This example demonstrates a simple application that uses Updater.
- Create a directory to hold the local TUF role files. For example in
typemkdir repo
. - Create a staging directory where the Updater will place the validated files
that it downloads and validates.
mkdir staging
. - Set up Notary
- Clone a local copy of Notary
git clone ssh://[email protected]/docker/notary
- cd to the Notary project root.
- Start up a local Notary server and copy the config file and testing certificates to your local Notary directory.
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
$ mkdir -p ~/.notary && cp cmd/notary/config.json cmd/notary/root-ca.crt ~/.notary
- Add notary-server
to your/etc/hosts
- Create a Notary repository, using a descriptive GUN (Globally Unique Identifier)
$ notary init kolide/greeter/darwin
Notary will prompt you to create several passwords for the keys it produces. By convention the target name is of the form <version>/<file>
- Add a target to your new repository. The
flag will cause the added target to be published immediately.
$ notary add kolide/greeter/darwin latest/target myfile.tgz -p
- Upload the files you added to notary to the mirror. In a production environment this would be something like a public s3 bucket or static file server.
In this example, you just have to add it to the
folder. The example will server the path on port 8888.
├── filerepo
│ └── kolide
│ └── greeter
│ └── darwin
│ └── latest
│ └── target
Important! Do not modify the target file in any way before uploading it to the mirror. Updater expects to find targets hosted on the mirror at a URL of the form
- Create your local repository. cd to the
directory you defined in step 1 and run the following curl commands to get the necessary files from Notary.
Using the provided script:
go run main.go -bootstrap
or manually with curl:
$ curl -k https://notary-server:4443/v2/kolide/greeter/darwin/_trust/tuf/root.json > root.json
$ curl -k https://notary-server:4443/v2/kolide/greeter/darwin/_trust/tuf/snapshot.json > snapshot.json
$ curl -k https://notary-server:4443/v2/kolide/greeter/darwin/_trust/tuf/timestamp.json > timestamp.json
$ curl -k https://notary-server:4443/v2/kolide/greeter/darwin/_trust/tuf/targets.json > targets.json
- Define your settings in the example program.
settings := updater.Settings{
LocalRepoPath: filepath.Join(baseDir, "repo"),
NotaryURL: "https://notary-server:4443",
StagingPath: filepath.Join(baseDir, "staging"),
GUN: "kolide/greeter/darwin",
TargetName: "latest/target",
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
MirrorURL: "",
- Run it! Note in this example the repo and staging directory are located relative to the current working directory.
$ go run main.go
- If you want to see the example program handle an update add another target. The easy way to do this is just re-add the file in Step 5. Even though you are adding the same file, Notary will detect the the timestamp has changed and trigger and update.
Usage of ./example:
-base-directory string
the directory where all the things are (default "./")
set up local repository for the GUN from the local notary-server
-filerepo string
path to file repo which will serve static assets (default "filerepo")
-gun string
the globally unique identifier (default "kolide/greeter/darwin")
-server-certificates string
path to folder with server certs. must be named cert.pem and key.pem respectively (default "../../test/server")