- This scenario describes how to deploy the petstore service(https://petstore.swagger.io/v2) on a kubernetes cluster as a managed API while using JWT Generation in API Micro-gateway to send a customized JWT to the backend with user preferred claims.
Follow the main README and deploy the api-operator and configuration files. Make sure to set the analyticsEnabled to "true" and deploy analytics secret with credentials to analytics server and certificate, if you want to check analytics.
When you are passing a token to the backend or when you are generating a JWT, you can configure the header in which the JWT token will be passed to the backend. You can configure the name of the header in the apim-config in
. By default, the header is X-JWT-Assertion.#JWT header when forwarding the request to the backend jwtHeader: "X-JWT-Assertion"
You can customize the token generation from the configurations included in the apim-config in
without using a custom JWT generator, since a default JWT generator implementation is included.#JWT Generator configurations #Enable jwt generator enabledJwtGenerator: "true" #Dialect prefix that can be added to the claims jwtClaimDialect: "http://wso2.org/claims" #Signature algorithm used to sign the JWT token (only SHA256withRSA and NONE is supported) jwtSigningAlgorithm: "SHA256withRSA" #Certificate alias from the keystore jwtCertificateAlias: "ballerina" #Private key alias from the keystore jwtPrivateKeyAlias: "ballerina" #JWT token expiry time - ms (valid only if the jwt generator caching mechanism is disabled) jwtTokenExpiry: "900000" #Restricted claims as a list that should not be included in the backend JWT token jwtRestrictedClaims: | # claim1 (This is an example) #Token issuer standard claim jwtIssuer: "wso2.org/products/am" #Token audience standard claim as a list jwtAudience: | # http://org.wso2.apimgt/gateway (This is an example) #JWT token generator implementation jwtGeneratorImpl: "org.wso2.micro.gateway.jwt.generator.MGWJWTGeneratorImpl" #JWT Generator cache configurations #Enable jwt generator token caching jwtTokenCacheEnable: "true" #Token cache expiry time (ms) jwtTokenCacheExpiryTime: "900000" #Token cache capacity jwtTokenCacheCapacity: "10000" #Token cache eviction factor jwtTokenCacheEvictionFactor: "0.25"
The properties and the customizations of the generated JWT token can be configured and also the caching aspects of the generated JWT tokens can be configured.
Apply the changes
>> apictl apply -f <k8s-api-operator-home>/api-operator/controller-artifacts/controller_conf.yaml
Create API
>> apictl add api -n petstore-api --from-file=swagger.yaml --override Output: creating configmap with swagger definition configmap/petstore-api-swagger created creating API definition api.wso2.com/petstore-api created
Note: --override flag is used to you want to rebuild the API image even if it exists in the configured docker repository.
Get available API
>> apictl get apis Output: NAME INITIAL-REPLICAS MODE ENDPOINT AGE petstore-api 1 privateJet 2m33s
Get service details to invoke the API. (Please wait until the external-IP is populated in the corresponding service)
>> apictl get services Output: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE petstore-api LoadBalancer 9095:32202/TCP,9090:31588/TCP 36s
- You can see petstore service has been exposed as a managed API.
- Get the external IP of the managed API's service
Invoking the API
>> curl -X GET "https://<external IP of LB service>:9095/petstore/v1/pet/55" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" -k
- Once you execute the above command, it will call to the managed API (petstore-api), which then call its endpoint(https://petstore.swagger.io/v2). If the request is success, you would be able to see the response as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><Pet><category><id>55</id><name>string</name></category><id>55</id><name>SRC_TIME_SIZE</name><photoUrls><photoUrl>string</photoUrl></photoUrls><status>available</status><tags><tag><id>55</id><name>string</name></tag></tags></Pet>
- Once you execute the above command, it will call to the managed API (petstore-api), which then call its endpoint(https://petstore.swagger.io/v2). If the request is success, you would be able to see the response as below.
When you are invoking a resource with a JWT token, you will be able to obtain the generated backend JWT. You can obtain the generated backend JWT token by enabling the TRACE log level.
Delete the API
- Following command will delete all the artifacts created with this API including pods, deployment and services.
>> apictl delete api petstore-api Output: api.wso2.com "petstore-api" deleted
- Following command will delete all the artifacts created with this API including pods, deployment and services.
- Micro-gateway defines an AbstractMGWJWTGenerator abstract class to write a custom JWT generator class. The developers can extend this abstract class to implement their logic to generate the JWT. There are two abstract methods named populateStandardClaims and populateCustomClaims where you can write your logic to populate claims in the JWT. Furthermore, you have the capability to write your own logic overriding any of the current methods in the abstract class.
- After the JWT generator is written, that JWT generator project should be built and you can obtain a jar.
- In this scenario we have provided a .jar file generated like that.
- Then we need to Initialize a new API project and add the .jar files in libs folder.
You can provide the classpath of the custom JWT generator in the generatorImpl configuration in the apim-config in
.#JWT token generator implementation jwtGeneratorImpl: "sample.jwt.generator.SampleJWTGenerator"
Apply the changes
>> apictl apply -f <k8s-api-operator-home>/api-operator/controller-artifacts/controller_conf.yaml
Init the API project using CLI. This will Initialize a new API project in same directory.
>> apictl init petstore-int --oas=swagger.yaml Output: Initializing a new WSO2 API Manager project in k8s-api-operator-1.2.2/scenarios/scenario-22/petstore-int Project initialized
Copy the sample-jwt-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file in scenario-15 into the libs folder in petstore-int/libs path.
>> cp sample-jwt-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar petstore-int/libs/
Create API
>> apictl add api -n petstore-api --from-file=petstore-int --override Output: creating configmap with swagger definition configmap/petstore-api-1-swagger created creating configmap with java interceptor petstore-api-1-8081-jar-intcpt configmap/petstore-api-1-8081-jar-intcpt created creating API definition api.wso2.com/petstore-api created
Note: ***--override*** flag is used to you want to rebuild the API image even if it exists in the configured docker repository.
Get available API
>> apictl get apis Output: NAME INITIAL-REPLICAS MODE ENDPOINT AGE petstore-api 1 privateJet 2m30s
Get service details to invoke the API. (Please wait until the external-IP is populated in the corresponding service)
>> apictl get services Output: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE petstore-api LoadBalancer 9095:32342/TCP,9090:32676/TCP 48s
- You can see petstore service has been exposed as a managed API.
- Get the external IP of the managed API's service
Invoking the API
>> curl -X GET "https://<external IP of LB service>:9095/petstore/v1/pet/55" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" -k
Once you execute the above command, it will call to the managed API (petstore-api), which then call its endpoint(https://petstore.swagger.io/v2). If the request is success, you would be able to see the response as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><Pet><category><id>55</id><name>string</name></category><id>55</id><name>SRC_TIME_SIZE</name><photoUrls><photoUrl>string</photoUrl></photoUrls><status>available</status><tags><tag><id>55</id><name>string</name></tag></tags></Pet>
When you are invoking a resource with a JWT token, you will be able to obtain the generated backend JWT. You can obtain the generated backend JWT token by enabling the TRACE log level.
Delete the API
Following command will delete all the artifacts created with this API including pods, deployment and services.
>> apictl delete api petstore-api Output: api.wso2.com "petstore-api" deleted