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laforge49 edited this page Nov 24, 2011 · 30 revisions

In the bind package, actors bind application request classes to MessageLogic objects. This speeds up some corner cases, like returning a constant or concurrent data structure, or forwarding a request to another actor. This also means an actor can invoke a method on the target actor directly when either the target actor has no exchange messenger or both the source and target actors share the same exchange messenger--which turns out to be a very common occurrence.

The downside to binding is the cost of doing a table lookup, but this is typically mitigated entirely by the increased efficiency in most cases. In the case where neither actor has an exchange messenger, the EchoTimingTest passes a message in 83 nanoseconds and the BurstTimingTest passes a message in 84 nanoseconds.

Exception handling is also supported by the bind package, with the default exception handler simply passing the exception to the actor which sourced the current request. A TransparentException wrapps an exception which occurs while processing a [synchronous] response, so that the original exception can be passed to the source actor's exception handler rather than to the target actor's exception handler.

Finally, requests are marked as active until a response is returned or an exception is raised. By this means we can assure that for each request there is no more than one response or raised exception.


 * BindActor and Mailbox support only BindRequests and its subclasses.
class BindRequest(dst: BindActor,
                  rf: Any => Unit,
                  data: AnyRef,
                  bound: QueuedLogic,
                  src: ExchangeMessengerSource)
  extends ExchangeRequest(src, rf) {

   * Set to false when a response is returned or an exception is raised,
   * active is used to ensure that there is only one response or exception
   * for each request.
  var active = true

   * Default logic when no other exception handler is used.
   * (Each application request class can have its own logic for
   * handling exceptions.)
  var exceptionFunction: (Exception, ExchangeMessenger) => Unit = {
    (ex, exchange) => reply(exchange, ex)

   * The actor which is to process the request.
  def target = dst

   * The application-specific request.
  def req = data

   * The message logic object used to process the request.
  def binding = bound

   * If the request is still active, mark the request as inactive and send
   * the response.
  override def reply(exchangeMessenger: ExchangeMessenger, content: Any) {
    if (!active) {
    active = false
    super.reply(exchangeMessenger, content)



 * The ActiveActor class is used in implicits to
 * designate "this" actor.
case class ActiveActor(bindActor: BindActor)



 * Actors bind application request classes to MessageLogic objects.
 * When a request is sent to an actor, it uses the MessageLogic object
 * to determine how the request is to be processed.
abstract class MessageLogic {
   * The func method is used to determine how an application request
   * is to be processed.
  def func(target: BindActor, msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit)
          (implicit srcActor: ActiveActor)



 * ConcurrentData is a subclass of MessageLogic for handling immutable or cuncurrent,
 * e.g. thread safe, data.
class ConcurrentData(any: Any)
  extends MessageLogic {

   * The data is immediately returned as a response.
  override def func(target: BindActor, msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit)
                   (implicit sender: ActiveActor) {



 * Forward is a subclass of MessageLogic which handles request forwarding.
class Forward(actor: BindActor)
  extends MessageLogic {

   * The request is immediately forwarded to another actor.
  override def func(target: BindActor, msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit)
                   (implicit sender: ActiveActor) {



 * The QueuedLogic class supports requests that are to be added to an actor's
 * incoming message queue.
abstract class QueuedLogic(messageFunction: (AnyRef, Any => Unit) => Unit)
  extends MessageLogic {

   * Returns the function which will eventually be used to process the request.
  def reqFunction = messageFunction

   * Process the request. Any exceptions raised durring request processing are
   * returned as a response.
  def process(exchange: Exchange, bindRequest: BindRequest) {
    try {
      messageFunction(bindRequest.req, exchange.reply)
    } catch {
      case ex: Exception => {

   * Create a BindRequest wrapping the application request and
   * add it to the actor's incoming message queue.
  def enqueueRequest(srcExchange: Exchange,
                   targetActor: BindActor,
                   content: AnyRef,
                   responseFunction: Any => Unit) {
    val oldReq = srcExchange.curReq.asInstanceOf[BindRequest]
    val sender =
    val req = targetActor.newRequest(
    targetActor.exchangeMessenger.sendReq(targetActor, req, srcExchange)



 * The message logic object which wraps a function for processing
 * an application request.
class BoundFunction(messageFunction: (AnyRef, Any => Unit) => Unit)
  extends QueuedLogic(messageFunction) {

   * The func method determines how an application request is to be processed.
   * In the case of a BoundFunction, the request is processed immediately if
   * the same mailbox is used by both the target and the source actors or if the
   * target actor has no mailbox. Otherwise a BindRequest object is created which
   * is then sent to Exchange.sendReq.
   * (A request is invalid if the target actor has a mailbox but the source actor
   * does not.)
  override def func(target: BindActor, msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit)
                   (implicit srcActor: ActiveActor) {
    val srcExchangeMessenger = {
      if (srcActor == null) null
      else {
    if (srcExchangeMessenger == null) {
      if (target.exchangeMessenger != null) {
        println("srcActor = " + srcActor)
        println("srcMailbox = " + srcExchangeMessenger)
        println("target = " + target)
        println("targetMailbox = " + target.exchangeMessenger)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "An immutable bindActor can only send to another immutable bindActor."
    val responseFunction: Any => Unit = {
      rsp => {
        rsp match {
          case rsp: Exception => {
              exceptionFunction(rsp, srcExchangeMessenger)
          case rsp => try {
          } catch {
            case ex: Exception => srcExchangeMessenger.curReq.asInstanceOf[BindRequest].
              exceptionFunction(ex, srcExchangeMessenger)
    val targetExchangeMessenger = target.exchangeMessenger
    if (targetExchangeMessenger == null || targetExchangeMessenger == srcExchangeMessenger) {
      if (responseFunction == null) messageFunction(msg, AnyRef => {})
      else messageFunction(msg, responseFunction)
    } else enqueueRequest(srcExchangeMessenger.asInstanceOf[Exchange],



 * MailboxFactory is used to create newAsyncMailbox and newSyncMailbox objects.
 * It also provides the ThreadManager used by these objects.
class MailboxFactory(_threadManager: ThreadManager = new MessengerThreadManager) {

   * Returns the ThreadManager used by the async and sync mailbox objects.
  def threadManager = _threadManager

   * Stops all the threads of the ThreadManager as they become idle.
  def close {

   * Creates an asynchronous mailbox.
  def newAsyncMailbox = {
    new Mailbox(this, true)

   * Creates a synchronous mailbox.
  def newSyncMailbox = {
    new Mailbox(this, false)



 * A subclass of Exchange that supports BindActor.
 * Mailbox objects are created by the MailboxFactory.
class Mailbox(_mailboxFactory: MailboxFactory,
              async: Boolean = false,
              _bufferedMessenger: BufferedMessenger[ExchangeMessengerMessage] = null)
  extends Exchange(_mailboxFactory.threadManager, async, _bufferedMessenger) {

   * Returns the MailboxFactory which created this Mailbox.
  def mailboxFactory: MailboxFactory = _mailboxFactory

   * Returns the current request as an instance of BindRequest.
  override def curReq = super.curReq.asInstanceOf[BindRequest]

   * Process the curReq message.
  override protected def processRequest {
    curReq.binding.process(this, curReq)



 * A TransparentException wraps another exception.
 * Transparent exceptions are created when an exception occurs while
 * processing a synchronous response, as a means of ensuring that an
 * exception handler of the actor which sourced the request is invoked
 * instead of an exception handler of the target actor.
class TransparentException(ex: Exception) extends Exception(ex) {

   * Disable the stack trace for faster execution.
  override def fillInStackTrace(): Throwable =
    if (sys.SystemProperties.noTraceSupression) super.fillInStackTrace()
    else this










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