Copy the
file to your inventory plugins dir...
The inventory plugin path can be found by running the command:
ansible-config dump | grep INVENTORY_PLUGIN
Example output:
DEFAULT_INVENTORY_PLUGIN_PATH(/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg) = ['/etc/ansible/plugins/inventory']
As you can see from the Example output above, my inventory plugin path is /etc/ansible/plugins/inventory
- so copy the file into that directory, or like i have (for organization), a sub directory called mysql-dynamic-inventory
So in the example case, the file should live at:
Then in your inventory YAML file, specify the plugin, db connections details, and query... as so.
# Required columns:
# 'inventory_group', 'inventory_hostname'
# Besides the required columns, each column will be assigned
# as an ansible hostvar dynamically.
plugin: mysql-dynamic-inventory
db_host: mysql_server
db_user: mysql_user
db_pass: mysql_pass
db_name: mysql_database
db_query: |
ip_address as ansible_host,
hostname as inventory_hostname,
'web_servers' as inventory_group
FROM servers
hostname LIKE "web%";
Note: The inventory filename must end with mysql.yml
to pass verification.
Then verify the inventory with:
ansible-inventory -i web-servers-mysql.yml --graph
ansible-inventory -i web-servers-mysql.yml --list