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Cluster Configuration


The HyperConverged Cluster allows modifying the KubeVirt cluster configuration by editing the HyperConverged Cluster CR (Custom Resource).

The HyperConverged Cluster operator copies the cluster configuration values to the other operand's CRs.

The Hyperconverged Cluster Operator configures kubevirt and its supporting operators in an opinionated way and overwrites its operands when there is an unexpected change to them. Users are expected to not modify the operands directly. The HyperConverged custom resource is the source of truth for the configuration.

To make it more visible and clear for end users, the Hyperconverged Cluster Operator will count the number of these revert actions in a metric named kubevirt_hco_out_of_band_modifications_total. According to the value of that metric in the last 10 minutes, an alert named KubeVirtCRModified will be eventually fired:


The alert is supposed to resolve after 10 minutes if there isn't a manual intervention to operands in the last 10 minutes.

Note: The cluster configurations are supported only in API version v1beta1 or higher.

Infra and Workloads Configuration

Some configurations are done separately to Infra and Workloads. The CR's Spec object contains the infra and the workloads objects.

The structures of the infra and the workloads objects are the same. The HyperConverged Cluster operator will update the other operator CRs, according to the specific CR structure. The meaning is if, for example, the other CR does not support Infra cluster configurations, but only Workloads configurations, the HyperConverged Cluster operator will only copy the Workloads configurations to this operator's CR.

Below are the cluster configuration details. Currently, only "Node Placement" configuration is supported.

Node Placement

Kubernetes lets the cluster admin influence node placement in several ways, see for a general overview.

The HyperConverged Cluster's CR is the single entry point to let the cluster admin influence the placement of all the pods directly and indirectly managed by the HyperConverged Cluster Operator.

The nodePlacement object is an optional field in the HyperConverged Cluster's CR, under spec.infra and spec.workloads fields.

Note: The HyperConverged Cluster operator does not allow modifying of the workloads' node placement configurations if there are already existing virtual machines or data volumes.

The nodePlacement object contains the following fields:

Operators placement

The HyperConverged Cluster Operator and the operators for its component are supposed to be deployed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). Thus, the HyperConverged Cluster Operator is not going to directly influence its own placement but that should be influenced by the OLM. The cluster admin indeed is allowed to influence the placement of the Pods directly created by the OLM configuring a nodeSelector or tolerations directly on the OLM subscription object.

Node Placement Examples

  • Place the infra resources on nodes labeled with "nodeType = infra", and workloads in nodes labeled with "nodeType = nested-virtualization", using node selector:
            nodeType: infra
            nodeType: nested-virtualization
  • Place the infra resources on nodes labeled with "nodeType = infra", and workloads in nodes labeled with "nodeType = nested-virtualization", preferring nodes with more than 8 CPUs, using affinity:
                - matchExpressions:
                  - key: nodeType
                    operator: In
                    - infra
                - matchExpressions:
                  - key: nodeType
                    operator: In
                    - nested-virtualization
              - weight: 1
                  - key:
                    operator: gt
                    - 8
  • In this example, there are several nodes that are saved for KubeVirt resources (e.g. VMs), already set with the key=kubevirt:NoSchedule taint. This taint will prevent any scheduling to these nodes, except for pods with the matching tolerations.
          - key: "key"
            operator: "Equal"
            value: "kubevirt"
            effect: "NoSchedule"


The featureGates field is an optional set of optional boolean feature enabler. The features in this list are advanced or new features that are not enabled by default.

To enable a feature, add its name to the featureGates list and set it to true. Missing or false feature gates disables the feature.

downwardMetrics Feature Gate

Set the downwardMetrics feature gate in order to allow exposing a limited set of VM and host metrics to the guest. The format is compatible with vhostmd. These metrics allow third-parties diagnosing issues. DownwardMetrics may be exposed to the guest through a volume or a virtio-serial port.

Note: Updates from previous versions require to enable this feature gate if the metrics was used in any virtual machine.

Default: false

withHostPassthroughCPU Feature Gate

Set the withHostPassthroughCPU feature gate in order to allow migrating a virtual machine with CPU host-passthrough mode. This can provide slightly better CPU performance, but should be enabled only when the Cluster is homogeneous from CPU HW perspective.

Default: false

Additional information: LibvirtXMLCPUModel

enableCommonBootImageImport Feature Gate

Set the enableCommonBootImageImport feature gate to false in order to disable the common golden images in the cluster (for instance to reduce logs noise on disconnected environments). For additional information, see here:

Note: Custom golden images are enabled by adding them the dataImportCronTemplates field, even if this feature gate is false.

Default: true

deployVmConsoleProxy Feature Gate

Set the deployVmConsoleProxy feature gate to true to allow SSP operator to deploy its resources. SSP operator will deploy a proxy that provides an access to the VNC console of a KubeVirt Virtual Machine (VM).

Note: Once deployVmConsoleProxy is set to true, SSP operator will not delete deployed resources if deployVmConsoleProxy is reverted back to false.

Default: false

deployKubeSecondaryDNS Feature Gate

Set the deployKubeSecondaryDNS feature gate to true to allow deploying KubeSecondaryDNS by CNAO. For additional information, see here: KubeSecondaryDNS

Default: false

deployKubevirtIpamController Feature Gate

Set the deployKubevirtIpamController feature gate to true to allow deploying Kubevirt IPAM controller by CNAO. For additional information, see here: KubevirtIpamController

The component allows having persistent IPs for Kubevirt VM user defined networks. OVN k8s implements the SDN side, hence required to be deployed as well.

Note that if used on K8s cluster (non OCP), a cert manager is required to be deployed. cert-manager is recommended.

Default: false

nonRoot Feature Gate

Disable the nonRoot feature gate in order to not run your virtual machines in rootless virt-launcher.

Note: You can migrate rootless virt-launcher-es to root implementation by triggering migration or restarting the VM.

Note: the nonRoot feature gate is now deprecated but still available; in the future only the nonRoot mode will be available.

Default: true

persistentReservation Feature Gate

Set the persistentReservation feature gate to true in order to enable the reservation of a LUN through the SCSI Persistent Reserve commands.

SCSI protocol offers dedicated commands in order to reserve and control access to the LUNs. This can be used to prevent data corruption if the disk is shared by multiple VMs (or more in general processes). The SCSI persistent reservation is handled by the qemu-pr-helper. The pr-helper is a privileged daemon that can be either started by libvirt directly or managed externally. In case of KubeVirt, the qemu-pr-helper needs to be started externally because it requires high privileges in order to perform the persistent SCSI reservation. Afterward, the pr-helper socket is accessed by the unprivileged virt-launcher pod for enabling the SCSI persistent reservation. Once the feature gate is enabled, then the additional container with the qemu-pr-helper is deployed inside the virt-handler pod. Enabling (or removing) the feature gate causes the redeployment of the virt-handler pod.

VMI example:

      - name: mypvcdisk
          reservations: true

Note: An important aspect of this feature is that the SCSI persistent reservation doesn't support migration. Even if you apply the reservation to an RWX PVC provisioning SCSI devices, the restriction is due to the reservation done by the initiator on the node. The VM could be migrated but not the reservation.

Default: false

enableManagedTenantQuota Feature Gate

Note: the enableManagedTenantQuota feature gate is now deprecated and ignored

autoResourceLimits Feature Gate

Set the autoResourceLimits feature gate to true in order to enable KubeVirt to set automatic limits when they are needed. If ResourceQuota with set memory limits is associated with a namespace, each pod in that namespace must have memory limits set. By default, KubeVirt does not set such limits to the virt-launcher pod. When this feature gate is enabled, KubeVirt will set limits to the virt-launcher pod if they are not set manually and if a resource quota with memory limits is associated with the creation namespace.

Note: this feature is in Developer Preview.

Default: false

alignCPUs Feature Gate

Set the alignCPUs feature gate to enable KubeVirt to request up to two additional dedicated CPUs in order to complete the total CPU count to an even parity when using emulator thread isolation.

Note: this feature is in Developer Preview.

Default: false

enableApplicationAwareQuota Feature Gate

Set the enableApplicationAwareQuota feature gate to true to enable the Application Aware Quota feature

See below for Application Aware Quota configurations.

Default: false

primaryUserDefinedNetworkBinding Feature Gate

Set the primaryUserDefinedNetworkBinding feature gate to deploy the needed configurations for kubevirt users, so they can bind their VM to a user-defined network (UDN) on the VM's primary interface.

Note: this feature is in Developer Preview.

Default: false

Feature Gates Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  infra: {}
  workloads: {}
    withHostPassthroughCPU: true
    enableCommonBootImageImport: true
    deployTektonTaskResources: true
    deployKubeSecondaryDNS: true
    deployKubevirtIpamController: false
    enableManagedTenantQuota: true
    enableApplicationAwareQuota: true

Live Migration Configurations

Set the live migration configurations by modifying the fields in the liveMigrationConfig under the spec field


Bandwidth limit of each migrationi, the value is in quantity of bytes per second. The format is a number with an optional quantity suffix, e.g. 2048Mi means 2048MiB/sec.

default: unset


If a migrating VM is big and busy, while the connection to the destination node is slow, migration may never converge. The completion timeout is calculated based on completionTimeoutPerGiB times the size of the guest (both RAM and migrated disks, if any). For example, with completionTimeoutPerGiB set to 800, a virtual machine instance with 6GiB memory will timeout if it has not completed migration in 1h20m. Use a lower completionTimeoutPerGiB to induce quicker failure, so that another destination or post-copy is attempted. Use a higher completionTimeoutPerGiB to let workload with spikes in its memory dirty rate to converge. The format is a number.

default: 800


Number of migrations running in parallel in the cluster. The format is a number.

default: 5


Maximum number of outbound migrations per node. The format is a number.

default: 2


The migration will be canceled if memory copy fails to make progress in this time, in seconds. The format is a number.

default: 150


The name of a Multus network attachment definition to be dedicated to live migrations to minimize disruption to tenant workloads due to network saturation when VM live migrations are triggered. The format is a string.

default: unset


It allows the platform to compromise performance/availability of VMIs to guarantee successful VMI live migrations.

default: false


When enabled, KubeVirt attempts to use post-copy live-migration in case it reaches its completion timeout while attempting pre-copy live-migration. Post-copy migrations allow even the busiest VMs to successfully live-migrate. However, events like a network failure or a failure in any of the source or destination nodes can cause the migrated VM to crash. Enable this option when evicting nodes is more important than keeping VMs alive.

default: false


kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    completionTimeoutPerGiB: 800
    network: migration-network
    parallelMigrationsPerCluster: 5
    parallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode: 2
    progressTimeout: 150
    allowAutoConverge: false
    allowPostCopy: false

Automatic Configuration of Mediated Devices (including vGPUs)

Administrators can provide a list of desired mediated devices (vGPU) types. KubeVirt will attempt to automatically create the relevant devices on nodes that can support such configuration. Currently, it is possible to configure one type per physical card. KubeVirt will configure all available_instances for each configurable type.


kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      - nvidia-222
      - nvidia-228
      - i915-GVTg_V5_4

Administrators are able to expand the mediatedDevicesConfiguration API to allow a more specific per-node configuration, using NodeSelectors to target a sepcific node.


kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      - nvidia-222
      - nvidia-228
      - i915-GVTg_V5_4
      - nodeSelector:
          someLabel1: ""
        - nvidia-222
      - nodeSelector:
        - nvidia-228

This API will facilitate the creation of mediated devices types on cluster nodes. However, administrators are expected to use the PermittedHostDevices API to allow these devices in the cluster.

Listing Permitted Host Devices

Administrators can control which host devices are exposed and permitted to be used in the cluster. Permitted host devices in the cluster will need to be allowlisted in KubeVirt CR by its vendor:product selector for PCI devices or mediated device names. Use the permittedHostDevices field in order to manage the permitted host devices.

The permittedHostDevices field is an optional field under the HyperConverged spec field.

The permittedHostDevices field contains three optional arrays: the pciHostDevices, mediatedDevices and usbHostDevices array.

HCO propagates these arrays as is to the KubeVirt custom resource; i.e. no merge is done, but a replacement.

The pciHostDevices array is an array of PciHostDevice objects. The fields of this object are:

  • pciDeviceSelector - a combination of a vendor_id:product_id required to identify a PCI device on a host.

    This identifier 10de:1eb8 can be found using lspci; for example:

    lspci -nnv | grep -i nvidia
  • resourceName - name by which a device is advertised and being requested.

  • externalResourceProvider - indicates that this resource is being provided by an external device plugin.

    KubeVirt in this case will only permit the usage of this device in the cluster but will leave the allocation and monitoring to an external device plugin.

    default: false

The mediatedDevices array is an array of MediatedDevice objects. The fields of this object are:

  • mdevNameSelector - name of a mediated device type required to identify a mediated device on a host.

    For example: mdev type nvidia-226 represents GRID T4-2A.

    The selector is matched against the content of /sys/class/mdev_bus/$mdevUUID/mdev_type/name.

  • resourceName - name by which a device is advertised and being requested.

  • externalResourceProvider - indicates that this resource is being provided by an external device plugin.

    KubeVirt in this case will only permit the usage of this device in the cluster but will leave the allocation and monitoring to an external device plugin.

    default: false

The usbHostDevices array is an array of USBHostDevice objects. The fields of this object are:

  • selectors array is an array of USBSelector objects. The fields of this object are a vendor, product required to identify a USB device.

    The two identifiers like 06cb and 00f9 can be found using lsusb; for example:

    $ lsusb | grep -i synaptics
    Bus 003 Device 005: ID 06cb:00f9 Synaptics, Inc.

    Multiple USBSelector objects can be used to match a st of devices.

  • resourceName - name by which a device is advertised and being requested.

  • externalResourceProvider - indicates that this resource is being provided by an external device plugin.

    KubeVirt in this case will only permit the usage of this device in the cluster but will leave the allocation and monitoring to an external device plugin.

    default: false

Permitted Host Devices Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    - pciDeviceSelector: "10DE:1DB6"
      resourceName: ""
    - pciDeviceSelector: "10DE:1EB8"
      resourceName: ""
    - mdevNameSelector: "GRID T4-1Q"
      resourceName: ""
    - resourceName:
        - vendor: "045e"
          product: "07a5"
        - vendor: "062a"
          product: "4102"
        - vendor: "072f"
          product: "b100"
      externalResourceProvider: false
    - resourceName:
        - vendor: "46f4"
          product: "0001"
      externalResourceProvider: false

Filesystem Overhead

By default, when using DataVolumes with storage profiles ( is non-empty), the size of a Filesystem PVC chosen is bigger, ensuring 5.5% of the space isn't used. This is to account for root reserved blocks as well as to avoid reaching full capacity, as file systems often have degraded performance and perhaps weak guarantees about the amount of space that can be fully occupied.

In case a larger or smaller padding is needed, for example if the root reservation is larger or the file system recommends a larger percentage of the space should be unused for optimal performance, we can change this tunable through the HCO CR.
This is possible to do as a global setting and per-storage class name.

Administrators can Override the storage class used for scratch space during transfer operations by setting the scratchSpaceStorageClass field under the HyperConverged spec field.

The scratch space storage class is determined in the following order:

value of scratchSpaceStorageClass, if that doesn't exist, use the default storage class, if there is no default storage class, use the storage class of the DataVolume, if no storage class specified, use no storage class for scratch space

Storage Class for Scratch Space Example

For example, if we want the 'nfs' storage class to not use any padding, and the global setting to be 10% instead, we can add the following parts to the HCO spec:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    global: "0.1"
      nfs: "0"

Storage Class for Scratch Space

Administrators can Override the storage class used for scratch space during transfer operations by setting the scratchSpaceStorageClass field under the HyperConverged spec field.

The scratch space storage class is determined in the following order:

value of scratchSpaceStorageClass, if that doesn't exist, use the default storage class, if there is no default storage class, use the storage class of the DataVolume, if no storage class specified, use no storage class for scratch space

Storage Class for Scratch Space Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  scratchSpaceStorageClass: aStorageClassName

Resource Requests

VMI PODs CPU Allocation Ratio

KubeVirt runs Virtual Machines in a Kubernetes Pod. This pod requests a certain amount of CPU time from the host. On the other hand, the Virtual Machine is being created with a certain amount of vCPUs. The number of vCPUs may not necessarily correlate to the number of requested CPUs by the POD. Depending on the QOS of the POD, vCPUs can be scheduled on a variable amount of physical CPUs; this depends on the available CPU resources on a node. When there are fewer available CPUs on the node as the requested vCPU, vCPU will be over committed. By default, each pod requests 100mil of CPU time. The CPU requested on the pod sets the cgroups cpu.shares which serves as a priority for the scheduler to provide CPU time for vCPUs in this POD. As the number of vCPUs increases, this will reduce the amount of CPU time each vCPU may get when competing with other processes on the node or other Virtual Machine Instances with a lower amount of vCPUs. The vmiCPUAllocationRatio comes to normalize the amount of CPU time the POD will request based on the number of vCPUs. POD CPU request = number of vCPUs * 1/cpuAllocationRatio For example, a value of 1 means 1 physical CPU thread per VMI CPU thread. A value of 100 would be 1% of a physical thread allocated for each requested VMI thread. The default value is 10. This option has no effect on VMIs that request dedicated CPUs.

Note: In Kubernetes, one full core is 1000 of CPU time More Information

Administrators can change this ratio by updating the HCO CR.

VMI PODs CPU request example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    vmiCPUAllocationRatio: 16

Storage Resource Configurations

The administrator can limit storage workloads resources and to require minimal resources. Use the resourceRequirements field under the HyperConverged spec filed. Add the storageWorkloads field under the resourceRequirements. The content of the storageWorkloads field is the standard kubernetes resource configuration .

Storage Resource Configurations Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "2Gi"
        cpu: "250m"
        memory: "1Gi"

Cert Rotation Configuration

You can configure certificate rotation parameters to influence the frequency of the rotation of the certificates needed by a Kubevirt deployment.

All values must be 10 minutes in length or greater to avoid overloading the system, and should be expressed as strings that comply with golang's ParseDuration format. The value of server.duration should be less than the value of ca.duration. The value of renewBefore should be less than the value of server.duration.

Cert Rotation Configuration Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  namespace: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      duration: 48h0m0s
      renewBefore: 24h0m0s
      duration: 24h0m0s
      renewBefore: 12h0m0s

CPU Plugin Configurations

You can schedule a virtual machine (VM) on a node where the CPU model and policy attribute of the VM are compatible with the CPU models and policy attributes that the node supports. By specifying a list of obsolete CPU models in the HyperConverged custom resource, you can exclude them from the list of labels created for CPU models.

Through the process of iteration, the list of base CPU features in the minimum CPU model are eliminated from the list of labels generated for the node. For example, an environment might have two supported CPU models: Penryn and Haswell.

Use the spec.obsoleteCPUs to configure the CPU plugin. Add the obsolete CPU list under spec.obsoleteCPUs.cpuModels, and the minCPUModel as the value of spec.obsoleteCPUs.minCPUModel.

The default value for the spec.obsoleteCPUs.minCPUModel field in KubeVirt is "Penryn", but it won't be visible if missing in the CR. The default value for the spec.obsoleteCPUs.cpuModels field is hardcoded predefined list and is not visible. You can add new CPU models to the list, but can't remove CPU models from the predefined list. The predefined list is not visible in the HyperConverged CR.

The hard-coded predefined list of obsolete CPU modes is:

  • 486
  • pentium
  • pentium2
  • pentium3
  • pentiumpro
  • coreduo
  • n270
  • core2duo
  • Conroe
  • athlon
  • phenom
  • qemu64
  • qemu32
  • kvm64
  • kvm32

You don't need to add a CPU model to the spec.obsoleteCPUs.cpuModels field if it is in this list.

CPU Plugin Configurations Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      - "486"
      - "pentium"
      - "pentium2"
      - "pentium3"
      - "pentiumpro"
    minCPUModel: "Penryn"

Default CPU model configuration

User can specify a cluster-wide default CPU model: default CPU model is set when vmi doesn't have any cpu model. When vmi has cpu model set, then vmi's cpu model is preferred. When default cpu model is not set and vmi's cpu model is not set too, host-model will be set. Default cpu model can be changed when kubevirt is running.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  defaultCPUModel: "EPYC"

Default RuntimeClass

User can specify a cluster-wide default RuntimeClass for VMIs pods: default RuntimeClass is set when vmi doesn't have any specific RuntimeClass. When vmi RuntimeClass is set, then vmi's RuntimeClass is preferred. When default RuntimeClass is not set and vmi's RuntimeClass is not set too, RuntimeClass will not be configured on VMIs pods . Default RuntimeClass can be changed when kubevirt is running, existing VMIs are not impacted till the next restart/live-migration when they are eventually going to consume the new default RuntimeClass.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  defaultRuntimeClass: "myCustomRuntimeClass"

Common templates namespace

User can specify namespace in which common templates will be deployed. This will override default openshift namespace.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  commonTemplatesNamespace: kubevirt

Tekton Pipelines namespace

User can specify namespace in which example pipelines will be deployed.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  tektonPipelinesNamespace: kubevirt

In case the namespace is unspecified, the operator namespace will serve as the default value.

Tekton Tasks namespace

User can specify namespace in which tekton tasks will be deployed.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  tektonTasksNamespace: kubevirt

In case the namespace is unspecified, the operator namespace will serve as the default value.

Enable eventual launcher updates by default

us the HyperConverged spec.workloadUpdateStrategy object to define how to handle automated workload updates at the cluster level.

The workloadUpdateStrategy fields are:

  • batchEvictionInterval - BatchEvictionInterval Represents the interval to wait before issuing the next batch of shutdowns.

    The Default value is 1m

  • batchEvictionSize - Represents the number of VMIs that can be forced updated per the BatchShutdownInterval interval

    The default value is 10

  • workloadUpdateMethods - defines the methods that can be used to disrupt workloads during automated workload updates.

    When multiple methods are present, the least disruptive method takes precedence over more disruptive methods. For example if both LiveMigrate and Shutdown methods are listed, only VMs which are not live migratable will be restarted/shutdown.

    An empty list defaults to no automated workload updating.

    The default values is LiveMigrate; Evict is not enabled by default being potentially disruptive for the existing workloads.

workloadUpdateStrategy example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    - LiveMigrate
    - Evict
    batchEvictionSize: 10
    batchEvictionInterval: "1m"

Insecure Registries for Imported Data containerized Images

If there is a need to import data images from an insecure registry, these registries should be added to the insecureRegistries field under the storageImport in the HyperConverged's spec field.

Insecure Registry Example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      - "private-registry-example-1:5000"
      - "private-registry-example-2:5000"

KubeSecondaryDNS Name Server IP

In order to set KSD's NameServerIP, set it on HyperConverged CR under spec.kubeSecondaryDNSNameServerIP field. Default: empty string. Value is a string representation of IPv4 (i.e ""). For more info see deployKubeSecondaryDNS Feature Gate.

KubeSecondaryDNS Name Server IP example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  kubeSecondaryDNSNameServerIP: ""

Network Binding plugin

In order to set NetworkBinding, set it on HyperConverged CR under spec.networkBinding field. Default: empty map (no binding plugins).

Network Binding plugin example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      networkAttachmentDefinition: customBinding2Nad

Modify common golden images

Golden images are root disk images for commonly used operating systems. HCO provides several common images, but it is possible to modify them, if needed.

The list of all the golden images is available at the status field, under dataImportCronTemplates list. The common images are not part of list in the spec field. The list in the status is a reference for modifications. Add the image that requires modification to the list in the spec, and edit it.

The supported modifications are: disabling a specific image, and changing the storage field. Editing other fields will be ignored by HCO.

Disabling a common golden image

To disable a golden image, add it to the dataImportCronTemplatesfield in the spec object, with, with the value offalse`; for example, disabling the fedora golden image:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  - metadata:
      name: fedora-image-cron
      annotations: 'false'

There is no need to copy the whole object, but only the relevant fields; i.e. the field.

Modifying a common dataImportCronTemplate

It is possible to change the configuration of a common golden image by adding the common image to the dataImportCronTemplates list in the spec field. HCO will replace the existing spec object; The schedule field is mandatory, and HCO will copy it from the common template if it is missing.

Copy the required dtaImportCronTemplate object from the list in the status field (not including the status field), and change or add the desired fields.

for example, set the storage class for centos8 golden image, and modify the source URL:

- metadata:
    name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    schedule: "0 */12 * * *"
            url: docker://my-private-registry/my-own-version-of-centos:8
              storage: 10Gi
            storageClassName: "some-non-default-storage-class"
    garbageCollect: Outdated
    managedDataSource: centos-stream8

Override the golden images namespace

To use another namespace for the common golden images, e.g. in order to hide them, set the spec.commonBootImageNamespace field with the required namespace name.

The customized namespace is ignored for modified golden images.

- metadata:
    name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    commonBootImageNamespace: custom-namespace-name

Configure custom golden images

Golden images are root disk images for commonly used operating systems. HCO provides several common images, but it is also possible to add custom golden images. For more details, see the golden image documentation.

To add a custom image, add a DataImportCronTemplate object to the dataImportCronTemplates under the HyperConverged's spec field.

See the CDI document for specific details about the DataImportCronTemplate fields.

Note: the enableCommonBootImageImport feature does not block the custom golden images, but only the common ones.

Custom Golden Images example

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  - metadata:
      name: custom-image1
      schedule: "0 */12 * * *"
              url: docker://myprivateregistry/custom1
      managedDataSource: custom1
      retentionPolicy: "All" # created DataVolumes and DataSources are retained when their DataImportCron is deleted (default behavior)
  - metadata:
      name: custom-image2
      schedule: "1 */12 * * *"
              url: docker://myprivateregistry/custom2
      managedDataSource: custom2
      retentionPolicy: "None" # created DataVolumes and DataSources are deleted when their DataImportCron is deleted

Log verbosity

Currently, logging verbosity is only supported for Kubevirt.


In order to define logging verbosity for Kubevirt, it's possible to define per-component (e.g. virt-handler, virt-launcher, etc) value, or per-node value. All the log verbosity definitions are optional and would automatically set to a default value by Kubevirt if not value is defined. While there is no tight definition on the behavior for each component and log verbosity value, the higher the log verbosity value is the higher the verbosity will get.

For example, the following can be configured on HyperConverged CR:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      virtLauncher: 8
      virtHandler: 4
      virtController: 1
        node01: 4
        node02: 3

All the values defined here can be applied.

Containerized data importer (CDI)

Different levels of verbosity are used in CDI to control the amount of information that is logged. The verbosity level of logs in CDI can be adjusted using a dedicated field that affect all of its components. This feature enables users to control the amount of detail displayed in logs, ranging from minimal to detailed debugging information.

For example:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    cdi: 3

The verbosity levels in CDI typically range from 1 to 3. Level 1 equates to essential log information, while level 3 delves into more detailed logging, providing more specific information.

Workloads protection on uninstall

UninstallStrategy defines how to proceed on uninstall when workloads (VirtualMachines, DataVolumes) still exist:

  • BlockUninstallIfWorkloadsExist will prevent the CR from being removed when workloads still exist. BlockUninstallIfWorkloadsExist is the safest choice to protect your workloads from accidental data loss, so it's strongly advised.
  • RemoveWorkloads will cause all the workloads to be cascading deleted on uninstallation. WARNING: please notice that RemoveWorkloads will cause your workloads to be deleted as soon as this CR will be, even accidentally, deleted. Please correctly consider the implications of this option before setting it.

BlockUninstallIfWorkloadsExist is the default behaviour.

Cluster-level eviction strategy

evictionStrategy defines at the cluster level if VirtualMachineInstances should be migrated instead of shut-off in case of a node drain. If the VirtualMachineInstance specific field is set it overrides the cluster-level one. Possible values:

  • None no eviction strategy at cluster level.
  • LiveMigrate migrate the VM on eviction; a non-live-migratable VM with no specific strategy will block the drain of the node until manually evicted.
  • LiveMigrateIfPossible migrate the VM on eviction if live migration is possible, otherwise directly evict.
  • External block the drain, track the eviction and notify an external controller.

LiveMigrate is the default behaviour with multiple worker nodes, None on single worker clusters.

For example:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  evictionStrategy: LiveMigrateIfPossible

VM state storage class

VMStateStorageClass defines the Kubernetes Storage Class to be used for creating persistent state PVCs for VMs, used for example for persisting the state of the vTPM. The storage class must be of type "filesystem" and support the ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode. This option should be set simply to the storage class name. Example:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  vmStateStorageClass: "rook-cephfs"

Auto CPU limits

autoCPULimitNamespaceLabelSelector allows defining a namespace label for which VM pods (virt-launcher) will have a CPU resource limit of 1 per vCPU.
This option allows defining namespace CPU quotas equal to the maximum total number of vCPU allowed in that namespace.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
        autocpulimit: "true"

In the example above, VM pods in namespaces that have the label "autocpulimit" set to "true" will have a CPU resource limit of 1 per vCPU.
Important note: this setting is incompatible with a vmiCPUAllocationRatio of 1, since that configuration can lead to VM pods using more than 1 CPU per vCPU.

Virtual machine options

VirtualMachineOptions holds the cluster level information regarding the virtual machine. This defines the default behavior of some features related to the virtual machines.

  • DisableFreePageReporting With freePageReporting the guest OS informs the hypervisor about pages which are not in use by the guest anymore. The hypervisor can use this information for freeing these pages.

    freePageReporting is an attribute that can be defined at Memory balloon device in libvirt. freePageReporting will NOT be enabled for the vmis which does not have the Memballoon driver, OR which are requesting any high performance components. A vmi is considered as high performance if one of the following is true:

    • the vmi requests a dedicated cpu.
    • the realtime flag is enabled.
    • the vmi requests hugepages.

    With DisableFreePageReporting freePageReporting will never be enabled in any vmi. DisableFreePageReporting is a boolean and freePageReporting is enabled by default (disableFreePageReporting=false).

  • disableSerialConsoleLog DisableSerialConsoleLog disables logging the auto-attached default serial console. If not set, serial console logs will be written to a file in the virt-launcher pod and then streamed from a container named guest-console-log so that they can be consumed or aggregated according to the standard k8s logging architecture. VM logs streamed over the serial console contain really useful debug/troubleshooting info.
    The value can be individually overridden for each VM, not relevant if AutoattachSerialConsole is disabled for the VM.


If the serial console is used for interactive access, its output will also be streamed to the log system. Passwords are normally not echoed on the screen so they are not going to be collected on the logs. However, if you type by mistake a password for a command or if you have to pass it as a clear text parameter it will be written in the logs along with all other visible text. If you are inputting any data or commands that contain sensisitive information please consider using SSH unless the serial console is absolutely necessary for troubleshooting.

disableSerialConsoleLog is a boolean, logging of serial console is disabled by default (disableSerialConsoleLog=true).


kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    disableFreePageReporting: false
    disableSerialConsoleLog: true

KSM Configuration

ksmConfiguration instructs on which nodes KSM will be enabled, exposing a nodeLabelSelector.
nodeLabelSelector is a LabelSelector and defines the filter, based on the node labels. If a node's labels match the label selector term, then on that node, KSM will be enabled.

If nodeLabelSelector is nil KSM will not be enabled on any nodes.
Empty nodeLabelSelector will enable KSM on every node.


  • Enabling KSM on nodes in which the hostname is node01 or node03:
        - key:
          operator: In
            - node01
            - node03
  • Enabling KSM on nodes with labels true, true:
      matchLabels: "true" "true"
  • Enabling KSM on every node:
    nodeLabelSelector: {}

Hyperconverged Kubevirt cluster-wide Crypto Policy API

Starting from OCP/OKD 4.6, a cluster-wide API is available for cluster administrators to set TLS profiles for OCP/OKD core components. HCO, as an OCP/OKD layered product, will follow along OCP/OKD crypto policy cluster-wide setting, and use the same profile configured for the cluster’s control plane. Configuration of a TLS security profile ensures that OCP/OKD, as well as HCO and its sibling operators and operands, use cryptographic libraries that do not allow known insecure protocols, ciphers, or algorithms.

By default, on OCP/OKD, HCO will read the global configuration for TLS security profile of the APIServer, without storing it in HCO CR, and will propagate the .spec.tlsSecurityProfile stanza to all underlying HCO managed custom resources. The value on the HCO CR can be used to override the cluster wide setting.

The TLS security profiles are based on Mozilla Recommended Configurations:

  • Old - intended for use with legacy clients of libraries; requires a minimum TLS version of 1.0
  • Intermediate - the default profile for all components; requires a minimum TLS version of 1.2
  • Modern - intended for use with clients that don’t need backward compatibility; requires a minimum TLS version of 1.3. Unsupported in OCP/OKD 4.8 and below.

Custom profile allows you to define the TLS version and ciphers to use. Use caution when using a Custom profile, because invalid configurations can cause problems or make the control plane unreachable. With the Custom profile, the cipher list should be expressed according to OpenSSL names.

On plain k8s, where APIServer CR is not available, the default value will be Intermediate.

Configure Application Aware Quota (AAQ)

To enable the AAQ feature, set the spec.featureGates.enableApplicationAwareQuota field to true. See featureGates above.

To configure AAQ, set the fields of the applicationAwareConfig object in the HyperConverged resource's spec. The applicationAwareConfig object contains several fields:

  • vmiCalcConfigName - determines how resource allocation will be done with ApplicationResourceQuota. Supported values are:

    • VmiPodUsage - calculates pod usage for VM-associated pods while concealing migration-specific resources.
    • VirtualResources - allocates resources for VM-associated pods, using the VM's RAM size for memory and CPU threads for processing.
    • DedicatedVirtualResources (default) - allocates resources for VM-associated pods, appending a /vm suffix to requests/limits.cpu and requests/limits.memory, derived from the VM's RAM size and CPU threads. Notably, it does not allocate resources for the standard requests/limits.cpu and requests/limits.memory.
    • IgnoreVmiCalculator - avoids allocating VM-associated pods differently from normal pods, maintaining uniform resource allocation.
      • namespaceSelector - determines in which namespaces AAQ's scheduling gate will be added to pods at creation time. This field follows the standard Kubernetes selector format.
  • allowApplicationAwareClusterResourceQuota (default = false) - set to true, to allow creation and management of ClusterAppsResourceQuota

    note: this setting cause some performance cost. Only set to true if there is a good reason.


Pods that set .spec.nodeName are not allowed to use in any namespace that AAQ is targeting.


    vmiCalcConfigName: "VmiPodUsage"
        some-label: "some value"
    allowApplicationAwareClusterResourceQuota: true

Note: if a namespace selector is not being defined, AAQ would target namespaces with the application-aware-quota/enable-gating key. It is also possible to target every namespace by defining an empty (non-nil) namespaceSelector as follows:

    namespaceSelector: {}

Configure higher workload density

Cluster administrators can opt-in for higher VM workload density by configuring the memroy overcommit percentage as follows:

    memoryOvercommitPercentage: <intValue> # i.e. 150, 200, default is 100

As an example, if the VM compute container requests 4Gi memory, then the corresponding VM guest OS will see 4Gi * 150 / 100 = 6Gi.

Note: When updating the overcommit percentage, changes will apply to existing VM workloads only after a power cycle or after live-imgration.

Configurations via Annotations

In addition to featureGates field in HyperConverged CR's spec, the user can set annotations in the HyperConverged CR to unfold more configuration options.
Warning: Annotations are less formal means of cluster configuration and may be dropped without the same deprecation process of a regular API, such as in the spec section.

OvS Opt-In Annotation

Starting from HCO version 1.3.0, OvS CNI support is disabled by default on new installations.
In order to enable the deployment of OvS CNI DaemonSet on all workload nodes, an annotation of deployOVS: true must be set on HyperConverged CR.
It can be set while creating the HyperConverged custom resource during the initial deployment, or during run time.

  • To enable OvS CNI on the cluster, the HyperConverged CR should be similar to:
kind: HyperConverged
    deployOVS: "true"
  • OvS CNI can also be enabled during run time of HCO, by annotating its CR:
kubectl annotate HyperConverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n kubevirt-hyperconverged deployOVS=true --overwrite

If HCO was upgraded to 1.3.0 from a previous version, the annotation will be added as true and OvS will be deployed.
Subsequent upgrades to newer versions will preserve the state from previous version, i.e. OvS will be deployed in the upgraded version if and only if it was deployed in the previous one.

jsonpatch Annotations

HCO enables users to modify the operand CRs directly using jsonpatch annotations in HyperConverged CR.
Modifications done to CRs using jsonpatch annotations won't be reconciled back by HCO to the opinionated defaults.
The following annotations are supported in the HyperConverged CR:

  • - for KubeVirt configurations
  • - for CDI configurations
  • - for CNAO configurations
  • - for SSP configurations

The content of the annotation will be a json array of patch objects, as defined in RFC6902.


Allow Post-Copy Migrations

The user wants to set the KubeVirt CR’s spec.configuration.migrations.allowPostCopy field to true. In order to do that, the following annotation should be added to the HyperConverged CR:

  annotations: |-
          "op": "add",
          "path": "/spec/configuration/migrations",
          "value": {"allowPostCopy": true}

From CLI, it will be:

$ kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged \'[{"op": "add", \
    "path": "/spec/configuration/migrations", \
    "value": {"allowPostCopy": true} }]' annotated
$ kubectl get kubevirt -n kubevirt-hyperconverged kubevirt-kubevirt-hyperconverged -o json \
  | jq '.spec.configuration.migrations.allowPostCopy'
$ kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged \'[{"op": "add", \
    "path": "/spec/configuration/migrations", \
    "value": {"allowPostCopy": false} }]' annotated
$ kubectl get kubevirt -n kubevirt-hyperconverged kubevirt-kubevirt-hyperconverged -o json \
  | jq '.spec.configuration.migrations.allowPostCopy'
$ kubectl get hco -n kubevirt-hyperconverged  kubevirt-hyperconverged -o json \
  | jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "TaintedConfiguration")'
  "lastHeartbeatTime": "2021-03-24T17:25:49Z",
  "lastTransitionTime": "2021-03-24T11:33:11Z",
  "message": "Unsupported feature was activated via an HCO annotation",
  "reason": "UnsupportedFeatureAnnotation",
  "status": "True",
  "type": "TaintedConfiguration"
Kubevirt Feature Gates

The user wants to enable experimental Kubevirt features

  annotations: |-
Virt-handler Customization

The user wants to forcefully customize virt-handler configuration by setting custom values under /spec/customizeComponents/patches or the KV CR. In order to do that, the following annotation should be added to the HyperConverged CR:

  annotations: |-
          "op": "add",
          "path": "/spec/customizeComponents/patches",
          "value": [{
              "patch": "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/command/-\",\"value\":\"--max-devices=250\"}]",
              "resourceName": "virt-handler",
              "resourceType": "Daemonset",
              "type": "json"
Disable DataVolume garbage collection

To disable DataVolume garbage collection, the following annotation should be added to the HyperConverged CR:

  annotations: |-
          "op": "add",
          "path": "/spec/config/dataVolumeTTLSeconds",
          "value": -1

Or from CLI:

$ kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged \'[{"op": "add", \
    "path": "/spec/config/dataVolumeTTLSeconds", \
    "value": -1 }]'

To enable DataVolume garbage collection put any non-negative value for the dataVolumeTTLSeconds, which is the time in seconds after DataVolume completion it can be garbage collected.

Modify DataVolume Upload URL

The user wants to override the default URL used when uploading to a DataVolume, by setting the CDI CR's spec.config.uploadProxyURLOverride to In order to do that, the following annotation should be added to the HyperConverged CR:

  annotations: |-
          "op": "add",
          "path": "/spec/config/uploadProxyURLOverride",
          "value": ""
Alter the tlsSecurityProfile of a single component

You can potentially alter tlsSecurityProfile of a single component, please be aware that a bad configuration could potentially break the cluster. Please notice that the old/intermediate/modern/custom stanza that you don't need should be explicitly set to null as part of the json-patch. Please notice that Kubevirt uses a different structure.

kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/config/tlsSecurityProfile", "value": {"old":{}, "type": "Old", "intermediate": null, "modern": null, "custom": null  }}]'
kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged '[{"op": "replace","path": "/spec/tlsSecurityProfile", "value": {"old":{}, "type": "Old", "intermediate": null, "modern": null, "custom": null  }}]'
kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged '[{"op": "replace","path": "/spec/configuration/tlsConfiguration", "value": {"ciphers": ["TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA"], "minTLSVersion": "VersionTLS10" }}]'
Disable KubeMacPool

If KubeMacPool is buggy on your cluster and you do not immediately need it you can ask CNAO not to deploy it

kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged '[{"op": "replace","path": "/spec/kubeMacPool","value": null}]'

Note: The full configurations options for Kubevirt, CDI and CNAO which are available on the cluster, can be explored by using kubectl explain <resource name>.spec. For example:

$ kubectl explain kv.spec
KIND:     KubeVirt

RESOURCE: spec <Object>


   certificateRotateStrategy	<Object>

   configuration	<Object>
     holds kubevirt configurations. same as the virt-configMap

   customizeComponents	<Object>

   imagePullPolicy	<string>
     The ImagePullPolicy to use.

   imageRegistry	<string>
     The image registry to pull the container images from Defaults to the same
     registry the operator's container image is pulled from.

To inspect lower-level objects under spec, they can be specified in kubectl explain, recursively. e.g.

$ kubectl explain
KIND:     KubeVirt

RESOURCE: network <Object>

     NetworkConfiguration holds network options

   defaultNetworkInterface	<string>

   permitBridgeInterfaceOnPodNetwork	<boolean>

   permitSlirpInterface	<boolean>
  • To explore kubevirt configuration options, use kubectl explain kv.spec
  • To explore CDI configuration options, use kubectl explain cdi.spec
  • To explore CNAO configuration options, use kubectl explain networkaddonsconfig.spec
  • To explore SSP configuration options, use kubectl explain ssp.spec


Using the jsonpatch annotation feature incorrectly might lead to unexpected results and could potentially render the Kubevirt-Hyperconverged system unstable.
The jsonpatch annotation feature is particularly dangerous when upgrading Kubevirt-Hyperconverged, as the structure or the semantics of the underlying components' CR might be changed. Please remove any jsonpatch annotation usage prior the upgrade, to avoid any potential issues. USE WITH CAUTION!

As the usage of the jsonpatch annotation is not safe, the HyperConverged Cluster Operator will count the number of these modifications in a metric named kubevirt_hco_unsafe_modifications. if the counter is not zero, an alert named UnsupportedHCOModification will be eventually fired:


Tune Kubevirt Rate Limits

Kubevirt API clients come with a token bucket rate limiter which avoids to congest the kube-apiserver bandwidth. The rate limiters are configurable through burst and Query Per Second (QPS) parameters. Whilst the rate limiter may avoid congestion, it may also limit the number of VMs that can be deployed in the cluster. Therefore, HCO enables the feature tuningPolicy for allowing to tune the rate limiters parameters. Currently, there are two profiles supported: annotation and highBurst.

Annotation Profile

The tuningPolicy profile annotation is intended for arbitrary burst and QPS values, i.e. the values are fully configurable with the desired ones. By using this profile, the user is responsible for setting the values more appropriated to its particular scenario.

Note: If no tuningPolicy is configured or the tuningPolicy feature is not well configured, Kubevirt will use the default rate limiter values.

The annotation policy relies on the annotation to specify the desired values of burst and QPS parameters. The structure of the annotation is the following one:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  annotations: '{"qps":100,"burst":200}'
  tuningPolicy: annotation

Where the values of qps and burst can be replaced by any desired value of QPS and burst, respectively. For instance, in the above example the QPS parameter is set to 100 and the burst parameter is set to 200. The annotation can be created with the following command:

kubectl annotate -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged'{"qps":100,"burst":200}'

Note: HCO will not configure the rate limiters if both the annotation and the spec.tuningPolicy are not populated correctly. Moreover, if spec.tuningPolicy is set but the annotation is not present, HCO will reject the changes in the HyperConverged CR. In case that the annotation is defined but the spec.tuningPolicy is not set, HCO will ignore the rate limit configurations.

The tuningPolicy feature can be enabled using the following patch:

kubectl patch -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged --type=json -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/tuningPolicy", "value": "annotation"}]'

HighBurst Profile

The highBurst profile is intended for high load scenarios where the user expect to create and maintain a high number of VMs in the same cluster. The profile configures internally the more suitable burst and QPS values for the most common high load scenarios. Nevertheless, the specific configuration of those values is hidden to the user. Also, the values may change over time since they are based on an experimentation process.

To enable this tuningPolicy profile, the following patch may be applied:

kubectl patch -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged --type=json -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/tuningPolicy", "value": "highBurst"}]'

Kube Descheduler integration

A Descheduler is a Kubernetes application that causes the control plane to re-arrange the workloads in a better way. It operates every pre-defined period and goes back to sleep after it had performed its job.

The descheduler uses the Kubernetes eviction API to evict pods, and receives feedback from kube-api whether the eviction request was granted or not. On the other side, in order to keep VM live and trigger live-migration, KubeVirt handles eviction requests in a custom way and unfortunately a live migration takes time. So from the descheduler's point of view, virt-launcher pods fail to be evicted, but they actually migrating to another node in background. The descheduler notes the failure to evict the virt-launcher pod and keeps trying to evict other pods, typically resulting in it attempting to evict substantially all virt-launcher pods from the node triggering a migration storm. In other words, the way KubeVirt handles eviction requests causes the descheduler to make wrong decisions and take wrong actions that could destabilize the cluster. Using the descheduler operator with the LowNodeUtilization strategy results in unstable/oscillatory behavior if the descheduler is used in this way to migrate VMs. To correctly handle the special case of VM pod evicted triggering a live migration to another node, the Kube Descheduler Operator introduced a profileCustomizations named devEnableEvictionsInBackground which is currently considered an alpha feature on Kube Descheduler Operator side. to prevent unexpected behaviours, if the Kube Descheduler Operator is installed and configured alongside HCO, HCO will check its configuration looking for the presence of devEnableEvictionsInBackground profileCustomizations eventually suggesting to the cluster admin to fix the configuration of the Kube Descheduler Operator via an alert and its linked runbook.

In order to fix the configuration of the Kube Descheduler Operator to be suitable also for the KubeVirt use case, something like:

kind: KubeDescheduler
  name: cluster
  namespace: openshift-kube-descheduler-operator
    devEnableEvictionsInBackground: true

should be merged in its configuration.