This recipe documents how to install MaryTTS to a local server, e.g., for projects relying on a TTS service or enterprise-wide deployment.
In this recipe, we will use MaryTTS v5.1-beta2 on a vanilla Ubuntu 12.4.4 LTS server.
We will create a dedicated service account named mary
to manage the installation files and run the service.
Moreover, we will place the MaryTTS installation in /local/mary/marytts
and serve the documentation from /local/mary/www
The MaryTTS server itself will run on the default port 59125.
$ sudo useradd -m -r mary
$ sudo mkdir -p /local/mary
$ sudo chown mary:mary /local/mary
The best way to obtain the source code is to clone it from GitHub using git
(which might need to be installed first).
$ sudo apt-get install -y git
$ sudo -u mary git clone /local/mary/marytts
$ cd /local/mary/marytts
$ sudo -u mary git fetch --tags
$ sudo -u mary git checkout v5.1beta2
(JDK 7 and Maven might need to be installed first.)
$ sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jdk maven
$ sudo -u mary mvn package
The MaryTTS artifacts need to be installed in the local Maven repository first.
$ sudo -u mary mvn install
$ sudo -u mary mvn site:site site:stage -DstagingDirectory=/local/mary/www
We will use nginx
for this and configure it to serve the MaryTTS website.
$ sudo apt-get install -y nginx
Add a configuration file to /etc/nginx/sites-available
with contents like this:
server {
location / {
alias /local/mary/www/;
Then create a symbolic link to that file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Finally, start nginx
$ sudo service nginx start
We can start the MaryTTS server as an HTTP server.
$ sudo -u mary /local/mary/marytts/target/marytts-5.1-beta2/bin/
Of course a proper init script would be nice... Here's one that was used on the old, retired demo server.