diff --git a/config/defaults.yml b/config/defaults.yml
index 778c7bd6..61ebdf7d 100644
--- a/config/defaults.yml
+++ b/config/defaults.yml
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ workflow:
segmentation: unmicst
segmentation-recyze: false
downstream: scimap
+ iss_decoding: false
ashlar: -m 30
cypository: --model zeisscyto
ilastik: --num_channels 1
mcquant: --masks cell*.tif
naivestates: -p png
+ starfish: --tile-size 2000
name: basic
@@ -114,3 +116,7 @@ modules:
name: autominerva
container: labsyspharm/auto-minerva
version: '2022-06-06'
+ iss_decoding:
+ name: starfish
+ container: spacetx/starfish
+ version: 0.2.2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/schema.yml b/config/schema.yml
index afed0c3d..9f4f88a7 100644
--- a/config/schema.yml
+++ b/config/schema.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ workflow:
- downstream
- ilastik-model
- mesmer-model
+ - iss_decoding
quantification-mask: "--quant-opts '--masks ...'"
illum: --start-at illumination
diff --git a/docs/parameters/other.md b/docs/parameters/other.md
index 0851dbee..15f88dcd 100755
--- a/docs/parameters/other.md
+++ b/docs/parameters/other.md
@@ -14,10 +14,14 @@ Segmentation
1. [Cypository](./other.html#cypository)
1. [Mesmer](./other.html#mesmer)
-Clsutering and cell type inference
+Clustering and cell type inference
1. [Clustering](./other.html#clustering)
1. [naivestates](./other.html#naivestates)
+In-situ sequencing spot deconvolution
+1. [Starfish](./other.html#starfish)
[Back to main modules](./){: .btn .btn-outline}
@@ -258,3 +262,30 @@ Nextflow will write all outputs to the `cell-states/naivestates/` subdirectory w
|`--mct ` | |The tool has a basic marker -> cell type (mct) mapping in `typemap.csv`. More sophisticated mct mappings can be defined by creating a `custom-map.csv` file with two columns: `Marker` and `State`. |
[Back to top](./other.html#other-modules){: .btn .btn-purple} [Back to main modules](./){: .btn .btn-outline}
+## Starfish
+### Description
+starfish is a Python library for processing images of image-based spatial transcriptomics. We implemented part of the starfish pipeline to process ISS images starting from ... until the final result, a table with locations of all called spots.
+### Usage
+Add a `iss_decoding:` field to [workflow parameters]({{site.baseurl}}/parameters/) to select starfish.
+* Example `params.yml`:
+``` yaml
+ stop-at: iss_decoding
+ downstream: naivestates
+ naivestates-model: /full/path/to/mct.csv
+ naivestates: --log no
+* Default naivestates options: `-p png`
+* Running outside of MCMICRO: [Instructions](https://github.com/labsyspharm/mcmicro-ilastik){:target="_blank"}.
+### Inputs
+### Outputs
+### Optional arguments
diff --git a/lib/mcmicro/Flow.groovy b/lib/mcmicro/Flow.groovy
index 8e91322b..720d572c 100644
--- a/lib/mcmicro/Flow.groovy
+++ b/lib/mcmicro/Flow.groovy
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ static def flowSegment(wfp) {
"segmentation", // Step 4
"watershed", // Step 5
"quantification", // Step 6
- "downstream"] // Step 7
+ "downstream", // Step 7
+ "iss_decoding"] // Step 8
// Identify starting and stopping indices
int idxStart = mcsteps.indexOf( wfp['start-at'] )
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@ static def precomputed(wfp) {
dearray: idxStart > 3 && wfp.tma,
'probability-maps': idxStart == 5,
segmentation: idxStart == 6,
- quantification: idxStart == 7
+ quantification: idxStart == 7,
+ iss_decoding: idxStart == 8
@@ -94,6 +96,8 @@ static def doirun(step, wfp) {
return(idxStart <= 6 && idxStop >= 6)
case 'downstream':
return(idxStart <= 7 && idxStop >= 7)
+ case 'iss_decoding':
+ return(idxStart <= 8 && idxStop >= 8)
case 'viz':
diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index db48221a..bbb34425 100755
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ findFiles = { key, pattern, ife -> pre[key] ?
Channel.fromPath("${params.in}/$key/$pattern").ifEmpty(ife) : Channel.empty()
+// Find spot images in starfish_input
+starimgs = Channel.fromPath( "${params.in}/primary", checkIfExists: true )
// Some image formats store multiple fields of view in a single file. Other
// formats store each field separately, typically in .tif files, with a separate
// index file to tie them together. We will look for the index files from
@@ -98,6 +101,7 @@ include {illumination} from "$projectDir/modules/illumination"
include {registration} from "$projectDir/modules/registration"
include {dearray} from "$projectDir/modules/dearray"
include {segmentation} from "$projectDir/modules/segmentation"
+include {starfish} from "$projectDir/modules/iss_decoding"
include {quantification} from "$projectDir/modules/quantification"
include {downstream} from "$projectDir/modules/downstream"
include {viz} from "$projectDir/modules/viz"
@@ -124,6 +128,9 @@ workflow {
tmacores = dearray.out.cores.mix(pre_cores)
tmamasks = dearray.out.masks.mix(pre_masks)
+ // Is the data type ISS?
+ starfish(mcp, starimgs)
// Reconcile WSI and TMA processing for downstream segmentation
allimg = img.wsi.mix(tmacores)
segmentation(mcp, allimg, tmamasks, pre_pmap)
diff --git a/modules/iss_decoding.nf b/modules/iss_decoding.nf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..663fd79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/iss_decoding.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Import utility functions from lib/mcmicro/*.groovy
+import mcmicro.*
+process starfish_tile {
+ container "${params.contPfx}${module.container}:${module.version}"
+ publishDir "${params.in}/iss_processing", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.tif"
+ publishDir "${Flow.QC(params.in, 'provenance')}", mode: 'copy',
+ pattern: '.command.{sh,log}',
+ saveAs: {fn -> fn.replace('.command', "${module.name}-${task.index}")}
+ input:
+ val mcp
+ val module
+ path code_tile
+ path img_dir
+ output:
+ path 'TILED'
+ tuple path('.command.sh'), path('.command.log')
+ when: mcp.workflow["iss_decoding"]
+ """
+ python $code_tile --input ${img_dir} --output TILED
+ """
+process starfish_convert {
+ container "${params.contPfx}${module.container}:${module.version}"
+ publishDir "${params.in}/iss_processing", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.tif"
+ publishDir "${Flow.QC(params.in, 'provenance')}", mode: 'copy',
+ pattern: '.command.{sh,log}',
+ saveAs: {fn -> fn.replace('.command', "${module.name}-${task.index}")}
+ input:
+ val mcp
+ val module
+ path code
+ path TILED
+ output:
+ path 'SpaceTx'
+ tuple path('.command.sh'), path('.command.log')
+ when: mcp.workflow["iss_decoding"]
+ """
+ python $code -i $TILED -o SpaceTx
+ """
+process starfish_decode {
+ // Use the container specification from the parameter file
+ // No change to this line is required
+ container "${params.contPfx}${module.container}:${module.version}"
+ // Specify the project subdirectory for writing the outputs to
+ // The pattern: specification must match the output: files below
+ // TODO: replace report with the desired output directory
+ // TODO: replace the pattern to match the output: clause below
+ publishDir "${params.in}/iss_processing", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.csv"
+ // Stores .command.sh and .command.log from the work directory
+ // to the project provenance
+ // No change to this line is required
+ publishDir "${Flow.QC(params.in, 'provenance')}", mode: 'copy',
+ pattern: '.command.{sh,log}',
+ saveAs: {fn -> fn.replace('.command', "${module.name}-${task.index}")}
+ // Inputs for the process
+ // mcp - MCMICRO parameters (workflow, options, etc.)
+ // module - module specifications (name, container, options, etc.)
+ // img/sft - pairs of images and their matching spatial feature tables
+ input:
+ val mcp
+ val module
+ path code
+ path SpaceTx
+ // Process outputs that should be captured and
+ // a) returned as results
+ // b) published to the project directory
+ // TODO: replace *.html with the pattern of the tool output files
+ output:
+ path("*.csv"), emit: results
+ // Provenance files -- no change is needed here
+ tuple path('.command.sh'), path('.command.log')
+ // Specifies whether to run the process
+ // Here, we simply take the flag from the workflow parameters
+ // TODO: change snr to match the true/false workflow parameter in defaults.yml
+ when: mcp.workflow["iss_decoding"]
+ // The command to be executed inside the tool container
+ // The command must write all outputs to the current working directory (.)
+ // Opts.moduleOpts() will identify and return the appropriate module options
+ """
+ python $code -i SpaceTx
+ """
+workflow starfish {
+ // Inputs:
+ // mcp - MCMICRO parameters (workflow, options, etc.)
+ // imgs - images
+ // cbk - Codebook
+ take:
+ mcp
+ img_dir
+ main:
+ // Apply the process to each (image, sft) pair
+ // code_tile = Channel.fromPath("$projectDir/starfish/bin/decoding.py")
+ ///code_convert = Channel.fromPath("$projectDir/starfish/bin/decoding.py")
+ code_tile = Channel.fromPath("$projectDir/starfish/bin/tiling.py")
+ TILED = starfish_tile(mcp, mcp.modules['iss_decoding'], code_tile, img_dir)
+ println TILED
+ code_convert = Channel.fromPath("$projectDir/starfish/bin/format_to_spacetx.py")
+ SpaceTx = starfish_convert(mcp, mcp.modules['iss_decoding'], code_convert, TILED[0])
+ code_decode = Channel.fromPath("$projectDir/starfish/bin/decoding.py")
+ results = starfish_decode(mcp, mcp.modules['iss_decoding'], code_decode, SpaceTx[0])
+ // Return the outputs produced by the tool
+ emit:
+ results[0]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/starfish/bin/decoding.py b/starfish/bin/decoding.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5714f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starfish/bin/decoding.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import os
+import starfish
+import argparse
+from starfish.image import ApplyTransform, LearnTransform, Filter
+from starfish.types import Axes
+from starfish import data, FieldOfView
+from starfish.spots import FindSpots, DecodeSpots, AssignTargets
+codebook = data.ISS(use_test_data=True).codebook
+def get_args():
+ """Get command-line arguments"""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Input/output directories for data formatting',
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('-i',
+ '--input_dir',
+ default='Tiled',
+ type=str,
+ help='Input root directory')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def iss_pipeline(fov, codebook):
+ #fov = experiment.fov()
+ primary_image = fov.get_image(FieldOfView.PRIMARY_IMAGES)
+ anchor = primary_image.sel({Axes.ROUND: 0})
+ anchor_dots = anchor.reduce({Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE}, func="max")
+ learn_translation = LearnTransform.Translation(reference_stack=anchor_dots,
+ axes=Axes.ROUND, upsampling=100)
+ transforms_list = learn_translation.run(
+ primary_image.reduce({Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE}, func="max"))
+ warp = ApplyTransform.Warp()
+ registered = warp.run(primary_image, transforms_list=transforms_list, in_place=False, verbose=True)
+ # Filter raw data
+ masking_radius = 15
+ filt = Filter.WhiteTophat(masking_radius, is_volume=False)
+ filtered = filt.run(registered, verbose=True, in_place=False)
+ print(filtered)
+ bd = FindSpots.BlobDetector(
+ min_sigma=1,
+ max_sigma=3,
+ num_sigma=30,
+ threshold=0.01,
+ measurement_type='mean'
+ )
+ # Check if experiment has anchor or not
+ # Locate spots in a reference image:
+ # Old one: spots = bd.run(reference_image=fov.get_image("anchor_dots"), image_stack=filtered)
+ spots = bd.run(reference_image=anchor_dots, image_stack=filtered)
+ # decode the pixel traces using the codebook
+ decoder = DecodeSpots.PerRoundMaxChannel(codebook=codebook)
+ decoded = decoder.run(spots=spots)
+ return decoded
+# process all the fields of view:
+def process_experiment(experiment: starfish.Experiment, cb: starfish.Codebook):
+ decoded_intensities = {}
+ for i, (name_, fov) in enumerate(experiment.items()):
+ print(name_)
+ decoded = iss_pipeline(fov, codebook=cb)
+ decoded_intensities[name_] = decoded
+ return decoded_intensities
+def save_fov(fov, dataframe):
+ fov_df = dataframe.to_features_dataframe()
+ fov_df.to_csv(f'fov_{fov}.csv', index=False)
+def main():
+ args = get_args()
+ exp = starfish.Experiment.from_json(os.path.join(args.input_dir, 'primary', 'experiment.json'))
+ results = process_experiment(exp, codebook)
+ for fov, data in results.items():
+ save_fov(fov, data)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/starfish/bin/format_to_spacetx.py b/starfish/bin/format_to_spacetx.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1af4c5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starfish/bin/format_to_spacetx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from slicedimage import ImageFormat
+from starfish.experiment.builder import format_structured_dataset
+import argparse
+import os
+def get_args():
+ """Get command-line arguments"""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Input/output directories for data formatting',
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+ )
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_dir', default='Tiled', type=str, help='Input root directory')
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', default='SpaceTx', type=str, help='Output root directory')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def format_experiment(
+ in_dir: str = 'Tiled',
+ out_dir: str = 'SpaceTx',
+ subdirs: list = ['primary', 'nuclei', 'anchor_dots', 'anchor_nuclei'],
+ coordinates_filename: str = 'coordinates.csv'
+) -> None:
+ for subdir in subdirs:
+ out_d = os.path.join(out_dir, subdir)
+ os.makedirs(out_d)
+ format_structured_dataset(
+ in_dir,
+ os.path.join(in_dir, "coordinates.csv"),
+ out_d,
+ ImageFormat.TIFF,
+ )
+def main():
+ args = get_args()
+ format_experiment(
+ in_dir=args.input_dir,
+ out_dir=args.output_dir
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/starfish/bin/generate_dataset.py b/starfish/bin/generate_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fd0e57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starfish/bin/generate_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import os
+from starfish import data, FieldOfView
+import tifffile as tiff
+from starfish.types import Axes
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Union
+# Create sample raw dataset for tiling:
+exp = data.ISS(use_test_data=False)
+fov = exp['fov_000']
+primary = fov.get_image(FieldOfView.PRIMARY_IMAGES)
+# save_dir = '/Users/segonzal/Documents/Repositories/imbast/data/primary'
+save_dir = Path(os.getcwd()) / "sample_dataset"
+def generate_dataset(save_dir: Union[str, Path]):
+ save_dir = Path(save_dir)
+ for ch in range(4):
+ for r in range(4):
+ img = primary.sel({Axes.ROUND: r, Axes.CH: ch}).xarray.squeeze()
+ tiff.imwrite(save_dir / f"r{r}_CH{ch}.tiff", img)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ generate_dataset(save_dir)
diff --git a/starfish/bin/tiling.py b/starfish/bin/tiling.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5647b47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starfish/bin/tiling.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Tile images and generate 'coordinates.csv' file
+import os
+import csv
+from skimage.io import imread, imsave
+from collections import namedtuple
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
+import logging
+# input_path = '/Users/segonzal/Documents/Repositories/imbast/data/primary'
+# img_input = imread(os.path.join(input_path, os.listdir(input_path)[0]))
+# tile_size = 500
+# tile_overlap = 0
+channel_map = {'CH0': '0', 'CH1': '1', 'CH2': '2', 'CH3': '3'}
+def get_tile_coordinates(img_input, tile_size: int, tile_overlap: int) -> None:
+ """Compute tile coordinates."""
+ tile_coordinates = {}
+ RoI = namedtuple('RoI', ['row', 'col', 'nrows', 'ncols'])
+ tile_n = 0
+ tile_size = tile_size + tile_overlap
+ def _get_size(position, tile_size, total_size):
+ dist_to_end = total_size - position
+ size = tile_size
+ size = size if dist_to_end > size else dist_to_end
+ return size
+ for r in range(0, img_input.shape[0], tile_size):
+ nrows = _get_size(r, tile_size, img_input.shape[0])
+ for c in range(0, img_input.shape[1], tile_size):
+ ncols = _get_size(c, tile_size, img_input.shape[1])
+ tile_coordinates[tile_n] = RoI(r, c, nrows, ncols)
+ tile_n += 1
+ return tile_coordinates
+def select_roi(image, roi):
+ return image[roi.row:roi.row + roi.nrows,
+ roi.col:roi.col + roi.ncols]
+def needs_padding(image_tile, tile_size):
+ return any([image_tile.shape[i] < tile_size for i in [0, 1]])
+def pad_to_size(
+ image,
+ tile_size
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ """Pad smaller tiles to match standard tile size."""
+ # Images must be same size
+ # Pad with zeros to default size
+ if needs_padding(image, tile_size):
+ pad_width = tuple((0, tile_size - image.shape[i]) for i in [0, 1])
+ image = np.pad(image, pad_width, 'constant')
+ return image
+def tile_image_set(in_dir, tile_size, tile_overlap, img_type,
+ coordinates, output_dir):
+ # File names and coordinates table according to
+ # SpaceTx Structured Data
+ tile_coordinates = get_tile_coordinates(imread(Path(in_dir) / os.listdir(in_dir)[0]), tile_size, tile_overlap)
+ coordinates = []
+ for image_name in os.listdir(in_dir):
+ image = imread(os.path.join(in_dir, image_name))
+ for tile_id in tile_coordinates:
+ coords = tile_coordinates[tile_id]
+ tile = select_roi(
+ image, roi=coords)
+ #tile = self._pad_to_size(tile, tile_size)
+ r = image_name.split('_')[0][1:]
+ c = channel_map[image_name.split('_')[1].split('.')[0]]
+ file_name = f'primary-f{tile_id}-r{r}-c{c}-z0.tiff'
+ imsave(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name), pad_to_size(tile, tile_size))
+ coordinates.append([
+ tile_id, r, c, 0,
+ coords.col, coords.row, 0,
+ coords.col + tile_size, coords.row + tile_size, 0.0001])
+ return coordinates
+def write_coords_file(coordinates, file_path) -> None:
+ coords_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ coordinates,
+ columns=('fov', 'round', 'ch', 'zplane',
+ 'xc_min', 'yc_min', 'zc_min',
+ 'xc_max', 'yc_max', 'zc_max'))
+ coords_df.to_csv(file_path, index=False)
+def main(input_path, output_path, tile_size=500, tile_overlap=0):
+ input_path = Path(input_path)
+ output_path = Path(output_path)
+ output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ coords = tile_image_set(
+ input_path, tile_size, tile_overlap, "primary",
+ get_tile_coordinates(imread(input_path / os.listdir(input_path)[0]), tile_size=tile_size, tile_overlap=tile_overlap), output_path
+ )
+ write_coords_file(coords, output_path / 'coordinates.csv')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="input path for images", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="output folder for tiled images", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("-ts", "--tile-size", type=int, help="the size of tiles", default=500)
+ parser.add_argument("-to", "--tile-overlap", type=int, help="the overlay for tiles", default=0)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args.input, args.output, args.tile_size, args.tile_overlap)
diff --git a/starfish/nf-issdecoder.nf b/starfish/nf-issdecoder.nf
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8e2b0f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starfish/nf-issdecoder.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * pipeline input parameters
+// params.datadir = "$projectDir/data/input/"
+params.input_dir = "$projectDir/data/Registered"
+params.register_dir = "/Registered"
+params.codebook = "$projectDir/data/codebook.json"
+log.info """\
+ ================================
+ test : ${params.test}
+ input datadir: ${params.input_dir}
+ """
+ .stripIndent()
+// nextflow.enable.dsl=2
+process TILING {
+ input:
+ path x
+ output:
+ path 'Tiled'
+// path '*_results'
+ script:
+ """
+ python $projectDir/bin/tiling.py --input ${x} --output TILED
+ """
+process TO_SPACETX {
+ input:
+ path TILED
+ output:
+ path SpaceTx
+// path 'data_results'
+ script:
+ """
+ python $projectDir/bin/format_to_spacetx.py -i $TILED
+ """
+process DECODE {
+ input:
+ path SpaceTx
+ output:
+ stdout
+// path 'SpaceTx'
+// path 'data_results'
+ script:
+ """
+ python $projectDir/bin/decoding.py
+ """
+workflow {
+ tiling_ch = TILING(params.input_dir)
+ tiling_ch.view()
+ spacetx_ch = TO_SPACETX(tiling_ch)
+// tiling_ch = TO_SPACETX()
+// decoding_ch = DECODE()
+// decoding_ch.view()
+// test_name = Channel.from(params.test)
+// sample_in = Channel.from(params.sample_name)
+// script_file = Channel.fromPath(params.script_Python_Registration)
+// last_channel = Channel.from(image_registration(test_name))
+// TILING(result_ch)
diff --git a/starfish/test_iss_decoding.yml b/starfish/test_iss_decoding.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15c7a526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starfish/test_iss_decoding.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ start-at: iss_decoding
+ stop-at: iss_decoding
+ iss_decoding: true
+# modules:
+# iss_decoding:
+# name: starfish
+# container: spacetx/starfish
+# version: 0.2.2
\ No newline at end of file