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Working on MaryTTS in Eclipse


The easiest and therefore recommended way to debug or develop MaryTTS is using Eclipse IDE for Java developers. We have tested with Eclipse Juno, Kepler, and Luna. Older versions will probably not work as advertised.

Two relevant Eclipse plugins are m2e (Maven Integration) and EGit (Team provider for Git). Depending on you Eclipse installation, you may need to install one or both of these manually.

Optionally, you may also find the m2e-egit Team provider useful, which connects m2e and EGit and is available from the Eclipse Marketplace.

Importing MaryTTS

You can either import MaryTTS directly in one step or clone the Git repository and then import the Maven project.

One-step import

The easiest way to import MaryTTS into your Eclipse workspace is by using the m2e-egit connector.

  1. Choose File > Import...

  2. Expand Maven and select Checkout Maven Projects from SCM, then click Next

  3. Select git and enter the SCM URL, then click Finish

Alternative: Clone, then Import

Sometimes it just works better to have independent control over the cloning process. You could use any tool you want to clone the MaryTTS source code repository from GitHub. If you would like to do it in Eclipse, here's how:

Clone with EGit

  1. Choose File > Import...

  2. Expand Git and select Projects from Git, then click Next

  3. Select Clone URI, then click Next

  4. Enter the URI, then click Next

  5. Select the branch master, then click Next

  6. Choose a local directory to contain your new cloned repository, then click Next

  7. Select Use the New Project wizard, then click Finish

  8. Cancel the following dialog

Import with m2e

  1. Choose File > Import...

  2. Expand Maven and select Existing Maven projects, then click Next

  3. Choose the local directory containing your new cloned repository, then click Finish

Assemble and install MaryTTS

Make the MaryTTS assemblies and install the Maven artifacts, which are required to install or build new voices. On the command line, you could simply run mvn install, but in Eclipse, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Run > Run Configurations... (or Run > Debug Configurations)

  2. Select Maven Build and click the little New button

  3. Set the Name to "install"

  4. In the Main tab, set the Base directory to ${workspace_loc:marytts}

  5. In the Goals field, enter install, then click Run (or Debug)

You now have the MaryTTS Runtime and Builder (for new voices and languages) assemblies under the target directory of your Git repository, and the MaryTTS Maven artifacts installed in your local Maven repository.

Running (or Debugging) the MaryTTS Server

  1. Choose Run > Run Configurations... (or Run > Debug Configurations)

  2. Select Java Application and click the little New button

  3. Set the Name to "Mary"

  4. In the Main tab, set the Project to marytts-runtime

  5. Set the Main class to marytts.server.Mary

  6. In the Arguments tab, enter the following into the VM arguments field:

     -ea -Xmx1g -Dlog4j.logger.marytts=DEBUG,stderr -Dmary.base="${workspace_loc:marytts}/target/marytts-VERSION"

    where VERSION is the current version in your MaryTTS pom.xml. This may very well be something suffixed with -SNAPSHOT.

  7. In the Classpath tab, select User Entries, then click Add Projects... and select marytts-lang-en and voice-cmu-slt-hsmm, then click OK

  8. Click Apply, then click Run (or Debug)

Navigate to http://localhost:59125/ in your web browser and as you interact with the MaryTTS server, note the DEBUG level output in your Eclipse console.

Running (or Debugging) the Voice Installer

  1. Choose Run > Run Configurations... (or Run > Debug Configurations)

  2. Select Java Application and click the little New button

  3. Set the Name to "InstallerGUI"

  4. In the Main tab, set the Project to marytts-runtime

  5. Set the Main class to

  6. In the Arguments tab, enter the following into the VM arguments field:


    where VERSION is the current version in your MaryTTS pom.xml. This may very well be something suffixed with -SNAPSHOT.

  7. Click Apply, then click Run (or Debug)

Running (or Debugging) the Voicebuilding Tools

Assuming you have a new voicebuilding directory containing

  1. a wav subdirectory with recorded utterances, one per file, and

  2. a text subdirectory with corresponding .txt files of those utterances, one line per file,

you can build a new voice from within Eclipse in the following way:

  1. Choose Run > Run Configurations... (or Run > Debug Configurations)

  2. Select Java Application and click the little New button

  3. Set the Name to "DatabaseImportMain"

  4. In the Main tab, set the Project to marytts-builder

  5. Set the Main class to

  6. In the Arguments tab, enter the following into the VM arguments field:

     -ea -Xmx1g -Duser.dir=MYVOICEDIR

    where MYVOICEDIR is the voicebuilding directory containing your voice data.

  7. In the Classpath tab, select User Entries, then click Add Projects... and select marytts-lang-en (or if you want to build a voice for a different language, the Maven module project corresponding to that locale), then click OK

  8. Click Apply, then click Run (or Debug)