Releases: l0k1/SR71-BlackBird
Releases · l0k1/SR71-BlackBird
Updates from v 0.2 (import from FGMEMBERS/FGAddon)
+Added AI refuelling capabilities
+Throttle animation based on throttle position
+Higher-res livery
+damage.nas installed (currently always-on, will be switchable in later versions)
+Nasal file restructure
+Removed speed and thrust restrictions.
+Implemented engine failure support
+CIT guage and overheating damage
+Power increased - interpolated up to mach 3.6 instead of mach 3.4.
+Max mach of 3.53 enforced - this is due to the pressure wave from the nose of the aircraft hitting the inlets, causing an unstart.
+BigTail variant introduced
+Custom sounds by @swampmo
+Fuel system now sequences as described in the manual.