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njlbenn edited this page Aug 12, 2010 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the ocml wiki!


  • Installing OCML
  • Starting OCML

Installing OCML

Assuming you already have Git installed on your machine, open a command console and run the following command:

git clone git://

That should get you a directory called ‘ocml’, containing the latest version. To keep up to
date, you need to run the following command from inside the ocml directory created by the “git clone” command:

git pull

Starting OCML

The following instructions have been tested with SBCL. In addition to SBCL, OCML also runs under Lispworks and Allegro.

The following instructions assume that ASDF is available. Step 3. below could differ depending on how your LISP implementation relates to ASDF.

1. Start SBCL. E.g. in a command line console, type:


2. Add the path to the directory containing OCML (the directory created by the git clone command that you run for installating OCML), to asdf:central-registry. Assuming this directory is /path/to/ocml/, type in SBCL:

(push "/path/to/ocml/" asdf:*central-registry*)

3. Load OCML.

(require :ocml)

Alternatively, if you use a LISP which doesn’t integrate ASDF with require, load OCML as follows:

(asdf:operate ’asdf:load-op :ocml)

3. Initialise OCML.

This may be done in two ways:

3a. Switch to the ocml package:

(in-package :ocml)

and initialise OCML:


3b. In one go:


The result should look like:

Initializing OCML 
; follows a series of comments which you can ignore as long as the last line is:

At this point, OCML has started and you can interact at the SBCL prompt.

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