diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3892b94..1c9b364 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ identity_number.registered?("Ahmet", "Yılmaz", 1987) #=> false
There is also a convenience method called `not_in_registry?` which is the logical equivalent of `!registered?`.
+Use ```foreigner_registered?``` method to query the foreigner registry:
+identity_number.foreigner_registered?("Yukihiro", "Matsumoto", 14, 4, 1965) #=> false
+There is also a convenience method called `foreigner_not_in_registry?` which is the logical equivalent of `!foreigner_registered?`.
### Generating Relatives
You can generate ID numbers for your younger or elder relatives.
@@ -177,7 +185,7 @@ Yes.
## License
-Copyright © 2015-2023 [Kerem Bozdas][Personal Webpage]
+Copyright © 2015-2024 [Kerem Bozdas][Personal Webpage]
This gem is available under the terms of the [MIT License][License].
diff --git a/lib/turkish_id.rb b/lib/turkish_id.rb
index b6c301c..177e2ff 100644
--- a/lib/turkish_id.rb
+++ b/lib/turkish_id.rb
@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ def not_in_registry?(given_name, surname, year_of_birth)
!valid? || !query_government_registry(given_name, surname, year_of_birth)
+ def foreigner_registered?(given_name, surname, year_of_birth, month_of_birth, day_of_birth)
+ valid? && query_foreigner_registry(given_name, surname, year_of_birth, month_of_birth, day_of_birth)
+ end
+ def foreigner_not_in_registry?(given_name, surname, day_of_birth, month_of_birth, year_of_birth)
+ !valid? || !query_foreigner_registry(given_name, surname, day_of_birth, month_of_birth, year_of_birth)
+ end
def calculate_checksum(id_array)
@@ -99,4 +107,23 @@ def query_government_registry(given_name, surname, year_of_birth)
rescue TypeError, ArgumentError, NoMethodError
+ def query_foreigner_registry(given_name, surname, day_of_birth, month_of_birth, year_of_birth)
+ return false unless Integer(day_of_birth).between?(1, 31)
+ return false unless Integer(month_of_birth).between?(1, 12)
+ client = Savon.client(wsdl: "https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Service/KPSPublicYabanciDogrula.asmx?WSDL")
+ response = client.call(:yabanci_kimlik_no_dogrula, message: {
+ "KimlikNo" => join_num(@id_number),
+ "Ad" => given_name.upcase(:turkic),
+ "Soyad" => surname.upcase(:turkic),
+ "DogumGun" => String(Integer(day_of_birth)),
+ "DogumAy" => String(Integer(month_of_birth)),
+ "DogumYil" => String(Date.new(Integer(year_of_birth)).year)
+ })
+ response.body.dig(:yabanci_kimlik_no_dogrula_response, :yabanci_kimlik_no_dogrula_result).is_a?(TrueClass)
+ rescue TypeError, ArgumentError, NoMethodError
+ false
+ end
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/TurkishId/queries_foreigner_registry_for_numerically_valid_but_unregistered_id_number_and_returns_false.yml b/spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/TurkishId/queries_foreigner_registry_for_numerically_valid_but_unregistered_id_number_and_returns_false.yml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/TurkishId/queries_foreigner_registry_for_numerically_valid_but_unregistered_id_number_and_returns_false.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+- request:
+ method: get
+ uri: https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Service/KPSPublicYabanciDogrula.asmx?WSDL
+ body:
+ encoding: US-ASCII
+ string: ''
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+ - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
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+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
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+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
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+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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+ \ \r\n
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+ recorded_at: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 20:44:34 GMT
+- request:
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diff --git a/spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/TurkishId/queries_foreigner_registry_for_valid_id_number_and_returns_true.yml b/spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/TurkishId/queries_foreigner_registry_for_valid_id_number_and_returns_true.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b2e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/TurkishId/queries_foreigner_registry_for_valid_id_number_and_returns_true.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+- request:
+ method: get
+ uri: https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Service/KPSPublicYabanciDogrula.asmx?WSDL
+ body:
+ encoding: US-ASCII
+ string: ''
+ headers:
+ Accept-Encoding:
+ - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
+ Accept:
+ - "*/*"
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+ - Ruby
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+ code: 200
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+ - private, max-age=0
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+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n
+ \ \r\n
+ \ \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n"
+ recorded_at: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 20:44:33 GMT
+- request:
+ method: post
+ uri: https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Service/KPSPublicYabanciDogrula.asmx
+ body:
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ string: 99911494534YUKIHIRO
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+ encoding: ASCII-8BIT
+ string: true
+ recorded_at: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 20:44:33 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 6.3.1
diff --git a/spec/turkish_id_spec.rb b/spec/turkish_id_spec.rb
index 4561c8a..30ad971 100644
--- a/spec/turkish_id_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/turkish_id_spec.rb
@@ -135,4 +135,87 @@
expect(identity_number.registered?("Ayşe", nil, 2000)).to eq(false)
+ it "queries foreigner registry for valid id number and returns true" do
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99911494534")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("Yukihiro Matz", "Matsumoto", 14, 4, 1965)).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it "queries foreigner registry for numerically valid but unregistered id number and returns false" do
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_not_in_registry?("Jane", "Doe", 1, 1, 1985)).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for invalid id number" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("10000000000")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(false)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("Invalid", "Person", 1, 1, 1989)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for invalid day of birth" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", "Doe", 32, 1, 1966)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for invalid month of birth" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", "Doe", 1, 13, 1983)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for invalid year of birth" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", "Doe", 1, 1, "2nd Millennium")).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for nil given name" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?(nil, "Doe", 1, 1, 1980)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for nil surname" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", nil, 1, 1, 1980)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for nil day of birth" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", "Doe", nil, 1, 1954)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for nil month of birth" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", "Doe", 1, nil, 1966)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end
+ it "does not query foreigner registry for nil year of birth" do
+ stub_any = stub_request(:any, "tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr")
+ identity_number = TurkishId.new("99854496442")
+ expect(identity_number.valid?).to eq(true)
+ expect(identity_number.foreigner_registered?("John", "Doe", 1, 1, nil)).to eq(false)
+ assert_not_requested(stub_any)
+ end