This Demo instruments the microservices springboot application using opentelemetry and collects the associated traces to Jaeger and metrics to Prometheus which can be further visualized in grafana dashboard.
Here we are using opentelemetry blackbox instrumentation mechanism as mentioned in this blog.
- Run the docker-compose file to bring up Jaeger, prometheus, grafana, opentelemetry-collector containers.
podman-compose up
docker compose up
wait for containers to come up
Run the shell script to build and bring up the microservices with opentelemetry agent that is downloaded from here.
On one another tab run the following
You can browse the applications at following endpoints:
Jaeger UI: http://localhost:9090/ prometheus: http://localhost:8888/ grafana dashboard: http://localhost:3000/ Demo application: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/names/random
To access the metrics follow the below steps:
- Go to grafana dashboard and select explore tab.
- Select prometheus in the dropdown.
- You can query the available metrics.