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$t[1] + ]; + } + } + + // Rho Pi + $t = $st[1]; + for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { + $j = self::$keccakf_piln[$i]; + + $bc[0] = $st[$j]; + + $n = self::$keccakf_rotc[$i]; + $hi = $t[0]; + $lo = $t[1]; + if ($n >= 32) { + $n -= 32; + $hi = $t[1]; + $lo = $t[0]; + } + + $st[$j] =[ + (($hi << $n) | ($lo >> (32 - $n))) & (0xFFFFFFFF), + (($lo << $n) | ($hi >> (32 - $n))) & (0xFFFFFFFF) + ]; + + $t = $bc[0]; + } + + // Chi + for ($j = 0; $j < 25; $j += 5) { + for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { + $bc[$i] = $st[$j + $i]; + } + for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { + $st[$j + $i] = [ + $st[$j + $i][0] ^ ~$bc[($i + 1) % 5][0] & $bc[($i + 2) % 5][0], + $st[$j + $i][1] ^ ~$bc[($i + 1) % 5][1] & $bc[($i + 2) % 5][1] + ]; + } + } + + // Iota + $st[0] = [ + $st[0][0] ^ $keccakf_rndc[$round][0], + $st[0][1] ^ $keccakf_rndc[$round][1] + ]; + } + } + + private static function keccak64($in_raw, $capacity, $outputlength, $suffix, $raw_output) + { + $capacity /= 8; + + $inlen = self::ourStrlen($in_raw); + + $rsiz = 200 - 2 * $capacity; + $rsizw = $rsiz / 8; + + $st = []; + for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { + $st[] = [0, 0]; + } + + for ($in_t = 0; $inlen >= $rsiz; $inlen -= $rsiz, $in_t += $rsiz) { + for ($i = 0; $i < $rsizw; $i++) { + $t = unpack('V*', self::ourSubstr($in_raw, $i * 8 + $in_t, 8)); + + $st[$i] = [ + $st[$i][0] ^ $t[2], + $st[$i][1] ^ $t[1] + ]; + } + + self::keccakf64($st, self::KECCAK_ROUNDS); + } + + $temp = self::ourSubstr($in_raw, $in_t, $inlen); + $temp = str_pad($temp, $rsiz, "\x0", STR_PAD_RIGHT); + + $temp[$inlen] = chr($suffix); + $temp[$rsiz - 1] = chr(ord($temp[$rsiz - 1]) | 0x80); + + for ($i = 0; $i < $rsizw; $i++) { + $t = unpack('V*', self::ourSubstr($temp, $i * 8, 8)); + + $st[$i] = [ + $st[$i][0] ^ $t[2], + $st[$i][1] ^ $t[1] + ]; + } + + self::keccakf64($st, self::KECCAK_ROUNDS); + + $out = ''; + for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { + $out .= $t = pack('V*', $st[$i][1], $st[$i][0]); + } + $r = self::ourSubstr($out, 0, $outputlength / 8); + + return $raw_output ? $r : bin2hex($r); + } + + private static function keccakf32(&$st, $rounds) + { + $keccakf_rndc = [ + [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0001], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8082], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0808a], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x8000], + [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x808b], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x0001], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x08081], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8009], + [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x008a], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0088], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x08009], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x000a], + [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x808b], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x008b], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x08089], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8003], + [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8002], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0080], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0800a], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x000a], + [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x8081], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8080], [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x00001], [0x8000, 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x8008] + ]; + + $bc = []; + for ($round = 0; $round < $rounds; $round++) { + + // Theta + for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { + $bc[$i] = [ + $st[$i][0] ^ $st[$i + 5][0] ^ $st[$i + 10][0] ^ $st[$i + 15][0] ^ $st[$i + 20][0], + $st[$i][1] ^ $st[$i + 5][1] ^ $st[$i + 10][1] ^ $st[$i + 15][1] ^ $st[$i + 20][1], + $st[$i][2] ^ $st[$i + 5][2] ^ $st[$i + 10][2] ^ $st[$i + 15][2] ^ $st[$i + 20][2], + $st[$i][3] ^ $st[$i + 5][3] ^ $st[$i + 10][3] ^ $st[$i + 15][3] ^ $st[$i + 20][3] + ]; + } + + for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { + $t = [ + $bc[($i + 4) % 5][0] ^ ((($bc[($i + 1) % 5][0] << 1) | ($bc[($i + 1) % 5][1] >> 15)) & (0xFFFF)), + $bc[($i + 4) % 5][1] ^ ((($bc[($i + 1) % 5][1] << 1) | ($bc[($i + 1) % 5][2] >> 15)) & (0xFFFF)), + $bc[($i + 4) % 5][2] ^ ((($bc[($i + 1) % 5][2] << 1) | ($bc[($i + 1) % 5][3] >> 15)) & (0xFFFF)), + $bc[($i + 4) % 5][3] ^ ((($bc[($i + 1) % 5][3] << 1) | ($bc[($i + 1) % 5][0] >> 15)) & (0xFFFF)) + ]; + + for ($j = 0; $j < 25; $j += 5) { + $st[$j + $i] = [ + $st[$j + $i][0] ^ $t[0], + $st[$j + $i][1] ^ $t[1], + $st[$j + $i][2] ^ $t[2], + $st[$j + $i][3] ^ $t[3] + ]; + } + } + + // Rho Pi + $t = $st[1]; + for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { + $j = self::$keccakf_piln[$i]; + $bc[0] = $st[$j]; + + + $n = self::$keccakf_rotc[$i] >> 4; + $m = self::$keccakf_rotc[$i] % 16; + + $st[$j] = [ + ((($t[(0+$n) %4] << $m) | ($t[(1+$n) %4] >> (16-$m))) & (0xFFFF)), + ((($t[(1+$n) %4] << $m) | ($t[(2+$n) %4] >> (16-$m))) & (0xFFFF)), + ((($t[(2+$n) %4] << $m) | ($t[(3+$n) %4] >> (16-$m))) & (0xFFFF)), + ((($t[(3+$n) %4] << $m) | ($t[(0+$n) %4] >> (16-$m))) & (0xFFFF)) + ]; + + $t = $bc[0]; + } + + // Chi + for ($j = 0; $j < 25; $j += 5) { + for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { + $bc[$i] = $st[$j + $i]; + } + for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { + $st[$j + $i] = [ + $st[$j + $i][0] ^ ~$bc[($i + 1) % 5][0] & $bc[($i + 2) % 5][0], + $st[$j + $i][1] ^ ~$bc[($i + 1) % 5][1] & $bc[($i + 2) % 5][1], + $st[$j + $i][2] ^ ~$bc[($i + 1) % 5][2] & $bc[($i + 2) % 5][2], + $st[$j + $i][3] ^ ~$bc[($i + 1) % 5][3] & $bc[($i + 2) % 5][3] + ]; + } + } + + // Iota + $st[0] = [ + $st[0][0] ^ $keccakf_rndc[$round][0], + $st[0][1] ^ $keccakf_rndc[$round][1], + $st[0][2] ^ $keccakf_rndc[$round][2], + $st[0][3] ^ $keccakf_rndc[$round][3] + ]; + } + } + + private static function keccak32($in_raw, $capacity, $outputlength, $suffix, $raw_output) + { + $capacity /= 8; + + $inlen = self::ourStrlen($in_raw); + + $rsiz = 200 - 2 * $capacity; + $rsizw = $rsiz / 8; + + $st = []; + for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { + $st[] = [0, 0, 0, 0]; + } + + for ($in_t = 0; $inlen >= $rsiz; $inlen -= $rsiz, $in_t += $rsiz) { + for ($i = 0; $i < $rsizw; $i++) { + $t = unpack('v*', self::ourSubstr($in_raw, $i * 8 + $in_t, 8)); + + $st[$i] = [ + $st[$i][0] ^ $t[4], + $st[$i][1] ^ $t[3], + $st[$i][2] ^ $t[2], + $st[$i][3] ^ $t[1] + ]; + } + + self::keccakf32($st, self::KECCAK_ROUNDS); + } + + $temp = self::ourSubstr($in_raw, $in_t, $inlen); + $temp = str_pad($temp, $rsiz, "\x0", STR_PAD_RIGHT); + + $temp[$inlen] = chr($suffix); + $temp[$rsiz - 1] = chr((int) $temp[$rsiz - 1] | 0x80); + + for ($i = 0; $i < $rsizw; $i++) { + $t = unpack('v*', self::ourSubstr($temp, $i * 8, 8)); + + $st[$i] = [ + $st[$i][0] ^ $t[4], + $st[$i][1] ^ $t[3], + $st[$i][2] ^ $t[2], + $st[$i][3] ^ $t[1] + ]; + } + + self::keccakf32($st, self::KECCAK_ROUNDS); + + $out = ''; + for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { + $out .= $t = pack('v*', $st[$i][3],$st[$i][2], $st[$i][1], $st[$i][0]); + } + $r = self::ourSubstr($out, 0, $outputlength / 8); + + return $raw_output ? $r: bin2hex($r); + } + + // 0 = not run, 1 = 64 bit passed, 2 = 32 bit passed, 3 = failed + private static $test_state = 0; + private static function selfTest() + { + if(self::$test_state === 1 || self::$test_state === 2){ + return; + } + + if(self::$test_state === 3){ + throw new \Exception('Keccak previous self test failed!'); + } + + $in = ''; + $md = 'f71837502ba8e10837bdd8d365adb85591895602fc552b48b7390abd'; + if(self::keccak64($in, 224, 224, self::LFSR, false) === $md){ + self::$test_state = 1; + return; + } + + if(self::keccak32($in, 224, 224, self::LFSR, false) === $md){ + self::$test_state = 2; + return; + } + + self::$test_state = 3; + throw new \Exception('Keccak self test failed!'); + } + + private static function keccak($in_raw, $capacity, $outputlength, $suffix, $raw_output) + { + self::selfTest(); + + if(self::$test_state === 1) { + return self::keccak64($in_raw, $capacity, $outputlength, $suffix, $raw_output); + } + + return self::keccak32($in_raw, $capacity, $outputlength, $suffix, $raw_output); + } + + public static function hash($in, $mdlen, $raw_output = false) + { + if( ! in_array($mdlen, [224, 256, 384, 512], true)) { + throw new \Exception('Unsupported Keccak Hash output size.'); + } + + return self::keccak($in, $mdlen, $mdlen, self::LFSR, $raw_output); + } + + public static function shake($in, $security_level, $outlen, $raw_output = false) + { + if( ! in_array($security_level, [128, 256], true)) { + throw new \Exception('Unsupported Keccak Shake security level.'); + } + + return self::keccak($in, $security_level, $outlen, 0x1f, $raw_output); + } + + /** + * Multi-byte-safe string functions borrowed from https://github.com/sarciszewski/php-future + */ + + /** + * Multi-byte-safe string length calculation + * + * @param string $str + * @return int + */ + private static function ourStrlen($str) + { + // Premature optimization: cache the function_exists() result + static $exists = null; + if ($exists === null) { + $exists = \function_exists('\\mb_strlen'); + } + // If it exists, we need to make sure we're using 8bit mode + if ($exists) { + $length = \mb_strlen($str, '8bit'); + if ($length === false) { + throw new \Exception('mb_strlen() failed.'); + } + return $length; + } + + return \strlen($str); + } + + /** + * Multi-byte-safe substring calculation + * + * @param string $str + * @param int $start + * @param int $length (optional) + * @return string + */ + private static function ourSubstr($str, $start = 0, $length = null) + { + // Premature optimization: cache the function_exists() result + static $exists = null; + if ($exists === null) { + $exists = \function_exists('\\mb_substr'); + } + // If it exists, we need to make sure we're using 8bit mode + if ($exists) { + return \mb_substr($str, $start, $length, '8bit'); + } elseif ($length !== null) { + return \substr($str, $start, $length); + } + return \substr($str, $start); + } +} diff --git a/test/KeccakTest.php b/test/KeccakTest.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a589759 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/KeccakTest.php @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ + [ + ['','0eab42de4c3ceb9235fc91acffe746b29c29a8c366b7c60e4e67c466f36a4304c00fa9caf9d87976ba469bcbe06713b435f091ef2769fb160cdab33d3670680e'], + ['testing', '9558a7ba9ac74b33b347703ffe33f8d561d86d9fcad1cfd63225fb55dfea50a0953a0efafd6072377f4c396e806d5bda0294cba28762740d8446fee45a276e4a'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'd135bb84d0439dbac432247ee573a23ea7d3c9deb2a968eb31d47c4fb45f1ef4422d6c531b5b9bd6f449ebcc449ea94d0a8f05f62130fda612da53c79659f609'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.','ab7192d2b11f51c7dd744e7b3441febf397ca07bf812cceae122ca4ded6387889064f8db9230f173f6d1ab6e24b6e50f065b039f799f5592360a6558eb52d760'], + [hex2bin(self::SHORT), '4b39d3da5bcdf4d9b769015995644311c14c435bf72b1009d6dd71b01a63b97cfb596418e8e42342d117e07471a8914314ba7b0e264dadf0cea381868cbd43d1'], + [hex2bin(self::LONG), '81950e7096d31d4f22e3db71cac725bf59e81af54c7ca9e6aeee71c010fc5467466312a01aa5c137cfb140646941556796f612c9351268737c7e9a2b9631d1fa'] + ], + /** + * @see https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/keccak_384.html + */ + 384 => [ + ['', '2c23146a63a29acf99e73b88f8c24eaa7dc60aa771780ccc006afbfa8fe2479b2dd2b21362337441ac12b515911957ff'], + ['testing', '1020b1c91956efe79b89c387b54de4f7a9c187c3970552f9f48c0da176f6326b7aa694795d2c9adcf2bdd20aec605588'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', '283990fa9d5fb731d786c5bbee94ea4db4910f18c62c03d173fc0a5e494422e8a0b3da7574dae7fa0baf005e504063b3'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', '9ad8e17325408eddb6edee6147f13856ad819bb7532668b605a24a2d958f88bd5c169e56dc4b2f89ffd325f6006d820b'], + [hex2bin(self::SHORT), '18422ac1d3a1e54bad876883d2d6dd65f65c1d5f33a7125cc4c186405a12ed64ba96672eedda8c5a6331d28683f488eb'], + [hex2bin(self::LONG), '6bff1c8405a3fe594e360e3bccea1ebcd509310dc79b9e45c263783d7a5dd662c6789b18bd567dbdda1554f5bee6a860'], + [hex2bin('E35780EB9799AD4C77535D4DDB683CF33EF367715327CF4C4A58ED9CBDCDD486F669F80189D549A9364FA82A51A52654EC721BB3AAB95DCEB4A86A6AFA93826DB923517E928F33E3FBA850D45660EF83B9876ACCAFA2A9987A254B137C6E140A21691E1069413848'), '9fb5700502e01926824f46e9f61894f9487dbcf8ae6217203c85606f975566539376d6239db04aef9bf48ca4f191a90b'], + ], + /** + * @see https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/keccak_256.html + */ + 256 => [ + ['', 'c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'], + ['testing', '5f16f4c7f149ac4f9510d9cf8cf384038ad348b3bcdc01915f95de12df9d1b02'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', '4d741b6f1eb29cb2a9b9911c82f56fa8d73b04959d3d9d222895df6c0b28aa15'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', '578951e24efd62a3d63a86f7cd19aaa53c898fe287d2552133220370240b572d'], + [hex2bin(self::SHORT), '0e32defa2071f0b5ac0e6a108b842ed0f1d3249712f58ee0ddf956fe332a5f95'], + [hex2bin(self::LONG), '348fb774adc970a16b1105669442625e6adaa8257a89effdb5a802f161b862ea'], + [hex2bin('9F2FCC7C90DE090D6B87CD7E9718C1EA6CB21118FC2D5DE9F97E5DB6AC1E9C10'), '24dd2ee02482144f539f810d2caa8a7b75d0fa33657e47932122d273c3f6f6d1'], + ], + /** + * @see https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/keccak_224.html + */ + 224 => [ + ['', 'f71837502ba8e10837bdd8d365adb85591895602fc552b48b7390abd'], + ['testing', '7b77b0b01d9b669ec7637ae75fd2f0ce234c8c8c835723b6715f4b59'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', '310aee6b30c47350576ac2873fa89fd190cdc488442f3ef654cf23fe'], + ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'c59d4eaeac728671c635ff645014e2afa935bebffdb5fbd207ffdeab'], + [hex2bin(self::SHORT), '5679cd509c5120af54795cf477149641cf27b2ebb6a5f90340704e57'], + [hex2bin(self::LONG), '5af56987ea9cf11fcd0eac5ebc14b037365e9b1123e31cb2dfc7929a'], + ], + + ]; + + foreach($v as $bitsize => $vectors){ + foreach($vectors as $testcase){ + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::hash($testcase[0], $bitsize), $testcase[1]); + + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::hash($testcase[0], $bitsize, true), hex2bin($testcase[1])); + + $class = new \ReflectionClass(Keccak::class); + $p = $class->getProperty('test_state'); + $p->setAccessible(true); + + $p->setValue(1); + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::hash($testcase[0], $bitsize), $testcase[1]); + + $p->setValue(2); + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::hash($testcase[0], $bitsize), $testcase[1]); + } + } + } + + public function testShake() + { + $v = [ + 128 => [ + [256, '', '7f9c2ba4e88f827d616045507605853ed73b8093f6efbc88eb1a6eacfa66ef26'], + [256, hex2bin(self::SHORT), '3a0faca70c9d2b81d1064d429ea3b05ad27366f64985379ddd75bc73d6a83810'], + [256, hex2bin(self::LONG), '14236e75b9784df4f57935f945356cbe383fe513ed30286f91060759bcb0ef4b'], + [256, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'f4202e3c5852f9182a0430fd8144f0a74b95e7417ecae17db0f8cfeed0e3e66e'], + [256, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dof', '853f4538be0db9621a6cea659a06c1107b1f83f02b13d18297bd39d7411cf10c'], + ], + 256 => [ + [512, '', '46b9dd2b0ba88d13233b3feb743eeb243fcd52ea62b81b82b50c27646ed5762fd75dc4ddd8c0f200cb05019d67b592f6fc821c49479ab48640292eacb3b7c4be'], + [512, hex2bin(self::SHORT), '57119c4507f975ad0e9ea4f1166e5f9b590bf2671aaeb41d130d2c570bafc579b0b9ec485cc736a0a848bbc886cbaa79ffcd067ce64b3b410741ab011c544225'], + [512, hex2bin(self::LONG), '8a5199b4a7e133e264a86202720655894d48cff344a928cf8347f48379cef347dfc5bcffab99b27b1f89aa2735e23d30088ffa03b9edb02b9635470ab9f10389'], + ] + ]; + + foreach($v as $bitsize => $vectors){ + foreach($vectors as $testcase){ + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::shake($testcase[1], $bitsize, $testcase[0]), $testcase[2]); + + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::shake($testcase[1], $bitsize, $testcase[0], true), hex2bin($testcase[2])); + + $class = new \ReflectionClass(Keccak::class); + $p = $class->getProperty('test_state'); + $p->setAccessible(true); + + $p->setValue(1); + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::shake($testcase[1], $bitsize, $testcase[0]), $testcase[2]); + + $p->setValue(2); + $this->assertEquals(Keccak::shake($testcase[1], $bitsize, $testcase[0]), $testcase[2]); + } + } + } + + public function testSelfTestException() + { + //reset test_state + $class = new \ReflectionClass(Keccak::class); + $p = $class->getProperty('test_state'); + $p->setAccessible(true); + $p->setValue(0); + + + //break test + $p = $class->getProperty('keccakf_rotc'); + $p->setAccessible(true); + $p->setValue([2, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44]); + + + try { + Keccak::hash('',224); + } + catch (\Exception $e){ + $this->assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Keccak self test failed!'); + + $p = $class->getProperty('test_state'); + $p->setAccessible(true); + + $this->assertEquals($p->getValue(), 3); + + //correct test + $p->setValue([1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44]); + return; + } + + //correct test + $p->setValue([1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44]); + $this->assertTrue(false); + + } + + public function testSelfTestPreviousFailure() + { + //reset test_state + $class = new \ReflectionClass(Keccak::class); + $p = $class->getProperty('test_state'); + $p->setAccessible(true); + $p->setValue(3); + + $this->expectException('Exception'); + $this->expectExceptionMessage('Keccak previous self test failed!'); + Keccak::hash('',224); + } + + + public function testUnsupportedHashOutputSize() + { + $this->expectException('Exception'); + $this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported Keccak Hash output size.'); + Keccak::hash('',225); + } + + public function testUnsupportedShakeSecurityLevel() + { + $this->expectException('Exception'); + $this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported Keccak Shake security level.'); + Keccak::shake('',129, 256); + } +} \ No newline at end of file