This library is designed to provide a class interface to the Experian QAS postcode search product.
It is built with the SOAP Pro Web product in mind and tested with GBR datasets primarily.
Experian QAS can be found via or
Install via composer by installing this repo or via Packagist -
use \krakerag\ExperianQas\PostcodeSearch\PostcodeSearch;
use \krakerag\ExperianQas\PostcodeSearch\Engine;
$wsdl = 'http://yourserver:2021/proweb.wsdl';
$engine = new Engine();
$search = new PostcodeSearch(new \Psr\Log\NullLogger(), $wsdl); // Or a proper logger in place
$results = $search->find('GBR','SW40QB');
var_dump($results); // etc
The engine object ships with sensible settings for working with UK postcode searches.
You can tailor this in any fashion that matches varibles designed to work with the WSDL, for example:
$engine = new Engine;
// etc
- PHP 5.3 or higher
- [optional] PHPUnit 3.5+ to execute the test suite (phpunit --version)
Bugs and feature requests are tracked on GitHub
Matthew Hallsworth - [email protected]
This is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt
file for details