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Project Description

Steve Smodish edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Pitch: Like AirBnB but for high end electronics. Tired of paying ridiculous fees for camera and other equipment rentals? Bypass the middleman and rent from a real person!

MVP: Users can log in and create a profile. They can then set up items they have for rent such as cameras, TVs, Party equipment like speakers/fog machines etc. Users will be able to Create, Read, Update and Delete rental data. A 2nd user can log in and see items that users have for rent and ask to rent an item. No payment processing necessary for MVP.

Stretch: Add a payment option into the application allowing people to pay over paypal/stripe etc. to rent their items, schedule time and place for pick up etc. Add a review system into the app so that the social aspect is there to ensure that users are legit.

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