fluent-plugin-riak2f, a plugin for Fluentd
is a fluentd output plugin designed to stuff log messages into a riak cluster.
This version is based on the work of fluent-plugin-riak2. We are very thankful for his effort and his decision to release the work under the Apache 2 license.
is designed to be used with Riak 2.x clusters and it's yokozuna/solr based search engine. Support for secondary indicies is limited and should be considered deprecated.
Riak ( http://github.com/basho/riak ) is an open-source distributed KVS focused on availability.
Current status is still proof-of-concept: index setting and its configuration are to be decided. Also performance optimization is required. Another idea is in_tail_riak by using riak post-commit.
$ sudo gem install fluent-plugin-riak2f
Notice: you need Riak configured using eleveldb as backend.
<match riak2.**>
type riak2
buffer_type memory
flush_interval 10s
retry_limit 5
retry_wait 1s
buffer_chunk_limit 256m
buffer_queue_limit 8096
bucket_type defalut # if not set, will use 'default'
bucket_name fluentdlog # if not set, will use 'fluentdlog'
# pb port
#for cluster, define multiple machines
key format -> %Y%m%d%H%M%S-
value format -> [records] in JSON
year_int -> year
month_bin -> -
tag_bin -> tags
$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:8098/buckets/static/keys/browser.html -H 'Content-type: text/html' -d @browser.html
$ open http://localhost:8098/buckets/static/keys/browser.html
Apache 2.0
Copyright Kota UENISHI, Collective Health, Inc.