diff --git a/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsBuiltinGateway.feature b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsBuiltinGateway.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ddb4b7138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsBuiltinGateway.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Feature: Dataplane details for built-in gateway
+ Background:
+ Given the CSS selectors
+ | Alias | Selector |
+ | detail-view | [data-testid='data-plane-detail-tabs-view'] |
+ | policies-view | [data-testid='data-plane-policies-view'] |
+ | overview-tab | #data-plane-detail-view-tab a |
+ | policies-tab | #data-plane-policies-view-tab a |
+ | warnings | [data-testid='dataplane-warnings'] |
+ | details | [data-testid='dataplane-details'] |
+ | gateway | [data-testid='dataplane-gateway'] |
+ | inbounds | [data-testid='dataplane-inbounds'] |
+ | route-item | [data-testid='builtin-gateway-dataplane-policies'] .accordion-item |
+ | route-item-button | $route-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
+ And the environment
+ """
+ KUMA_MODE: global
+ """
+ And the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dataplane-gateway_builtin-1/_overview" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ mesh: default
+ dataplane:
+ networking:
+ address:
+ gateway:
+ type: BUILTIN
+ tags:
+ kuma.io/protocol: http
+ kuma.io/zone: zone-1
+ inbound: !!js/undefined
+ dataplaneInsight:
+ subscriptions:
+ - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
+ connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ disconnectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
+ connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ disconnectTime: !!js/undefined
+ version:
+ kumaDp:
+ version: 1.0.8
+ kumaCpCompatible: true
+ envoy:
+ kumaDpCompatible: true
+ """
+ When I visit the "/meshes/default/data-planes/dataplane-gateway_builtin-1/overview" URL
+ Scenario: Overview tab has expected content
+ Then the page title contains "dataplane-gateway_builtin-1"
+ And the "$detail-view" element contains "dataplane-gateway_builtin-1"
+ And the "$warnings" element doesn't exist
+ And the "$details" element contains "online"
+ And the "$gateway" element contains ""
+ And the "$gateway" element contains "kuma.io/protocol:http"
+ And the "$gateway" element contains "kuma.io/zone:zone-1"
+ And the "$inbounds" element doesn't exist
+ Scenario: Policies tab has expected content
+ Given the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dataplane-gateway_builtin-1/policies" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ listeners:
+ - hosts:
+ - routes:
+ - destinations:
+ - tags:
+ kuma.io/service: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ policies:
+ CircuitBreaker:
+ name: circuit-breaker-1
+ policies:
+ TrafficLog:
+ name: traffic-log-1
+ TrafficTrace:
+ name: traffic-trace-1
+ """
+ When I click the "$policies-tab" element
+ Then the "$policies-view" element contains "traffic-log-1"
+ And the "$policies-view" element contains "traffic-trace-1"
+ When I click the "$route-item-button" element
+ Then the "$policies-view" element contains "circuit-breaker-1"
+ And the "$policies-view" element contains "demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000"
diff --git a/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsDelegatedGateway.feature b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsDelegatedGateway.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d28402b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsDelegatedGateway.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Feature: Dataplane details for delegated gateway
+ Background:
+ Given the CSS selectors
+ | Alias | Selector |
+ | detail-view | [data-testid='data-plane-detail-tabs-view'] |
+ | policies-view | [data-testid='data-plane-policies-view'] |
+ | overview-tab | #data-plane-detail-view-tab a |
+ | policies-tab | #data-plane-policies-view-tab a |
+ | warnings | [data-testid='dataplane-warnings'] |
+ | details | [data-testid='dataplane-details'] |
+ | gateway | [data-testid='dataplane-gateway'] |
+ | inbounds | [data-testid='dataplane-inbounds'] |
+ | policy-item | [data-testid='policy-list'] .accordion-item |
+ | policy-item-button | $policy-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
+ | rule-item | [data-testid='rule-list'] .accordion-item |
+ | rule-item-button | $rule-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
+ And the environment
+ """
+ KUMA_MODE: global
+ """
+ And the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dataplane-gateway_delegated-1/_overview" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ mesh: default
+ dataplane:
+ networking:
+ address:
+ gateway:
+ tags:
+ kuma.io/protocol: http
+ kuma.io/zone: zone-1
+ inbound: !!js/undefined
+ dataplaneInsight:
+ subscriptions:
+ - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
+ connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ disconnectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
+ connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ disconnectTime: !!js/undefined
+ version:
+ kumaDp:
+ version: 1.0.8
+ kumaCpCompatible: true
+ envoy:
+ kumaDpCompatible: true
+ """
+ When I visit the "/meshes/default/data-planes/dataplane-gateway_delegated-1/overview" URL
+ Scenario: Overview tab has expected content
+ Then the page title contains "dataplane-gateway_delegated-1"
+ And the "$detail-view" element contains "dataplane-gateway_delegated-1"
+ And the "$warnings" element doesn't exist
+ And the "$details" element contains "online"
+ And the "$gateway" element contains ""
+ And the "$gateway" element contains "kuma.io/protocol:http"
+ And the "$gateway" element contains "kuma.io/zone:zone-1"
+ And the "$inbounds" element doesn't exist
+ Scenario: Policies tab has expected content
+ Given the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dataplane-gateway_delegated-1/policies" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ items:
+ - matchedPolicies:
+ FaultInjection:
+ - sources:
+ - match:
+ kuma.io/service: service-a
+ """
+ And the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dataplane-gateway_delegated-1/rules" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ items:
+ - name: ''
+ - name: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ service: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ tags:
+ kuma.io/service: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ """
+ When I click the "$policies-tab" element
+ And I click the "$policy-item-button" element
+ Then the "$policies-view" element contains "kuma.io/service:service-a"
+ When I click the "$rule-item-button" element
+ Then the "$policies-view" element contains "kuma.io/service:demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000"
diff --git a/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsStandardProxy.feature b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsStandardProxy.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab571ca0e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DataplaneDetailsStandardProxy.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Feature: Dataplane details for standard Data Plane Proxy
+ Background:
+ Given the CSS selectors
+ | Alias | Selector |
+ | detail-view | [data-testid='data-plane-detail-tabs-view'] |
+ | policies-view | [data-testid='data-plane-policies-view'] |
+ | clusters-view | [data-testid='data-plane-clusters-view'] |
+ | overview-tab | #data-plane-detail-view-tab a |
+ | policies-tab | #data-plane-policies-view-tab a |
+ | clusters-tab | #data-plane-clusters-view-tab a |
+ | warnings | [data-testid='dataplane-warnings'] |
+ | details | [data-testid='dataplane-details'] |
+ | gateway | [data-testid='dataplane-gateway'] |
+ | inbounds | [data-testid='dataplane-inbounds'] |
+ | subscriptions | [data-testid='dataplane-subscriptions'] |
+ | status-cds | [data-testid='subscription-status-cds'] |
+ | status-eds | [data-testid='subscription-status-eds'] |
+ | status-lds | [data-testid='subscription-status-lds'] |
+ | status-rds | [data-testid='subscription-status-rds'] |
+ | policy-item | [data-testid='policy-list'] .accordion-item |
+ | policy-item-button | $policy-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
+ | rule-item | [data-testid='rule-list'] .accordion-item |
+ | rule-item-button | $rule-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
+ And the environment
+ """
+ KUMA_MODE: global
+ """
+ And the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/_overview" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ mesh: default
+ dataplane:
+ networking:
+ address:
+ gateway: !!js/undefined
+ inbound:
+ - health:
+ ready: true
+ port: 1328
+ serviceAddress:
+ servicePort: 62098
+ tags:
+ kuma.io/protocol: http
+ kuma.io/zone: zone-1
+ dataplaneInsight:
+ subscriptions:
+ - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
+ connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ disconnectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ version:
+ kumaDp:
+ version: 1.0.7
+ kumaCpCompatible: false
+ envoy:
+ kumaDpCompatible: false
+ - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
+ connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
+ disconnectTime: !!js/undefined
+ status:
+ total:
+ responsesSent: '12'
+ responsesAcknowledged: '10'
+ cds:
+ responsesSent: '2'
+ responsesAcknowledged: '1'
+ eds:
+ responsesSent: '4'
+ responsesAcknowledged: '3'
+ lds:
+ responsesSent: '6'
+ responsesAcknowledged: '6'
+ rds: {}
+ version:
+ kumaDp:
+ version: 1.0.8
+ kumaCpCompatible: true
+ envoy:
+ kumaDpCompatible: true
+ """
+ When I visit the "/meshes/default/data-planes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/overview" URL
+ Scenario: Overview tab has expected content
+ Then the page title contains "dpp-1-name-of-dataplane"
+ And the "$detail-view" element contains "dpp-1-name-of-dataplane"
+ And the "$warnings" element doesn't exist
+ And the "$details" element contains "online"
+ And the "$gateway" element doesn't exist
+ And the "$inbounds" element contains "healthy"
+ And the "$inbounds" element contains ""
+ And the "$inbounds" element contains ""
+ And the "$inbounds" element contains "kuma.io/protocol:http"
+ And the "$inbounds" element contains "kuma.io/zone:zone-1"
+ And the "$subscriptions" element contains "Connected: Feb 17, 2021, 7:33 AM"
+ And the "$subscriptions" element contains "CP instance ID: dpp-1-cp-instance-id"
+ When I click the ".accordion-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button']" element
+ Then the "$status-cds" element contains "CDS"
+ And the "$status-cds" element contains "1"
+ And the "$status-cds" element contains "2"
+ And the "$status-eds" element contains "EDS"
+ And the "$status-eds" element contains "3"
+ And the "$status-eds" element contains "4"
+ And the "$status-lds" element contains "LDS"
+ And the "$status-lds" element contains "6"
+ And the "$status-rds" element contains "RDS"
+ And the "$status-rds" element contains "0"
+ Scenario: Policies tab has expected content
+ Given the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/policies" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ items:
+ - matchedPolicies:
+ FaultInjection:
+ - sources:
+ - match:
+ kuma.io/service: service-a
+ """
+ And the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/rules" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ items:
+ - name: ''
+ - name: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ service: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ tags:
+ kuma.io/service: demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000
+ """
+ When I click the "$policies-tab" element
+ And I click the "$policy-item-button" element
+ Then the "$policies-view" element contains "kuma.io/service:service-a"
+ When I click the "$rule-item-button" element
+ Then the "$policies-view" element contains "kuma.io/service:demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000"
+ Scenario: Clusters tab has expected content
+ Given the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/clusters" responds with
+ """
+ body:
+ access_log_sink::observability_name::access_log_sink
+ access_log_sink::default_priority::max_connections::1024
+ access_log_sink::default_priority::max_pending_requests::1024
+ access_log_sink::default_priority::max_requests::1024
+ """
+ When I click the "$clusters-tab" element
+ Then the "$clusters-view" element contains "access_log_sink::observability_name::access_log_sink"
diff --git a/features/mesh/dataplanes/DetailViewContent.feature b/features/mesh/dataplanes/DetailViewContent.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index c432d1d4ca..0000000000
--- a/features/mesh/dataplanes/DetailViewContent.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Data Plane Proxies: Detail view content
- Background:
- Given the CSS selectors
- | Alias | Selector |
- | detail-view | [data-testid='data-plane-detail-tabs-view'] |
- | warnings | [data-testid='data-plane-warnings'] |
- | overview-tab | #data-plane-detail-view-tab a |
- | overview-content | [data-testid='data-plane-detail-view'] |
- | status-cds | $overview-content [data-testid='subscription-status-cds'] |
- | status-eds | $overview-content [data-testid='subscription-status-eds'] |
- | status-lds | $overview-content [data-testid='subscription-status-lds'] |
- | status-rds | $overview-content [data-testid='subscription-status-rds'] |
- | policies-tab | #data-plane-policies-view-tab a |
- | policies-content | [data-testid='data-plane-policies-view'] |
- | policy-list | [data-testid='policy-list'] |
- | policy-list-item | $policy-list .accordion-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
- | policy-list-item-button | $policy-list-item [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
- | rule-list | [data-testid='rule-list'] |
- | rule-list-item | $rule-list .accordion-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
- | rule-list-item-button | $rule-list-item [data-testid='accordion-item-button'] |
- | clusters-tab | #data-plane-clusters-view-tab a |
- | clusters-content | [data-testid='data-plane-clusters-view'] |
- And the environment
- """
- KUMA_MODE: global
- """
- And the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/_overview" responds with
- """
- body:
- mesh: default
- dataplane:
- networking:
- inbound:
- - health:
- ready: true
- tags:
- kuma.io/protocol: http
- kuma.io/zone: zone-1
- dataplaneInsight:
- subscriptions:
- - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
- connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
- disconnectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
- version:
- kumaDp:
- version: 1.0.7
- kumaCpCompatible: false
- envoy:
- kumaDpCompatible: false
- - controlPlaneInstanceId: 'dpp-1-cp-instance-id'
- connectTime: 2021-02-17T07:33:36.412683Z
- disconnectTime: !!js/undefined
- status:
- total:
- responsesSent: '12'
- responsesAcknowledged: '10'
- cds:
- responsesSent: '2'
- responsesAcknowledged: '1'
- eds:
- responsesSent: '4'
- responsesAcknowledged: '3'
- lds:
- responsesSent: '6'
- responsesAcknowledged: '6'
- rds: {}
- version:
- kumaDp:
- version: 1.0.8
- kumaCpCompatible: true
- envoy:
- kumaDpCompatible: true
- """
- When I visit the "/meshes/default/data-planes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/overview" URL
- Scenario: Data Plane Proxy detail view has expected content
- Then the page title contains "dpp-1-name-of-dataplane"
- And the "$detail-view" element contains "dpp-1-name-of-dataplane"
- And the "$overview-content" element contains "online"
- And the "$overview-content" element contains "kuma.io/protocol:http"
- And the "$overview-content" element contains "kumaDp:1.0.8"
- And the "$warnings" element doesn't exist
- Then the "$overview-content" element contains "Connected: Feb 17, 2021, 7:33 AM"
- Then the "$overview-content" element contains "CP instance ID: dpp-1-cp-instance-id"
- When I click the ".accordion-item:nth-child(1) [data-testid='accordion-item-button']" element
- And the "$status-cds" element contains "CDS"
- And the "$status-cds" element contains "1"
- And the "$status-cds" element contains "2"
- And the "$status-eds" element contains "EDS"
- And the "$status-eds" element contains "3"
- And the "$status-eds" element contains "4"
- And the "$status-lds" element contains "LDS"
- And the "$status-lds" element contains "6"
- And the "$status-rds" element contains "RDS"
- And the "$status-rds" element contains "0"
- Scenario: Policies tab
- When I click the "$policies-tab" element
- And I click the "$policy-list-item" element
- Then the "$policies-content" element contains "kuma.io/service:service-a"
- When I click the "$rule-list-item" element
- Then the "$policies-content" element contains "kuma.io/service:demo-app_kuma-demo_svc_5000"
- Scenario: Envoy data
- Given the URL "/meshes/default/dataplanes/dpp-1-name-of-dataplane/clusters" responds with
- """
- body:
- access_log_sink::observability_name::access_log_sink
- access_log_sink::default_priority::max_connections::1024
- access_log_sink::default_priority::max_pending_requests::1024
- access_log_sink::default_priority::max_requests::1024
- """
- When I click the "$clusters-tab" element
- Then the "$clusters-content" element contains "access_log_sink::observability_name::access_log_sink"
diff --git a/src/app/common/TagList.vue b/src/app/common/TagList.vue
index a1aaf58f3c..01d04dfdef 100644
--- a/src/app/common/TagList.vue
+++ b/src/app/common/TagList.vue
@@ -1,41 +1,34 @@