This repo contains lambdas that will do things to get event based builds to occur. On git push tag, we'll build and update your dockerfile using codebuild.
- credstash with a few keys
- github.username
- github.token
- docker installed
- aws cli
- .om file in your repository root
You'll need an .om yaml-syntax file in the root repo like this:
dockerfile: Dockerfile.ruby
dockerhub: ktruckenmiller/docker-friend
This means, I'm going to build an image and upload it to dockerhub using the dockerfile specified. to occur.
In deploying to AWS, we use cloudformation's new serverless along side of docker containers to package and deploy our lambdas.
Once the infrastructure is deployed, use the jenkins jobs (by replacing the invoked lambda function) in order to connect your repository to the lambdas.
Once you've connected the repository, git tag
with the version of the repository to create a build event in the infrastructure.