The goal of the Kubeflow Pipelines project is to build a Kubernetes optimized stack for creating and deploying ML Pipelines and enabling a rich ecosystem of pipelines components and tools. ML Pipelines project has the goal of enabling simple and reliable productionalization of autonomous ML workflows, advancing the standards of ML Engineering and making them available to a large community of users across various Kubernetes deployment options.
The charter defines the scope and governance of the Pipelines Working Group.
- James Wu (@james-jwu), Google
- Karthik Ramachandran (@kramachandran), Google
- Pavel Dournov (@paveldournov), Google
- Slack: #
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- GitHub Teams:
- @kubeflow/wg-pipelines-bugs - Bug Triage and Troubleshooting
- @kubeflow/wg-pipelines-reviews - API Changes and Reviews (API Machinery APIs, NOT all APIs)