- This scenario describes how to expose multiple APIs as single API gateway on a kubernetes cluster as a managed API.
Follow the main README and deploy the api-operator and configuration files. Make sure to set the analyticsEnabled to "true" and deploy analytics secret with credentials to analytics server and certificate, if you want to check analytics.
Navigate to scenarios/scenario-16 directory.
Prepared petstore swagger definitions
can be found within this directory. -
Base paths of the APIs are mentioned in the swagger files with the "x-wso2-basetpath" vendor extension.
Base path in
filex-wso2-basePath: /pet/{version}
Base path in
filex-wso2-basePath: /store/{version}
Init API projects using CLI. This will Initialize a new API project in same directory.
>> apictl init pets-int --oas=pets_swagger.yaml Output: Initializing a new WSO2 API Manager project in .../scenarios/scenario-16/pets-int Project initialized Open README file to learn more
>> apictl init stores-int --oas=stores_swagger.yaml Output: Initializing a new WSO2 API Manager project in .../scenarios/scenario-16/stores-int Project initialized Open README file to learn more
Create API
>> apictl add api -n petstore-multiple-api --from-file=pets-int --from-file=stores-int Output: Processing swagger 1: pets-int creating configmap with swagger definition configmap/petstore-multiple-api-1-swagger created Processing swagger 2: stores-int creating configmap with swagger definition configmap/petstore-multiple-api-2-swagger created creating API definition api.wso2.com/petstore-multiple-api created
Optional Parameters
--mode=privatejet Overrides the deploying mode. Available modes: privateJet, sidecar --version=2.0.0 Used for docker image versioning. Default value is v1.0.0 >> apictl add api -n petstore-multiple-api --from-file=pets-int --from-file=stores-int --mode=privatejet --version=2.0.0
Get available APIs
>> apictl get apis Output: NAME AGE petstore-multiple-api 57s
Get service details to invoke the API. (Please wait until the external-IP is populated in the corresponding service)
>> apictl get services Output: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE petstore-multiple-api LoadBalancer localhost 9095:30029/TCP,9090:32027/TCP 2m14s
- You can see petstore-multiple-api service has been exposed as a managed API.
- Get the external IP of the managed API's service
Invoking the API
Invoke Pets API
>> curl -X GET "https://<external IP of LB service>:9095/pet/v1/pet/1" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" -k
If the output message is "Pet not found" try with different pet id.
Invoke Stores API
>> curl -X GET "https://<external IP of LB service>:9095/store/v1/store/inventory" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" -k
{"incididunt":4,"tempor":6,"string":626,"pending":19,"adipiscing":6,"available":109,"do":6,"dolor":4,"freaky":2,"sed":4,"scary":1,"sit":10,"ut":8,"sold":8,"labore":2,"eiusmod":10,"magna":6,"et":4,"0":5,"dolore":6,"for sale":1,"Lorem":4,"amet":8,"ipsum":10,"elit":2,"consectetur":8}
Delete the API
Following command will delete all the artifacts created with this API including pods, deployment and services.
>> apictl delete api petstore-multiple-api Output: api.wso2.com "petstore-multiple-api" deleted