            if (self.closed.load(.seq_cst)) {
+                return error.Closed;
+            }
+            return Sender.init(self.arena.allocator(), &self.stack, &self.closed);
+        }
+        pub fn receiver(self: *Self) error{Closed}!Receiver {
+            if (self.closed.load(.seq_cst)) {
+                return error.Closed;
+            }
+            return Receiver.init(self.arena.allocator(), &self.stack, &self.closed, &self.cache);
+        }
+    };
+fn startSender(chan: *UnboundedChannel(u32), count: usize) !void {
+    var sender = try chan.sender();
+    defer sender.deinit();
+    for (0..count) |i| {
+        try sender.send(@intCast(i));
+        if ((i % 4) == 0) {
+            std.time.sleep(2);
+        }
+    }
+    std.time.sleep(std.time.ns_per_s * 1);
+    chan.close();
+fn startReceiver(chan: *UnboundedChannel(u32), observed: *usize, id: u8) !void {
+    var receiver = chan.receiver() catch return;
+    defer receiver.deinit();
+    var i: usize = 0;
+    while (receiver.recv()) |data| {
+        i += 1;
+        defer data.release();
+        std.log.info("[{any}] got data: {any}", .{ id, data.value.* });
+        observed.* += 1;
+        if ((i % 10) == 0) {
+            std.time.sleep(3);
+        }
+    }
+const testing = std.testing;
+test "sync.mpmc: UnboundedChannel works" {
+    return error.SkipZigTest;
+    // var chan = UnboundedChannel(u32).init(testing.allocator);
+    // defer chan.deinit();
+    // var items_to_produce: usize = 1000;
+    // var observed: usize = 0;
+    // var send_handle = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, startSender, .{ &chan, items_to_produce });
+    // var recv_handle_1 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, startReceiver, .{ &chan, &observed, 1 });
+    // // std.time.sleep(1);
+    // var recv_handle_2 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, startReceiver, .{ &chan, &observed, 2 });
+    // // std.time.sleep(1);
+    // var recv_handle_3 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, startReceiver, .{ &chan, &observed, 3 });
+    // send_handle.join();
+    // recv_handle_1.join();
+    // recv_handle_2.join();
+    // recv_handle_3.join();
+    // try testing.expectEqual(items_to_produce, observed);
diff --git a/src/sync/ref.zig b/src/sync/ref.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..831cf25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sync/ref.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+// Fork of: https://github.com/Aandreba/zigrc with minor changes
+// MIT License
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Alex Andreba
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+const std = @import("std");
+const builtin = @import("builtin");
+/// This variable is `true` if an atomic reference-counter is used for `Arc`, `false` otherwise.
+/// If the target is single-threaded, `Arc` is optimized to a regular `Rc`.
+pub const atomic_arc = !builtin.single_threaded or (builtin.target.isWasm() and std.Target.wasm.featureSetHas(builtin.cpu.features, .atomics));
+/// A single threaded, strong reference to a reference-counted value.
+pub fn Rc(comptime T: type) type {
+    return struct {
+        value: *T,
+        alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
+        const Self = @This();
+        const Inner = struct {
+            strong: usize,
+            weak: usize,
+            value: T,
+            fn innerSize() comptime_int {
+                return @sizeOf(@This());
+            }
+            fn innerAlign() comptime_int {
+                return @alignOf(@This());
+            }
+        };
+        /// Creates a new reference-counted value.
+        pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, t: T) error{OutOfMemory}!Self {
+            const inner = try alloc.create(Inner);
+            inner.* = Inner{ .strong = 1, .weak = 1, .value = t };
+            return Self{ .value = &inner.value, .alloc = alloc };
+        }
+        /// Constructs a new `Rc` while giving you a `Weak` to the allocation,
+        /// to allow you to construct a `T` which holds a weak pointer to itself.
+        pub fn initCyclic(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, comptime data_fn: fn (*Weak) T) error{OutOfMemory}!Self {
+            const inner = try alloc.create(Inner);
+            inner.* = Inner{ .strong = 0, .weak = 1, .value = undefined };
+            // Strong references should collectively own a shared weak reference,
+            // so don't run the destructor for our old weak reference.
+            var weak = Weak{ .inner = inner, .alloc = alloc };
+            // It's important we don't give up ownership of the weak pointer, or
+            // else the memory might be freed by the time `data_fn` returns. If
+            // we really wanted to pass ownership, we could create an additional
+            // weak pointer for ourselves, but this would result in additional
+            // updates to the weak reference count which might not be necessary
+            // otherwise.
+            inner.value = data_fn(&weak);
+            std.debug.assert(inner.strong == 0);
+            inner.strong = 1;
+            return Self{ .value = &inner.value, .alloc = alloc };
+        }
+        /// Gets the number of strong references to this value.
+        pub fn strongCount(self: *const Self) usize {
+            return self.innerPtr().strong;
+        }
+        /// Gets the number of weak references to this value.
+        pub fn weakCount(self: *const Self) usize {
+            return self.innerPtr().weak - 1;
+        }
+        /// Increments the strong count.
+        pub fn retain(self: *Self) Self {
+            self.innerPtr().strong += 1;
+            return self.*;
+        }
+        /// Creates a new weak reference to the pointed value
+        pub fn downgrade(self: *Self) Weak {
+            return Weak.init(self);
+        }
+        /// Decrements the reference count, deallocating if the weak count reaches zero.
+        /// The continued use of the pointer after calling `release` is undefined behaviour.
+        pub fn release(self: Self) void {
+            const ptr = self.innerPtr();
+            ptr.strong -= 1;
+            if (ptr.strong == 0) {
+                ptr.weak -= 1;
+                if (ptr.weak == 0) {
+                    self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// Decrements the reference count, deallocating the weak count reaches zero,
+        /// and executing `f` if the strong count reaches zero.
+        /// The continued use of the pointer after calling `release` is undefined behaviour.
+        pub fn releaseWithFn(self: Self, comptime f: fn (T) void) void {
+            const ptr = self.innerPtr();
+            ptr.strong -= 1;
+            if (ptr.strong == 0) {
+                f(self.value.*);
+                ptr.weak -= 1;
+                if (ptr.weak == 0) {
+                    self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// Returns the inner value, if the `Rc` has exactly one strong reference.
+        /// Otherwise, `null` is returned.
+        /// This will succeed even if there are outstanding weak references.
+        /// The continued use of the pointer if the method successfully returns `T` is undefined behaviour.
+        pub fn tryUnwrap(self: Self) ?T {
+            const ptr = self.innerPtr();
+            if (ptr.strong == 1) {
+                ptr.strong = 0;
+                const tmp = self.value.*;
+                ptr.weak -= 1;
+                if (ptr.weak == 0) {
+                    self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                }
+                return tmp;
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        /// Total size (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+        /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references.
+        pub fn innerSize() comptime_int {
+            return Inner.innerSize();
+        }
+        /// Alignment (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+        /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references.
+        pub fn innerAlign() comptime_int {
+            return Inner.innerAlign();
+        }
+        inline fn innerPtr(self: *const Self) *Inner {
+            return @fieldParentPtr("value", self.value);
+        }
+        /// A single threaded, weak reference to a reference-counted value.
+        pub const Weak = struct {
+            inner: ?*Inner = null,
+            alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
+            /// Creates a new weak reference.
+            pub fn init(parent: *Rc(T)) Weak {
+                const ptr = parent.innerPtr();
+                ptr.weak += 1;
+                return Weak{ .inner = ptr, .alloc = parent.alloc };
+            }
+            /// Creates a new weak reference object from a pointer to it's underlying value,
+            /// without increasing the weak count.
+            pub fn fromValuePtr(value: *T, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) Weak {
+                return .{ .inner = @fieldParentPtr("value", value), .alloc = alloc };
+            }
+            /// Gets the number of strong references to this value.
+            pub fn strongCount(self: *const Weak) usize {
+                return (self.innerPtr() orelse return 0).strong;
+            }
+            /// Gets the number of weak references to this value.
+            pub fn weakCount(self: *const Weak) usize {
+                const ptr = self.innerPtr() orelse return 1;
+                if (ptr.strong == 0) {
+                    return ptr.weak;
+                } else {
+                    return ptr.weak - 1;
+                }
+            }
+            /// Increments the weak count.
+            pub fn retain(self: *Weak) Weak {
+                if (self.innerPtr()) |ptr| {
+                    ptr.weak += 1;
+                }
+                return self.*;
+            }
+            /// Attempts to upgrade the weak pointer to an `Rc`, delaying dropping of the inner value if successful.
+            ///
+            /// Returns `null` if the inner value has since been dropped.
+            pub fn upgrade(self: *Weak) ?Rc(T) {
+                const ptr = self.innerPtr() orelse return null;
+                if (ptr.strong == 0) {
+                    ptr.weak -= 1;
+                    if (ptr.weak == 0) {
+                        self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                        self.inner = null;
+                    }
+                    return null;
+                }
+                ptr.strong += 1;
+                return Rc(T){
+                    .value = &ptr.value,
+                    .alloc = self.alloc,
+                };
+            }
+            /// Decrements the weak reference count, deallocating if it reaches zero.
+            /// The continued use of the pointer after calling `release` is undefined behaviour.
+            pub fn release(self: Weak) void {
+                if (self.innerPtr()) |ptr| {
+                    ptr.weak -= 1;
+                    if (ptr.weak == 0) {
+                        self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /// Total size (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+            /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references,
+            /// and is valid for single and multi-threaded refrence counters.
+            pub fn innerSize() comptime_int {
+                return Inner.innerSize();
+            }
+            /// Alignment (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+            /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references,
+            /// and is valid for single and multi-threaded refrence counters.
+            pub fn innerAlign() comptime_int {
+                return Inner.innerAlign();
+            }
+            inline fn innerPtr(self: *const Weak) ?*Inner {
+                return @as(?*Inner, @ptrCast(self.inner));
+            }
+        };
+    };
+/// A multi-threaded, strong reference to a reference-counted value.
+pub fn Arc(comptime T: type) type {
+    if (!atomic_arc) {
+        return Rc(T);
+    }
+    return struct {
+        value: *T,
+        alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
+        const Self = @This();
+        const Inner = struct {
+            strong: usize align(std.atomic.cache_line),
+            weak: usize align(std.atomic.cache_line),
+            value: T,
+            fn innerSize() comptime_int {
+                return @sizeOf(@This());
+            }
+            fn innerAlign() comptime_int {
+                return @alignOf(@This());
+            }
+        };
+        /// Creates a new reference-counted value.
+        pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, t: T) error{OutOfMemory}!Self {
+            const inner = try alloc.create(Inner);
+            inner.* = Inner{ .strong = 1, .weak = 1, .value = t };
+            return Self{ .value = &inner.value, .alloc = alloc };
+        }
+        /// Constructs a new `Arc` while giving you a `weak` to the allocation,
+        /// to allow you to construct a `T` which holds a weak pointer to itself.
+        pub fn initCyclic(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, comptime data_fn: fn (*Weak) T) error{OutOfMemory}!Self {
+            const inner = try alloc.create(Inner);
+            inner.* = Inner{ .strong = 0, .weak = 1, .value = undefined };
+            // Strong references should collectively own a shared weak reference,
+            // so don't run the destructor for our old weak reference.
+            var weak = Weak{ .inner = inner, .alloc = alloc };
+            // It's important we don't give up ownership of the weak pointer, or
+            // else the memory might be freed by the time `data_fn` returns. If
+            // we really wanted to pass ownership, we could create an additional
+            // weak pointer for ourselves, but this would result in additional
+            // updates to the weak reference count which might not be necessary
+            // otherwise.
+            inner.value = data_fn(&weak);
+            std.debug.assert(@atomicRmw(usize, &inner.strong, .Add, 1, .release) == 0);
+            return Self{ .value = &inner.value, .alloc = alloc };
+        }
+        /// Gets the number of strong references to this value.
+        pub fn strongCount(self: *const Self) usize {
+            return @atomicLoad(usize, &self.innerPtr().strong, .acquire);
+        }
+        /// Gets the number of weak references to this value.
+        pub fn weakCount(self: *const Self) usize {
+            return @atomicLoad(usize, &self.innerPtr().weak, .acquire) - 1;
+        }
+        /// Increments the strong count.
+        pub fn retain(self: *Self) Self {
+            _ = @atomicRmw(usize, &self.innerPtr().strong, .Add, 1, .acq_rel);
+            return self.*;
+        }
+        /// Creates a new weak reference to the pointed value.
+        pub fn downgrade(self: *Self) Weak {
+            return Weak.init(self);
+        }
+        /// Decrements the reference count, deallocating if the weak count reaches zero.
+        /// The continued use of the pointer after calling `release` is undefined behaviour.
+        pub fn release(self: Self) void {
+            const ptr = self.innerPtr();
+            if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.strong, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                    self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// Decrements the reference count, deallocating the weak count reaches zero,
+        /// and executing `f` if the strong count reaches zero.
+        /// The continued use of the pointer after calling `release` is undefined behaviour.
+        pub fn releaseWithFn(self: Self, comptime f: fn (T) void) void {
+            const ptr = self.innerPtr();
+            if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.strong, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                f(self.value.*);
+                if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                    self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// Returns the inner value, if the `Arc` has exactly one strong reference.
+        /// Otherwise, `null` is returned.
+        /// This will succeed even if there are outstanding weak references.
+        /// The continued use of the pointer if the method successfully returns `T` is undefined behaviour.
+        pub fn tryUnwrap(self: Self) ?T {
+            const ptr = self.innerPtr();
+            if (@cmpxchgStrong(usize, &ptr.strong, 1, 0, .monotonic, .monotonic) == null) {
+                ptr.strong = 0;
+                const tmp = self.value.*;
+                if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                    self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                }
+                return tmp;
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        /// Total size (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+        /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references.
+        pub fn innerSize() comptime_int {
+            return Inner.innerSize();
+        }
+        /// Alignment (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+        /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references.
+        pub fn innerAlign() comptime_int {
+            return Inner.innerAlign();
+        }
+        inline fn innerPtr(self: *const Self) *Inner {
+            return @alignCast(@fieldParentPtr("value", self.value));
+        }
+        /// A multi-threaded, weak reference to a reference-counted value.
+        pub const Weak = struct {
+            inner: ?*Inner = null,
+            alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
+            /// Creates a new weak reference.
+            pub fn init(parent: *Arc(T)) Weak {
+                const ptr = parent.innerPtr();
+                _ = @atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Add, 1, .acq_rel);
+                return Weak{ .inner = ptr, .alloc = parent.alloc };
+            }
+            /// Creates a new weak reference object from a pointer to it's underlying value,
+            /// without increasing the weak count.
+            pub fn fromValuePtr(value: *T, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) Weak {
+                return .{ .inner = @fieldParentPtr("value", value), .alloc = alloc };
+            }
+            /// Gets the number of strong references to this value.
+            pub fn strongCount(self: *const Weak) usize {
+                const ptr = self.innerPtr() orelse return 0;
+                return @atomicLoad(usize, &ptr.strong, .acquire);
+            }
+            /// Gets the number of weak references to this value.
+            pub fn weakCount(self: *const Weak) usize {
+                const ptr = self.innerPtr() orelse return 1;
+                const weak = @atomicLoad(usize, &ptr.weak, .acquire);
+                if (@atomicLoad(usize, &ptr.strong, .acquire) == 0) {
+                    return weak;
+                } else {
+                    return weak - 1;
+                }
+            }
+            /// Increments the weak count.
+            pub fn retain(self: *Weak) Weak {
+                if (self.innerPtr()) |ptr| {
+                    _ = @atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Add, 1, .acq_rel);
+                }
+                return self.*;
+            }
+            /// Attempts to upgrade the weak pointer to an `Arc`, delaying dropping of the inner value if successful.
+            ///
+            /// Returns `null` if the inner value has since been dropped.
+            pub fn upgrade(self: *Weak) ?Arc(T) {
+                const ptr = self.innerPtr() orelse return null;
+                while (true) {
+                    const prev = @atomicLoad(usize, &ptr.strong, .acquire);
+                    if (prev == 0) {
+                        if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                            self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                            self.inner = null;
+                        }
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    if (@cmpxchgStrong(usize, &ptr.strong, prev, prev + 1, .acquire, .monotonic) == null) {
+                        return Arc(T){
+                            .value = &ptr.value,
+                            .alloc = self.alloc,
+                        };
+                    }
+                    std.atomic.spinLoopHint();
+                }
+            }
+            /// Decrements the weak reference count, deallocating if it reaches zero.
+            /// The continued use of the pointer after calling `release` is undefined behaviour.
+            pub fn release(self: Weak) void {
+                if (self.innerPtr()) |ptr| {
+                    if (@atomicRmw(usize, &ptr.weak, .Sub, 1, .acq_rel) == 1) {
+                        self.alloc.destroy(ptr);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /// Total size (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+            /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references.
+            pub fn innerSize() comptime_int {
+                return Inner.innerSize();
+            }
+            /// Alignment (in bytes) of the reference counted value on the heap.
+            /// This value accounts for the extra memory required to count the references.
+            pub fn innerAlign() comptime_int {
+                return Inner.innerAlign();
+            }
+            inline fn innerPtr(self: *const Weak) ?*Inner {
+                return @as(?*Inner, @ptrCast(self.inner));
+            }
+        };
+    };
+const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
+/// Creates a new `Rc` inferring the type of `value`
+pub fn rc(alloc: Allocator, value: anytype) Allocator.Error!Rc(@TypeOf(value)) {
+    return Rc(@TypeOf(value)).init(alloc, value);
+/// Creates a new `Arc` inferring the type of `value`
+pub fn arc(alloc: Allocator, value: anytype) Allocator.Error!Arc(@TypeOf(value)) {
+    return Arc(@TypeOf(value)).init(alloc, value);